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Showing posts with label food craves. Show all posts
Showing posts with label food craves. Show all posts

Thursday, July 2, 2009


Poised as a food outlet for the impatient gourmet, d’lish prides itself as being a source of good food for people chasing the clock who either want a quick dine-in or take-away meal… hence the label “impatient gourmet”. And staying true to their claim, they have arguably the best "already pre-prepped in take-away boxes" food.

On their menu, you will find salads, soups, pastas, pies, sandwiches & wraps, pastries, bento box meals, all sorts of snacks & desserts, and a beverage list featuring some pretty good coffee selections.

We actually had lunch at their outlet in Bangsar Village recently. We tried a Triplex, which is basically a triple-decker sandwich (a healthy one), with turkey meat, and a whole lot of healthy stuff and although it tasted quite good, it was a wee bit dry to the bite. And we also got a slice of their Quiche Lorraine… and I mean we literally got a slice of quiche which was “alright” at best.

Their sister restaurant; Delicious (Like it’s name), is a more complete version of d’lish. It has everything d’lish has and much more. But we’re not going to draw much comparison because in a metaphoric sense, d’lish are a 7-eleven, where Delicious is a Cold Storage. Get it?

In a nutshell (d’lish does have nut snacks by the way), we’d definitely recommend visiting d’lish, (But we have to cement the fact that Delicious does make a much more complete gastronomical experience). We’re just going to conclude that d’lish in Bangsar Village is one of those places you don’t go out of your way to get to, but would be more than willing to stop by if you were near it.

I haven’t experienced their “impatient gourmet” proposition myself, but I guess the possibility of having a wholesome meal within RM20, and within 5 minutes perhaps does do that tagline a bit of justice

Head on to for more.

by the committee of Fashion Republik

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Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Malaysian Donut War

Malaysia has seen a recent surge of activity in the “War of the Donuts” that sparked within the space of a few years ago.

The global Dunkin Donuts empire has been around for a long time and is to a certain extent, the pioneer who introduced this claimed American-born craze to Malaysia which for years was the leader in a pack of none, ahead of some non-existent competition, and although the quality of their donuts seemed to deteriorate in time, there were no rivals to worry about. Well not until recently that is.

This ring-shaped-dough royal rumble sees the likes of J.Co Donuts, Big Apple Donuts and Dunkin Donuts slug it out with minnows like Donut Empire (Of Singaporean origins) and the giant donut force that is Krispy Kreme which recently made its giant footprint in Malaysia.

But among these names, which one is the best? Well here’s what we think.

Dunkin Donuts

As mentioned earlier, they were the ones responsible for it all. Without them, Malaysia probably wouldn’t have been introduced to the commercial donuts the Dunkin way. They had outlets almost everywhere in Malaysia, serving freshly baked Donuts to impatient Donuteers. (we created that word ourselves). Unfortunately, as years went by, their quality took a turn for the worse as their donuts started becoming stale, dry, tasteless and soon after, only a handful of Dunkin Donut faithfuls were left. But to their credit, they’ve revamped, stuck with their guns, offered more than just Donuts and slightly regained their fame. Unfortunately for them though, the donut world was soon to be taken by storm by a host of rivals.

J.Co Donuts

Not many people know this (because not many bother to find out), but J.Co Donuts are of Indonesian origin and were formed in 2005. They were responsible for the resurgence of the donut craze in Malaysia which seemed to be dwindling at a time where Dunkin Donuts Malaysia no longer made the same great tasting donuts it once did. Their presence was accepted extremely well by the public with queues outside J.Co outlets stretching as far as the eye could see, all waiting to get their hands on some revolutionarily good tasting donuts.

The variations offered were unlike anything the public had associated with Donuts before.

Among some of the highlights were the JCrown Oreo (Oreo coated Donut), Da Vin Cheez (Cheesed-up donut with garlic sprinkles…our personal favourite), Coco Loco (Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate) and the Why Nut (White chocolate topped, peanut butter filled).

Their Donuts offered an unfamiliar yet fabulous texture that arguably made it the best-textured donuts of the lot. Also, their variations were original creations and consistently tasted good.

Big Apple Donuts

Did you know that although the Big Apple is another term for New York, which is in America, Big Apple donuts are a Malaysian born Donumenon (Donut Phenomenon)!

You’d be forgiven to confuse Big Apple and J.Co’s Donuts as they are really, really similar in every sense. So much so that there was a legal case between the 2 companies, of which Big Apple were accused of somewhat “copying” J.Co’s concept. How that turned out we’re not too sure.

