Sunday, March 21, 2010

Book Giveaway

One of Eric's BYU roommates is publishing his first book. It is set to come out this June and is titled "The Road Show." He is sponsoring a giveaway at the link below, if you are interested in winning a signed copy.

Braden Bell Book Bonus :) (I couldn't help myself)

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Jon survived and Adam is in love

After leaving Sam's Club last night, Jon decided to get himself out of the seat in the cart. I turned around for a second, just to turn back and see Jon stand in the seat, flip over the bar, and land on his head in the parking lot. He is running around today like nothing ever happened and the only proof of injury is a small abrasion the size of a quarter on the top of his head. Sometimes, I wonder if I will survive this kid.

Potty training is going great, but I think that I've been outsmarted. The only thing that would motivate Jon to use the potty was to let him use Daddy's iTouch. Now he tries to go to the bathroom about every 15 minutes.

Now about Adam. I picked up Adam from Kindergarten today, and he pointed to a little blonde girl and said, "She's going to be the next member of the Ferrin family. Her name is Ally and she's the only girl that I want to marry." On our drive to WalMart he added the following, "Do you think this is true love?" While at WalMart, he tried to convince me to let him buy a giant stuffed bear for his new true love. Oh, dear.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Light at the end of the tunnel, or diaper math

Today was the first sign that maybe I am at the end of 11 1/2 long years of diaper changing. Jon actually instigated a trip to the potty which ended positively. I figure that during the last 11 1/2 years I have changed close to 25,000 diapers. I do not regret leaving this stage of existence at all.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Pirate Island and Shopping with Emma

Last night we decided to take the children to a new restaurant in Provo called Pirate Island. It's a themed restaurant and it was so much fun. The kids had a blast with the costumed waiters and all of the interactive decorations. The pizza was really good too!

Emma and I went shopping afterwards to spend her Old Navy gift card. We then went and got her hair cut. She was excited to find an outfit that matches her new earrings. Yes, she got her ears pierced last Saturday.

Trip to Phoenix - New Year's Eve

We had a great trip to Arizona and only wish that we all lived closer so that these visits didn't have to be so far apart. Thanks to Grandma Willyerd for feeding us and letting us hang around. The only sad part of the whole day was missing out on the New Year's Eve parties because we had to get enough sleep for the grueling drive home the next day.

OK, I had to include this picture of the older cousins "playing dress up."

Jon-Jon Mini Golfing

Enough said...

Trip to Phoenix - New Year's Eve morning

New's Years Day was a blast. We first took the children to the Fiesta Mall where we found a Waldenbook store that was going out of business. The children were all allowed to pick a book. Eric found a huge book of Peanuts' history and cartoons. We played at the playland for a while before off to our next destination...

I couldn't believe what I saw when we pulled up to Golfland. Snow??? It turns out that they had a snow party where they sprayed machine made snow all over the golf course and this is what was left.

Jon was having problems with his pants.

Finally, what trip to Arizona would be complete without a trip to the pool. I was amazed that we were swimming outside on New Year's Eve.


Trip to Phoenix - Wednesday

On Wednesday, we spent a good part of the day at Grandma Willyerd's house visiting. Braden got invited to go on a shooting trip with some of the older cousins, which made his day. The other children really enjoyed playing at Grandma's house, especially bumper pool.

Trip to Phoenix - Tuesday Night

I decided that we really needed to take the children back to the Mesa Temple to see the Christmas lights display. It was really lovely. We heard a children's choir singing "Star Bright", one of my family's traditional Christmas carols.

Christmas Break - Trip to Phoenix

We had decided that it was past time to visit Grandma Willyerd in Arizona, so several months ago we planned a trip to Phoenix for Christmas Break. We then found out that Eric's uncle was getting married that same week, so we got the added bonus of seeing many member of the Willyerd clan that we wouldn't have seen otherwise. We left Monday morning at 6 AM with a frigid temperature of 6 degrees and arrived in Mesa at 5 PM to a temperature of 65 degrees. We stayed at the Residence Inn in Mesa, in a delightful two bedroom suite. Tuesday morning, we dressed and took the family to the Mesa Temple. We had decided ahead of time that Eric would attend the wedding ceremony and that I would stay on the grounds with the children.

Christmas morning

I've included a couple of pictures from Christmas morning. We had a great time and noticed that the kids really thought carefully about what gifts they gave to their buddies this year. It was a wonderful morning, followed up by a wonderful Christmas dinner with the whole Ferrin family in Lehi.

Braden's Orchestra Concert

A couple of years ago, we came into possession of a couple of violins. Braden really wanted to play them, but I told him that he would have to wait until 6th grade when he could take orchestra at the school. So this year began our orchestra experience. We learned a few things along the way, the first being that not all violins are created equal. The violin that we had was actually a VSO (violin shaped object) so we went and invested in a higher quality instrument. In spite of everything, Braden is really enjoying orchestra and wants to continue to study next year.

Davis Family Christmas Party

The Davis Family Christmas Party was held in Pocatello at Randy's Extreme Gymnastics. The kids had a great time on the inflatables, trampolines, but especially in the foam pit. It's a pit with a trampoline in the bottom and then filled with foam cubes. Next to the pit is a ledge that the kids can jump off of and into the pit. A good time was had by all.

Holiday Events

I'm trying to muster the motivation to update this blog. I think that I would like it better if it didn't take so long to update pictures. So here I go....

These are pictures from Emma's 4th grade concert and the Art City Choir Concert. The 4th grade concert is held in the University Mall in Orem. All of the 4th graders come and sing for the public for an hour. In the past, the kids have learned an hour's worth of music, but this year they learned 30 minutes of music and performed it twice. They looked exhausted by the time it was done. A week later, Emma (in the red dress) sang with the Art City Choir.