NOSEY: Greetings, cybernuts! This is
I.B. Nosey, your official unofficial reporter. Today I’m coming to you from— *gasps*
I hear something. What can it be?
*Sound of pounding hooves. Creature who
is half-man in front and the rear end is…um, the rear end of not a man…
gallops up to Nosey*
CREATURE: *glares* And you, a
long-nosed, microphone-clutching, bargain basement blazered specimen are not classified -as
the writer has just labeled me- a
NOSEY: Uhhh….
CREATURE: My name is
NOSEY: *scratches head* How d’ya
pronounce that, pal?
CREATURE: I just did.
*Loud claps of thunder jolts the ground.
Nosey shrieks* Holy Chicken Little! I gotta take cover! Is there a shelter
nearby? Quick! Quick! Anything’ll do… a shed, a groundhog hole, a convertible
with a gorgeous blonde driver.
CREATURE: *raises brows* Convertible?
NOSEY: Oh. Heh heh. Then again,
maybe not.
CREATURE: What you can do
is to… *extends hand* climb aboard.
NOSEY: Uhh… If you think this
Pukelitzer Award winning reporter is gonna ride bareback on a… *gestures* bare
back, I gotta tell ya ‘no way’. Yeah, see. I got my trusty atomic-battery
microphone to lead the way to— *lightning sizzles, frying Nosey’s nose hair.
He screams* On second thought— *he leaps atop creature-man* Giddyup!
CREATURE: *races at breakneck speed
through miles and miles and miles and miles and miles of mountains, valleys,
lakes and rivers and— nah, he only trots a couple of feet and comes to
screeching halt. Nosey lands -- on his head -- with a loud hollow bong*
CREATURE: Enter the cave
at your peril. *nods at foreboding entrance*
NOSEY: Cave? *sprints to feet and
brushes down sides of tweedy-weedy blazer* Ha. This official
unofficial reporter doesn’t conduct interviews in dark, damp, musty, filthy,
and spidery— *chunks of hail plummet from sky* Aack! *Nosey streaks
inside cave* Greetings, new little spider friends! This is I.B. Nosey, your
official unofficial—
WOMAN: Stop right there! *raises
arm and Nosey runs --smack!-- and lands flat on the floor* What’s
wrong with you, Nosey? Can’t you stand upright in this interview?
NOSEY: What fun would that be? *leaps
nimbly to feet… [he’s had lots of practice, you know]* And, remember, I am
a professional.
CREATURE: A professional what?
WOMAN: *stares at Creature* Who are you?
CREATURE: Why does the
writer continue to call me ‘Creature’? My name is Bcoaretypqh.
WOMAN: How do you pronounce that?
NOSEY: I already asked him. *scowls*
Lady, don’t repeat my lines.
WOMAN: *blinks* Sorry, but I
wasn’t present when you asked the first time.
NOSEY: Yeah, but—
WOMAN: Anyway. *takes Nosey’s arm
and drags him to interior chamber* So glad you’re punctual, Nosey.
NOSEY: What’re ya talking about? Of
course I’m punchable— er, um, I mean… *tugs at collar*
WOMAN: Hm. *gestures at
surroundings* What do you think of my little abode?
NOSEY: I dunno. *gazes around*
It’s kinda spooky.
WOMAN: Wanna go back into the storm?
NOSEY: *brightens* Actually,
you’ve made it pretty cozy. Yeah, with those wall torches stretching the deep,
dark shadows and… *swallows* and squeaky bats hanging off the ceiling. *nervous
chuckle* It gives a real meaning to the term ‘atmosphere’.
WOMAN: Yes, I am clever, aren’t I?
NOSEY: Uhhh… but if it’s all the same
to you…
WOMAN: Nosey, listen here. *drags
him down length of dimmed tunnel* What kind of reporter are you, anyway?
You’ve not introduced me to your listening audience. I’m tired of being written
as ‘woman’.
CREATURE: And what about me? I'm not treated with respect by this idiot either.
NOSEY: What idiot? *spins around to
search behind him*
WOMAN: *glances over shoulder at
Creature* Who are you? And why are you in my interview?
CREATURE: *throws up palms* I give up.
NOSEY: Heh heh. I’m sure there’s a
reason he’s present, Miss, um, Miss…?
MH: Melanie Hatfield. *grins* There!
I finally get to announce who I am.
NOSEY: Hatfield? *jumps away*
Holy hillbilly hoedown. You hiding in here ‘cause of the feud between you and
the McCoys?
