Monday, November 1, 2010

October Came and Went

Here's just a few of the milestones and memories October 2010 gave us.

Isaac celebrated his seventh month birthday. He is just as chunky and lovable as ever. He's even started to show that he too inherited a stubborn and feisty disposition just like his big sister!
Therapy is going well. We've moved on to monthly visits instead of weekly and biweekly visits and the collar that they fitted him for has worked wonders in helping with his torticollis.

Mr. Giovannoni celebrated his 31st birthday.
We partied it up by going to the Jazz game with only one of our three children. Thanks Cozy for watching the other two and letting them spend the night.

For the first time since the Giovannoni's became a family we all dressed up for Halloween.
We did a Wizard of the Oz theme. It was more fun than I like to admit, I just wish I would have started making the costumes a little sooner.

The Scarecrow


The Lion
The Witch and the Yellow Brick road complete the theme.
Nine years ago on Halloween night Mr. Giovannoni got down on one knee and asked me to be his wife. It's hard to believe we've spent 10 years of our lives together. I never imagined our life 9 years out, on that night he asked me to be his wife, but I'm glad we are where we are and I'm thankful for the lessons, the love and the trials along the way. It's been my grandest adventure!


Sunflower-6 said...

You did such an INCREDIBLE job on the costumes!! You all look great!!
And a Happy Birthday to the Mr.

Lindsey said...

Great job with the costumes! I love the "yellow brick road"-that is awesome.

A4GPA said...

Great Post. Happy belated birthday to the Mr. G. I'm looking forward to the photo shoot of your products...

The Three Vree's said...

I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THE COSTUMES! Great idea.. Great job making the ones you did! Beautiful family!

ShAuNa said...

Awesome costumes! You guys look great! The yellow brick road..that is so funny!