Anyway, Big Apple Donuts cashed in on the revitalized Donut craze caused by J.Co Donuts and immediately became a direct competitor in terms of pricing and variety, and they were doing a pretty good job… So good a job that there was very little to choose between the two. Even their donut naming incorporated the same pun names made famous my J.Co’s!
However, for us, we feel J.Co has the edge in this duel for their originality and also because their Donuts do taste that wee-bit better.

Krispy Kreme

The World Famous U.S based Krispy Kreme Donuts. Its American origin offers enough credibility to make it commercially successful worldwide and there’s no doubt that their Glazed Donuts are arguably the best in the world. Their consistent quality stretches all the way to Hong Kong, where they taste just as good as they do in the US and recently, they’ve hopefully carried their reputation along with them to Malaysian shopping malls (At the moment it’s just Midvalley and Times Square).

Krispy Kreme donuts are of a totally different variety than that of our 2 earlier mentioned competitors. Unfortunately for us, we’ve tried them, and they really don’t seem to live up to the hype that was created by word of mouth prior to their arrival. Their glazed donuts are still good, but are on the verge of being diabetic. The rest of their selections look dull and well, don’t taste all that good. They can only hope that their signature glazed donuts save their reputation here because honestly, their others won’t.

Donut Empire

The Singaporean based Donut Empire remains relatively unknown to Malaysians and there isn’t much to be said about them. They seem to want to do what Big Apple did to J.Co’s, which is simply providing another option of an already successful concept to consumers, albeit in a slightly different packaging and name. Unfortunately, their prices match that of their competitors, but their Donuts don’t.

The verdict?
Well we’re going to have to give it up for J.Co’s Donuts for simply making great tasting donuts and for starting the donut revolution. The mighty Krispy Kreme could’ve proven a worthy opponent if not for it’s poor showing. However, much respect has to be given to Dunkin Donuts for being the “pioneer”, and for continuing to survive up till today.

So much for Donuts, and we’re sure there will be those who agree and disagree with out verdict…

Perhaps we’ll take a look at the Malaysian Burger War next time round =)

by the committee of Fashion Republik

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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

IKEA’s Sweeeeedish Meatballs!

We don’t need to tell you what IKEA is.

Neither do we need to tell you just how engaging their second to none showrooms are.
We won’t even go on about their affordable prices nor do we feel the need to criticize some of their products to be slightly lacking in quality.

Instead, we want to tell you about their irresistibly good Swedish Meatballs!!
If you’ve been to the IKEA at the Ikano Power Centre, then you must have come across the IKEA restaurant in the heart of the store.

The IKEA restaurant serves all sorts of Swedish inspired dishes from meatballs to poached salmon. There are also some “safer” items on the menu to accommodate for those who don’t feel like going too “Swedish”. However, we are compelled to again tell you how much we love those Swedish meatballs!

They are available in either a 5 or 10 piece platter, and are priced at RM5 and RM10 respectively (After a complex mathematical calculation process, we’ve discovered they cost RM1 per ball!)

Of course their not served plain as their accompanied by a really good brown sauce (not sure of it’s Swedish or not), a berry-like sauce (which seems weird but is actually good), and a serving of French fries (definitely not Swedish) to complete the meal!

Another superb yet undeniably simple item in their menu is the Ham and Cheese Sandwich. As the name suggests, it is in fact a Ham and Cheese Sandwich. For some reason it just tastes really good.

Fortunately, the items on their menu haven’t been named the same way their furniture is named. Would be weird if their meatballs were called “Kottboll” (which is in fact a direct translation of meat-ball in Swedish).

And on that note, we bid you adjo! (Goodbye in Swedish)

by the committee of Fashion Republik

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Friday, June 19, 2009

Cupcake Chic

Cupcakes recently seem to have made a return. No longer just a small cake, it now seems to be an actual trend!

Cupcake Chic made its debut appearance back in 2007, with a mission to introduce Malaysia to REAL cupcakes at a time where most of the cupcakes available seemed to be just mouthfuls of cream which looked good but tasted otherwise.

We managed to treat our taste buds to some of their cupcakes recently:

Red Velvet: Red velvet cake topped with Cream Cheese frosting.
- Didn’t quite like the cake part that had a hint of bitterness to it. It seemed to be chocolate but wasn’t rich chocolate so the bitterness felt a bit out of place. The frosting however, was superb.

Chocofee: Coffee Cake topped with light chocolate frosting
- A very light, easy to eat cake although slightly dry. Chocolate frosting was again, really good.

Fatal Attraction: Chocolate Cake with Chocolate Frosting
- Definite choice for chocolate lovers. The cake is good and the frosting is even better.

We didn’t manage to taste all the items on their menu, but based on our experience, here’s our verdict.

The cake itself is where Cupcake Chic’s cupcakes fall short. Although they do possess sufficient bite, they lack in sheer taste. We’ve had some home made cupcakes before which have close-your-eyes-in-appreciation levels of taste, Cupcake Chic’s are nowhere near.

