Showing posts with label Man Skin Care. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Man Skin Care. Show all posts

Skincare DOs and DONTS for Spring/Summer 2012

Caring for your skin is a year long process, but even more so during the summer and winter months where the weather is harsher on the skin. Summer is when the skin tends to produce a whole lot more of oil. Hence, daily cleansing, weekly exfoliation and a few other skin cares are important rituals during this season.

Practice the habit of cleansing every day in summer to avoid oil from accumulating and solidifying on your skin. Clogged pores can cause some nasty consequences. However, avoid using any deodorant soap on your face. These soaps may contain harsh ingredients that your skin may be sensitive to. L'Oreal Men Expert Hydra Sensitive Cleansing Foaming Cream is the perfect choice for sensitive skin. It gently cleanses and helps reinforce the skin's natural resilience that will leave your skin feeling soft, smooth and perfectly cleansed. $14.90 from Amazon.

Exfoliating sloughs off dead skin hence do it at places where your razor doesn't reach. However, exfoliation should not happen on a daily basis. Your skin needs recovery time in-between exfoliations. Pay attention to the cleansers you use because some cleansers also act as mild exfoliates.
Another important point in skin care during this hot season is to not over-shave. Shaving produces micro-cuts and shaving everyday will cause your skin to work overtime as it combats repairing itself and protecting itself against harmful UV rays. Summer is all about being outside and overstressing your skin can wreak havoc. Fusion ProGlide Clear Shave Gel by Gillette is the perfect product for a more precise shaving experience. The transparent and non-foaming shave gel gives you a clear view of the hair you are shaving and the gel contains lubricants for incredible shaving comfort. $8.98 from Amazon.
Excessive sun exposure is unhealthy to the skin. Overexposure can develop serious skin diseases. Remember to constantly use sunscreen for your skin and reapply them whenever you are sweating or in water. Ultra Defense Sunscreen from Banana Boat contains Vitamin E while offering advanced protection without drying out the skin.
Don't forget to care for your lips too! Winter is not the only season that can be tough on your lips. NIVEA for Men Replenishing Lip Balm is specially engineered to provide long lasting protection without leaving a visible residue. This SPF 4 lip balm is enriched with Vitamin E, fragrance-free and helps protect against the sun and wind. You can get this must have item from Amazon at $17.49.
Caring for your skin is just as important for men as they are for women. Be smart about your skin and you'll have the promise of good and healthy skin all year long.

Men Skincare: 10 Effective Tips to Cure Acne

The skin is the largest organ on the body and unlike your wardrobe, you cannot change the skin you wear every day. One of the main functions of the skin is to eliminate some of the body’s waste products and when toxins escape into the skin, they can cause problems such as acne. Here we offer to you some tips for your fight against acne:

  1. As acne is basically a skin condition connected with the oil glands, you should try to keep your skin clean. By keeping your skin clean, it helps to reduce the bacteria count.

  2. Be careful not to over cleanse your face or it might result to your skin being too dry.

  3. Use plain soap and water to cleanse your skin no more than 3 times a day. If you have very oily skin, you may wash it more than several times a day.

  4. Avoid using moisturizers and creams on oily skin as they can give you a greasy feel and look. Use oil-free products instead.

  5. Vigorous scrubbing is not good for the skin. Avoid using anything rough when scrubbing at your skin if you have acne. It may worsen breakouts.

  6. Shave lightly over acne-affected areas and try not to nick the pimples. Avoid shaving when your skin is inflamed and applying acne medications instead of aftershave later can help control breakouts.

  7. Exfoliate your skin gently once or twice a week. Exfoliating you skin helps to get rid of dead cells and this can help bring healthy skin to the surface faster. However, be careful as over exfoliating can cause more acne breakouts.

  8. Do not over apply acne medications. Over usage can lead to side effects that will only worsen your skin condition.

  9. Seek the consultation of a dermatologist if unsure of the treatment products.

  10. Last but not least, consistency. Acne does not heal overnight so patience is very much needed.

Remember that by just cleansing your skin, you will not get rid of acne. A combination of eating wisely and the right treatment is the best way to combat this irritable problem.

Men Winter Grooming YES and NO

There is a misconception among man - an idea that is so wrongly construed that it is actually one of the greatest fallacies, well at least to me. We are referring to the term “metrosexual”. When you say metrosexual, it sort of instigates the question of a person’s sexuality. That has in turn created a stigma that a man can’t be into a lifestyle where he takes good care of himself without being coined a metrosexual. So, let us make it straight once and for all men, grooming is something that you owe to your body. So here’s some basic do’s and dont’s of grooming, especially when winter comes around.

The DO’s

1. Do moisturize

With winter comes dry skin, so it’s important to quench your skin’s thirst with a good moisturizer. An important tip though when you choose your moisturizer is to steer clear of the ones with alcohol as alcohol strip skin’s natural oils.

