Identifying the individual FIT officers involved in the incident which led to the death of Ian Tomlinson isn’t easy. We know several FIT officers were present from the blue tabards on their jackets, but telling them apart is another matter – they have helmets hiding their faces, and their numbers are not prominent.
However, due to independent identification from a number of seasoned Fitwatchers, we now believe we can reveal the identity of two of them:
Steve Discombe – CO 2558 – a full time public order officer from New Scotland Yard.
Alan Palfrey – EK 127 – a part time FIT copper from Camden.
Obviously,under the circumstances, there is immense difficulty in correctly identifying these officers. However, from what we know at the moment, it seems likely these two were involved.
It is regrettable that it falls to us to attempt to identify these officers. A truly accountable police force would have expected these officers both to publicly identify themselves, and to give an open and honest account of their actions.
These two FIT officers are well known to FITwatchers, having perpetrated some particularly unpleasant, aggressive and violent policing over the years. They have been involved in climate camp policing over the last two years, and have policed the G8 as well as anti-war protests both in London and beyond.
For those who are not familiar with public order operations, police officers from CO11, like Discombe, have a major role in directing public order strategy both behind the scenes and on the ground. In this case, they may well have been directing the group of TSG officers responsible for the assault on Ian Tomlinson.
Should this be true, the FIT officers named above should share a large chunk of the responsibility for Tomlinson's death. It is easy to blame the foot soldier, but it is the general we really want to see in the dock.
I'vew only just seen this post. Most of today I've been working through all the film and photos of the Royal Exchange Building assault on Ian Tomlinson to try and identify what police officers were where.
I have identified a minimum of 18 who were in the direct vicinity of the assault on Ian Tomlinson, including at least 5 FIT-outfitted officers.
The officer identified in my pictures as F1 would appear to be your Alan Palfrey EK127 judging by his facial hair.
I hope that this may be of some use to you, and to others, as we collectively work to bring some semblance of justice to the Tomlinson family, and to everyone else assaulted by police that day, and every day before, and every day since.
Sorry, I forgot the link (my eyes feel like they're bleeding after staring at cop pictures all day).
It is really difficult to identify individuals behind visors and masks, so we cannot be 100% sure that we have got this correct. But what we do have is at least enough for a reasonable working assumption, which will hopefully prompt further information to come to light. If anyone thinks they may be able to help with the identification of the FIT officers, pictures of FIT (many with visible ID numbers) are at
and elsewhere on the blog.
As ever, we'd be grateful for any info that people may have about FIT officers, and confidentiality is guaranteed.
I have a picture of pc palfrey EK127 from earlier in the day wearing a plain yellow jacket not the usual FIT one with the blue area maybe this should be considered? Did he change his jacket at sometime in the day or even wear another officers?
Any chance the above poster could send us that pic?
picture on it's way to you at the defy at yahoo. any intrest in my other posts concerning the baseball caps?
please make use of my flickr pics in any way you like.
re the picture i just sent you could that also be Discombe to the left of palfrey also wearing a plain yellow jacket?
Is there any doubt now? Great stuff Bristle and Fitwatch for getting pro-active lets make sure these bastards are brought to justice!
@Netcu Watch
That's not Steve.
^ I think you maybe right about that I've been looking at some other pictures and it looks more like another FIT officer who I can't ID just yet still working on that.
Do any of these unsavoury bullies have email addresses?
This picture might be useful, seems like a whole FIT riot squad!
that's the lewisham lot.
if i'm not mistaken some of them were out on the tamil demo on saturday.
good spot on the flickr Anon! been thinking one of the FIT in there was the guy id'd as Dicombe now i can see a number.
Have a look at this video and see if you can see anything useful. I think this must be immediatley prior to the assault.
"Keep em peeled" ITSAFITUP
Another shout out for help and assitance here.
This video acompanies this article on indymedia plenty of FIT to name and shame here!
Expose them all for what they are!
The FIT in that Indymedia article are BS68 and CW212?, see pic.
Met emails seem to go
I'll try out some variations and see if they bounce. Not sure how many of these turds in hats are technically met officers.
Well, this is interesting. I tried
all AT
stephen bounced as undeliverable. It looks like the other two work. Why not email these fine public servants (and any of their colleagues who may have been present) and encourage them to step forward and assist the IPCC? Perhaps they're dithering and need a little encouragement from the public.
Dear Polly
You may find this link of interest
It's CW212? - there's definitely a fourth number - see, for comparison, CW3055.
Yeah, that's why I put the question mark. They were working as a pair, so one would lead to the other, especially given the partial ID.
It would be nice to have a phone number to text pictures to as well as an email, so that if you take a photo on your camera phone you can sent it to FITWatch before being arrested/having the camera taken by police etc.
Thanks anon - that's a really good idea - will sort one out.
"This picture might be useful, seems like a whole FIT riot squad!"
More like a FAT riot squad! I thought the TSG were all supposed to have the higher level of fitness than other cops.
Also, they seem to be led by the wicked witch of the North!
Doesn't that Alan Palfrey just look like such an officious little Nazi?
me on my hols
The officer, from the Met's Territorial Support Group, has been suspended from duty and signed off sick after apparently suffering a panic attack when the story and footage emerged
A panic attack. Poor little plod!
Oh the irony of you so publicly trying to identify officers when yourselves hiding behind the anonymity of a blog. Diddums
hey IRON(Y) man.
diddledoodums yourlessthanfluentself. The violent thug police to be disclosed are in the pay of the public but in the thuggish service of the state. They Must be ID'd and dealt with appropriately.
If this saddens or alarms you, good.
Hmm, I take it English isn't your first language? And actually the police are the servants of the crown not the state or the public, you really should get the basics right before you spout out your drivel. Diddums.
So the Queen's responsible for the pisspoor behaviour of the police.
Ah-ha.Diddlydumbos... So the constabulary are the paramilitary armed wing of the Saxe-Coburg Gotha parasites. Talk about first language being English..Jawohl.. Makes sense.
Heh Heh.
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