“A new age of "Spiritual Uplift" has begun on our planet. There are now literally billions of Celestial beings here, all of whom have been especially trained to assist with changing the course of this planet. Many more of these delightful Spirit Guardians are now ready to assist whoever will ask for their help. As a tribute to the centuries-long tenure of the original 1,111 Celestial Helpers, they have retained the customary 11:11 prompts. We are told that well over a million folks are being given these 11:11 prompts, and a glance around the web will tell you something big is happening. Welcome to being an 11'er. “-www.1111spiritguardians.com
“Numerologists believe that events linked to the time 11:11 appear more often than chance or coincidence. [1] This belief is related to the concept of synchronicity. [2] Other authors believe it is an auspicious sign, [3] and others that it signals a spirit presence.” - Wikepedia
All right, I’m trying to make sense out this crap. And it sucks. Btw, it makes me laugh...crap!