MH: *giggles* Not those
Hatfields, Nosey.
NOSEY: *breathes sigh of relief* Goodie. Should
be a pretty safe interview. *mutters* Maybe my very first one.
MH: *clicks tongue* You think?
NOSEY: Whaddaya mean ‘do I think’?
MH: Hard question, huh?
NOSEY: Uhhh….
MH: Here. Why don’t we do this. *presents
book* Read the blurb and let’s see what your audience thinks.
NOSEY: *squints* Lights are bad
in here. Why don’t you call an electrician?
MH: Use the light from your
atomic-battery microphone. *rolls eyes* Where would you men be without
us women using our brains?
NOSEY: I dunno. Lost my roadmap a long
time ago.
MH: My point exactly. But,
for right now, I want you to just read, Nosey. I’m getting impatient.
wanna know what your book’s about.
NOSEY: What’s your name again?
CREATURE: *gnashes teeth* Read.
NOSEY: That’s a funny name.
MH: *hoots* Say what,
I.B. Nosey?
NOSEY: I just said his name—
MH: Forget it. *taps book*
Shall we?
NOSEY: Oh. Sure. Let me turn on this
atomic-battery microphone. *grins
at MH* You’re not dealing with an amateur, you know.
MH: *purrs* Of course not.
NOSEY: Ahem. Where were we? Oh, yeah…
Title of book is: Blades of Blood - The Chronicles of
Turrack Series and the blurb goes ‘How far
would you go to protect the ones you love?…’ *looks at MH* Hey,
that’s catchy.
Thank you. Continue, please.
As I was saying… *raises volume of voice* ‘Princess Azedeh, heir to
the throne of Turrack, slays the evil in her kingdom under the guise of Tina
the Terrible, the most feared assassin in the land. When a creature of dark
magic terrorizes her home, she must journey to a dangerous land to stop it at
the source. As she encounters more magical beings on her quest, she must
determine whom she can trust—and a wrong decision will cost the princess her life.’
Wait a minute! Whadda I just read? *stares at Creature* This says, ‘a
creature of dark…’
That’s not me. *shakes head wildly* Honest. I just came in here to
get out of the rain.
Oh, diddly-doop. Of course it’s not you.
It’s not?
I’m the author and if I say it’s ‘not’, then it’s ‘not’… er, don’t say that
fast, dear reader.
Well, there’s some kind of weird or dangerous creatures in this here book,
that’s for sure.
Such as?
This Tina the Terrible, for instance. *frowns* Sounds like a brat having
a tantrum.
Hardly! Tina the Terrible is the guise of my heroine, Azedeh. Didn’t you pay
attention to the blurb?
Actually, I was kinda distracted by those fat bats flying over my head. *ducks
as one wings by* Dude, these things are ugly!
MH: *snaps fingers*
Pay attention, Nosey. When Azedeh was eight, she was kidnapped by a group of
NOSEY: *nods*
Uh huh. Okay. Then what happened?
Eventually, she was rescued, but her innocence was shattered. Realizing there
are evil people mucking up her kingdom, she decided to go down the path of
violence - which, let’s be honest, makes things more interesting.
I do - and today’s TV shows.
MH: *shrugs*
Besides, a princess isn’t allowed to be dark and brooding for the sake of
beating up bad guys, so she created an assassin’s persona of Tina the Terrible
to secretly slay evil-doers who threaten her kingdom.
Oh, well. In that case, maybe she can set out bat traps. Ouch! *hunkers down
as one furry critter zooms by, flashing shiny sharp fangs* Ms. Hatfield,
this isn’t a smart place to conduct an interview!
Straighten up, Nosey. Be more like Azedeh. In a way, she’s kind of like a
medieval version of Batman - without the dead parents.
Forget Batman! *glances at ceiling* I just wanna be a Nosey man!
Well, you know… *muses* They do seem somewhat attracted to your… er,
unique? hair style.
Aw, man. *checks hair with fast hand* Gross and double gross. Look here,
Ms. Hatfield. There’s only one thing to do.
We gotta get outta here. Gotta get rid of that evil kingdom for Tina and—
How do you propose we do that?
Well, uh, I dunno, like, um, so - how did the evil in her kingdom get there in
the first place? Couldn’t she just, ya know, sweep it out the door? *kicks
at bat goo littered on floor* Like this smelly stuff oughta be.
MH: *purses lips*
It would certainly make things easier if she could. A giant sandman magically
appears in her kingdom and sucks people’s souls—
NOSEY: *jumps*
Giant sandmen? What’re ya doing writing about old dirtbags?