2. Sunscreen, sunscreen, sunscreen

You might think, it’s the winter season. What are the chances of me being exposed to sunrays? On the contrary, winter sun is even more concentrated once they reflect off white snow. So slap on a layer of sunscreen with full spectrum UVA/UVB protection before you leave the house.

3. Do drink lots of water

Did you know that we tend to not feel thirst in cold weather hence the body doesn’t send out an urge for you to drink water? Your skin might feel the effects of this, even more so during winter when it’s dry. But, fact is it can be fatal when you’ve reached the point of dehydration.

4. Do wear a hat

By that, we mean do provide some sort of warmth for your head region. It is a little known fact that the head is a primary point of heat loss. Whether it is a hooded jacket or your pick of winter headgear, make sure that your head is well-protected from the harsh elements.

5. Do hit the gym

With the holiday season upon us, it is the time of the year for family gatherings, delectable feasts, and just basically fond memories in front of a roaring fire. A gym is the last thing on anyone’s mind. But that is where you are wrong. Exercising facilitates blood circulation and keeps that glow in your face when everyone else’s is literally looking grey from the cold.


1. Don’t overdo alcohol

Alcohol is one of the many methods used to keep warm during those bitterly cold days. But does it really have that effect? According to the Swiss Institute for the Prevention of Alcohol and Drug Problems, the answer is a big fat no. So, try not to take the term “drink and be merry” too literally.

2. Don’t overeat

We know it is hard to resist that sumptuous Christmas meal spread in front of you. And with all the office parties and New Years gatherings, you’ll be eating your way through the winter season. Let’s try to keep the fatty food and sinful desserts at a bare minimum shall we. Maybe when you find out that these foods have a detrimental effect on your skin it would be easier to say no.

3. Don’t lick lips

Next time when you’re out on the street during cold weather, try to fight the instinct of licking your chapped lips. Instead, always carry around a lip balm and whip it out whenever necessary. Pay no heed to those buddies who are giving you hell for using a “women’s product”.

4. Don’t go caveman

Yes, the tousled up, out of bed, devil may care hairdo is dominating the runways. But don’t, never overboard and throw your shaving routine out the window even if the facial hair helps in keeping your face warm in winter draft. We don’t want to end up looking like Chewbacca from Star Wars do we?

5. Don’t take hot baths/showers

When you are stuck outdoors during frigid weather, does the thought of a steaming, hot shower entice you? Fact is, the steam from a hot shower causes more damage to the skin than good. It enlarges the pores and thus allowing locked moisture inside the skin to escape. Opt for lukewarm water instead to lessen the aggravation on dry skin during winter.

Men Skin Care Tips for Fall

With new products launch everyday, it is no doubt that you can easy to get confused about what products suit you best. We from Man Fashion have think these men skin care tips that can serve you well, let try out these for one month to see the results.


Exfoliation is scrubbing off the top layer of dead cells from your skin to reveal a healthy-looking glow. Men have bigger pores and hairier skin than women, meaning they collect more dirt, so it's important to exfoliate your back, chest and face regularly with products made especially just for us, men rather than lady products.

Rule of thumb: you should exfoliate at least once and not more than three times a week. Doing it every day could prove too harsh for your skin.

What to do

1. Wet your skin then massage a blob of exfoliating cleanser such with face scrub function into your face. For a more effective scrub, use a sponge or exfoliating gloves to massage the cleanser into your face.

2. Rinse your face with cold water and pat dry with a towel.

3. In the bath or shower, massage a body scrub into your chest and back. A loofah will help you get to those hard-to-reach places.

4. Get out of the bath or shower and pat yourself dry.

5. Then moisturise.


Moisturising is an inexpensive way to look younger instantly. And using one that contains SPF is one of the best things you can do to prevent further premature ageing. You can moisturise your whole body, but the bits that are exposed to the elements probably need it most often.

Clean your face

Every few weeks, put aside 10 minutes to really clean your face. A deep cleanse gets rid of all the oil and dirt that's been lurking deep in your pores since the last time you played a game of rugby or changed a wheel. It also reduces oil build-up and improves your skin's tone and texture.

What to do

1. Wash your face carefully with a cleanser. Make sure you massage it into your whole face, your neck and behind your ears, then rinse thoroughly.

2. Apply a face mask – to damp skin, avoiding the delicate eye area. Leave it on for as long as the pack tells you. Try relaxing in front of the TV while it works then rinse off and dry your face.

3. You can now apply an anti-ageing serum as it contain anti-ageing ingredients that reduce further damage and boost the skin's elasticity.

4. Finish off with a moisturiser. One of the best ways to prevent premature ageing is to use sunscreen so check your moisturiser contains SPF.