Showing posts with label painted redstart. Show all posts
Showing posts with label painted redstart. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Elegant Trogon & Madera Canyon Birds

"You can't always get what you want." (Rolling Stones, 1964).

The lyric line clearly sums up two unsuccessful daylong attempts at finding an Elegant Trogon in Madera Canyon, Coronado National Forest, Santa Rita Mountains, Arizona.

It was a test of patience.

I finally found him on a third day of searching when he looked at me with profound indifference, as if to say "WHAT?"

Gracious though, he stuck around for several OK,  albeit similar, portraits.

In the end,
"You get what you need."

Other birds, like this Red-naped Sapsucker, were more gracious. They cooperated by showing up. It was a secondary reward for sure but validation for thirty hours spent searching for an Elegant Trogon.

The racket of this Red-naped Sapsucker's hammering head attracted me to him. There was no real bird benefit in making noise, it's just the consequence of drilling hundreds of holes in a favorite tree.

These wounds eventually ooze sap which the Red-naped Sapsucker laps up with a brush-like tongue. The sticky sap also traps insects for consumption later. 

A Hermit Thrush sings a sweet song between bites of last year's berries.

Spring arrives early in the desert southwest and this may be a tweet or retweet of a mating message.

Hermit Thrushes are medium sized birds, somewhat colorless, yet boldly marked with a reddish tail and white eye ring. 

A Bridled Titmouse plucks a berry he'll place between his feet to eat.

Rarely seen in the USA but
wide-ranging in Mexico, the Bridled Titmouse is in the same family as the more common chickadees.

His name comes from the 'bridled' face pattern on the Bridled Titmouse's head.

(Click any picture to enlarge.)

A Painted Redstart presents as I wait for the Elegant Trogon to show up.

He was gleaning insects through the olive-colored leaves with only the briefest of stops on a log... quick picture.

Painted Redstarts flash their white tail and wing patches to startle insects into revealing themselves.

The Elegant Trogon is a migrant into the USA, barely crossing the southern border from an extensive home range in Mexico. They prefer mountain canyons, building their nests among sycamores, pines and oaks.

Most certainly he doesn't comprehend the fascination he holds among people who love birds. His quizzical stare reenforces that belief.

Rarity surely enhances his popularity with size, colors, posture and perhaps attitude contributing more. The dozens of other 'birders' searching Madera Canyon for this uncommon sighting confirmed that.

Not a bird nor a common sight either, a group of White-nosed Coatis rummaging the valley floor looking for insects, invertebrates, carrion, fruits, snakes and eggs was a pleasant surprise. They are in the raccoon family, but where raccoons are nocturnal, coatis are out in the daytime. They're not shy, but will retreat if approached. They sleep in the trees at night and forage as this band of seven did, aware of me, but only mildly concerned.

"... if you try sometime, you might find, you get what you need."

Credits: Cornell Lab of Ornithology, All About Birds
The Sibley Guide to Birds

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Painted Redstart

Common, but localized, a Painted Redstart is a beautiful bird to find in the wild.

(Click any picture to enlarge)
Look for them in the border states of Arizona, New Mexico and Texas because they barely make it to the United States from the Neotropics.  They prefer a mountain habitat at cooler elevations.  I wasn’t looking for this one, but I appreciate the serendipity of being found. 

I was hiking on Mt. Wrightson in the Santa Rita Mountains of Arizona.

When I stopped to rest, this Redstart flew in.  Whether or not he noticed me or was aware and unconcerned, he began to search for insects along the oak and sycamore lined canyon walls.

Redstarts likely got their name from the hunting technique of startling their prey. By rapidly flicking open their wings to produce a brilliant flash of white light, they startle insects into revealing themselves.

Insects can hide anywhere…branches, leaves, crevices...redstarts must be nimble. 

Flashing white wings and tail feathers makes them easy to spot when flitting through trees.  A bright red breast contrasting against a  black body gives them away, too.

But, I  was lucky. I didn't have to search for this one. This one found me.


Cornell Lab of Ornithology, All About Birds
The Sibley Guide to Birds