Tuesday, September 4, 2012

1st Day of Pre-school

Our little girl is growing up faster than our liking! we are so proud of her and all she accomplishes each day. She was excited to start school, last night she picked out her outfit, shoes, underwear etc... placed them on the couch. Got her pack pack (backpack) and put her snack in it, hung it on the garage door. When we pulled up to her school she was quick to get out and head to class. I had to remind her to say bye to daddy and sister. She paused long enough for dad to snap a quick picture and she was off!
Once we dropped Ny off  and were driving home...Anasytn asked "where my Nyah at? I neber going to see her again?" Oh it was heart wrenching, poor girl is lost without her buddy!
But daddy kept her busy puzzling while sister was at school!

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