NOSEY BIO: Loud, brass, and tastelessly attired, I.B. Nosey is famed for his exuberant “Greetings, cybernuts! This is I.B. Nosey, your official unofficial reporter!” He seeks answers to the kind of probing questions no accredited journalist would deem intelligent, let alone newsworthy enough, to ask. Fleet of foot, wide of mouth, and fluent of tongue-in-cheek, I.B. Nosey’s unique interviewing style is comparable to none.
Winner of the Pukelitzer Award. Spokesman for Gum Drop Island’s confectionary plantation. Featured in InD’Tale magazine and The Woven Tale Press.
Showing posts with label choffee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label choffee. Show all posts
Thursday, June 30, 2016
A Totally Useless I.B. Nosey Moment
"I sniff when I chop onions 'cause they kinda get to me."
This has been a totally useless I.B. Nosey moment.
Brought to you by our sponsor at Gum Drop Island...
Join us again soon for another totally useless moment.
Disclaimer: This has been an I.B. Nosey production, brought to you by the mischaps of Gum Drop Island. Not responsible for you feeling stupid, silly, clueless, or blond. However, we're glad you're Feeling Nosey.
Friday, June 10, 2016
A Totally Useless I.B. Nosey Moment...
"I wish the Glad bag in the kitchen lived up to its name. What's so merry about a sack that never takes me out?"
This has been a totally useless I.B. Nosey moment.
Join us again soon for another totally useless moment.
Disclaimer: This has been an I.B. Nosey production, brought to you by the mischaps of Gum Drop Island. Not responsible for you feeling stupid, silly, clueless, or blond. However, we're glad you're Feeling Nosey.
Ahoy Gum Drop,
Ahoy Out There,
feeling nosey,
fun and giggles,
fun and zany,
gum drop island,
I.B. Nosey,
island brew,
Miss Mae,
Sunday, October 25, 2015
Nosey Brings You the News -- about Coffee!
Greetings, cybernuts! This is I.B. Nosey, your official unofficial reporter. Today I'm here to bring you the nosy news you always wanted to know, but wasn't nosy enough to ask. Never fear. I.B. Nosey and his nosy microphone to the rescue, heh heh.
Chef at Gum Drop Island, Wrap Periwinkle, has created a new island drink, a combination of coffee and --what else-- chocolate! You'll love choffee, especially as it's non-fattening and non-real, as in only virtual Heh heh.
But for you coffee lovers, did you know there's some crazy facts about coffee? Yes, your intrepid internet reporter has braved the infested newsy waters to bring you things you never ever thought about.
Don't thank me. I'm just clever that way. Heh heh.
Chef at Gum Drop Island, Wrap Periwinkle, has created a new island drink, a combination of coffee and --what else-- chocolate! You'll love choffee, especially as it's non-fattening and non-real, as in only virtual Heh heh.
But for you coffee lovers, did you know there's some crazy facts about coffee? Yes, your intrepid internet reporter has braved the infested newsy waters to bring you things you never ever thought about.
Don't thank me. I'm just clever that way. Heh heh.
Be sure to check out this link.
And now you know the Nosey about your coffee.
Come join me at the Hi-Octane Caffeine Coffee Shop for more fun stupid stuff, and things you care absolutely nothing about. But, hey, aren't you Feeling Nosey anyway?
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