Anyway, in this he plays a guy who's co-leads a stick-up gang back in the wild west days and then he gets killed by the other members and pops out of the grave a year later to get revenge. Mickey Rourke plays a bloaty version of the devil. His head looks very puffy.
Starts with a great opening scene where the gang raid a fort to release the ginger fella from Weird Science who's about to be hung, then slides down the greasy pole of disappointment to splash-land in the puddle of boring at the bottom.
Heh, heh, heh... "Bottom".
That'll do. I'm off to play GTA V. First time I've played a game of that type since I've owned a car, so I've founf myself carefully reversing into parking spaces. You might be about to rob a bank, but there's no excuse for poor road craft! Also, good to see that Rockstar remembered to make the games fun again. The last one was total fuckin' ballsack.
Might actually expand on this blog next year to include games, books and such like. Dunno. Depends if we can be arsed.