It’s my story, isn’t it?
Sure, but—
But, unfortunately, our heroine lives in a medieval time so it’s not as though
she can go to Target and pick up a Dyson.
But the only way to get rid of the… *points* bat goo, and the sandy
threat is to venture into the desert where he came from and to destroy him at
the source.
huh. Right. The dangerous land you mentioned?
Hey, the grass isn’t always greener. Stay on your side of the fence if you want
to survive in Turrack.
I’ll tell ya how to survive. Yeah. Stay at Gum Drop Island, that’s how.
Oh, you think so, hm? *bites lip* Oops. My bad. Guess I shouldn’t ought
to ask what you think.
Ha. *snorts* Nothing to think about, gal. Use a box of those delish
chocolates as a bargaining chip, and there you go. No wrong decision with that.
For your information, I wouldn’t recommend bribing this kid with candy.
And why not?
Because to her, she’ll assume it’s poisoned and kill you for threatening her
No way!
Way, Nosey. Big way. *sniffs* Death by chocolate is not as fun as it
I’m beginning to think there’s no fun at all in your ‘chronicles’ book,
which… *flails arms at swooping bats* sounds like a ding-dong medieval
calendar. Whoa, whoa, batsies, shoo! Shoo!
A calendar of events, you mean? *laughs* Yes! With a Farmer’s Market
every Wednesday!
Hey! *screeches* These bats aren’t funny, Ms. Hayfield! Ooh, ouch, help!
*swats with microphone* You! Yo, Creature! Stop sucking your
thumb - do something to help this long-nosed reporter. Ow, ouch, eek!
Who? Me? *shoves thumbed fist behind back* I’m - waiting - for my cue.
NOSEY: *yells*
I just gave it to ya!
Be quiet, Nosey. A woman’s gotta think. *takes on considering expression*
Actually, did you know that the Chronicles is a spin-off of my comedy-fantasy
series Kingdom of the Snark?
NOSEY: *screams and
runs to other end*
CREATURE: I didn't know that, Ms. Hatfield. Tell me more.
Well, Turrack started out as a random joke in the first book, but as I expanded
upon the kingdom while writing the series, I realized there’s another world I
wanted to explore.
Ooh, ooh, little batty beasties. *speeds to other end* In case you
didn’t hear, my name is Nosey, not Dracula!
CREATURE: *watches
Nosey bounce off walls like a ricocheting bullet*
Uh huh, Ms. Hatfield, and— ?
And it’s a realm that isolated itself from the others, so I don’t have to
follow the same rules, and can make it darker than Snark.
Ms. Hatfield!!!
What, Nosey? *taps foot* What’s your problem?
You gotta ask??? *races back to other end*
CREATURE: That’s my cue.
*unzips ‘creature’ skin and lets it fall to bat floor. No, dear reader,
you do NOT have to shield your eyes. This is a G-rated interview, after all*
MH: *gasps* Why, you
deceiver! You’re nothing but a giant sandman in that cheap skin rug!
laugh* And since the bats-in-belfry-haired reporter is too busy to help, I
am going to suck out your soul, Ms. Hatfield!
MH: Nosey! *rushes over* My
hero, my darling Nosey man. Save me, quick!
NOSEY: Save you? Why don't you save me? *dodges bat-gooey bat-lips of hungry batty beastie babes*
MH: I know! We need a vacuum! *bites
nails* Um, doesn’t your atomic-battery microphone come equipped in such
NOSEY: *brakes* Whaddaya know.
Come to think of it… *flips switch and aims it toward ‘dirtbag’
*in a tornado of dust, he spins around toward cave exit and disappears in
downpour-drenching thunderstorm where his name becomes… what else? …Mudd*
NOSEY: Whoa! Whoa, wait! *gets
knocked off feet* What’s happening?
MH: Flip the switch. You have it in
reverse! *watches as ‘swoosh’ of wind slams against Nosey and rockets
him past cave roof* Nosey, turn the mike off! You’re being propelled into
infinity and beyond!
NOSEY: Don’t worry, Ms. Hatfield... *streaking
like a comet, he disappears into the stars, his voice fading in the distance*
…I’m a professionalllllll……
Special Notice: Ms. Hatfield is offering a freebie, "The Quest for the Sword", for your reading enjoyment. Go to this Amazon link!
If you enjoyed this interview, schedule your own! Contact Nosey via the Form on the left hand side of this site!