Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Jon survived and Adam is in love

After leaving Sam's Club last night, Jon decided to get himself out of the seat in the cart. I turned around for a second, just to turn back and see Jon stand in the seat, flip over the bar, and land on his head in the parking lot. He is running around today like nothing ever happened and the only proof of injury is a small abrasion the size of a quarter on the top of his head. Sometimes, I wonder if I will survive this kid.

Potty training is going great, but I think that I've been outsmarted. The only thing that would motivate Jon to use the potty was to let him use Daddy's iTouch. Now he tries to go to the bathroom about every 15 minutes.

Now about Adam. I picked up Adam from Kindergarten today, and he pointed to a little blonde girl and said, "She's going to be the next member of the Ferrin family. Her name is Ally and she's the only girl that I want to marry." On our drive to WalMart he added the following, "Do you think this is true love?" While at WalMart, he tried to convince me to let him buy a giant stuffed bear for his new true love. Oh, dear.

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