However, their frosting is definitely one of THE BEST around, it saves the whole Cupcake Chic experience.

So if you decide to try one, make sure that the piece you place on your fork has a good balance of the frosting and the cake, let the cakes soft texture land on your tongue, then slowly bite through the frosting and savour the experience. As tempting as it may be, try not to finish all the frosting and leave the cake behind!

by the committee of Fashion Republik

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Thursday, June 11, 2009

Central Market Food Court

We constantly encounter food stalls that proudly claim to be of a certain origin and always seem to be famous for some reason. Stalls with signs that take advantage of “state-of-origin” food fames like Famous Penang Laksa, Ipoh Chicken Rice, Original Kajang Satay, and a bit more international; Original Thai Tom Yam etc. Get the drift?

Ironically, all these stalls are easily found in KL (so it’s not really “Penang Laksa”) and more often or not, these are just abused claims. Heck, there are so many Penang and Ipoh food stalls in KL, that Penang and Ipoh would no longer have anymore stalls of their own!

Of course there are a handful of really good stalls featuring actual styles of food preparation from a certain land of origin; a good example would be a Penang Char Kuey Teow stall in a certain coffee shop in Section 13, it’s so good it’s even been featured in the newspapers before.

If you’ve not been to the new and improved Central Market lately, it’s about time you take a trip there. Apart from the much, much improved decorations, layout and toilets, the food court is a major attraction that to us, seems to be rather underrated. And in this food court, you will find a whole lot of Penang this, Kedah that, Thailand this, Kelantan that etc. The difference is, almost all these stalls taste authentic!

The Food court now has a more premium feel to it, with premium plastic chairs and weaved rattan chairs, top notch cleanliness, really nice flooring and overall, it really looks well maintained. And unlike say the very overrated Midvalley Food Court, its prices are really, really affordable too!

Kelantan Nasi Campur RM5

Among the many Malay skewed food stalls, one that we must highlight is the Kelantan Nasi Campur (or something like that). It’s got SUPERB tasting rendang dishes, curries, fried stuff as well as a host of other Malay style favourites. We had a serving of belacan kangkung, mutton rendang, and fried egg all in pretty large portions for less than RM5! The taste alone makes up for the price.

Considering the constant flow of foreign tourists in the area, it’s good to know that the Central Market food court is good enough to make a good impression. And if you’re taking a day trip to the less premier part of KL, do yourself a favour… have some Kelantan Nasi Campur for lunch.

Local Chicken Rice RM6

by the committee of Fashion Republik

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Monday, June 8, 2009

Il Tempio Ampang Kuala Lumpur

There are "Dining Enthusiasts" and then there are "Eating Enthusiasts"... What's the difference you ask?

Well eating is an activity of consuming something edible to satisfy one's hunger, whiles providing a pleasurable sensation to our sense of taste. (Duh..)
Dining on the other hand, involves not only our sense of taste, but also our sense of sound, sight and smell. Basically… dining is an experience.

KL is blessed with an anthology of dining outlets, from fine to casual, coming in all shapes and cuisines, Frangipani, Avanti, Carcossa, and La Fitte being some of the finest names around. However, most if not all of these dining outlets are Urban in every sense. As fantastic or exclusive as they may be, you always know that you're in the city. However, there is one restaurant that breaks that norm.

Il Tempio is a name unfamiliar to many, and basically means "The Temple" in the Italian language.And as the name suggests, it is a restaurant serving fine Italian cuisine as well... but it's as much a restaurant, as it is a work of art.

A dining experience with Il Tempio starts with the sense of sight and sound. As its tranquil setting hidden amidst lush greenery is backed by the soundtrack of nature and a very appropriate chill CD.Its unique monastery inspired architecture, soft intimate lighting, accents of flowing water, and numerous pieces of art including Buddha statues create an intimate, Zen like ambience.Its isolation from the city is a welcome atmosphere and really does deceive your sense of location. Because how can a place like this, be in KL?

Words will never do justice to just how visually enticing Il Tempio is, regardless of how many descriptive adjectives we use. Furthermore, it provides a sense of exclusivity like very few other restaurants do because of it’s “hidden away” nature.

The pictures speak for themselves.

After taking in the sights and sounds, Il Tempio's selection of fine Italian Cuisine tops off the dining experience by pampering your taste buds. The menu features a wide range of common dishes, albeit with a slight twist and a fancy name courtesy of Chef Daniele Sarno of Tuscany.

An interesting addition found in a few choices in the menu are almonds! Not something you'd normally see during dinner, but it's just one of the many touches ingeniously used by Chef Daniele.

Our orders were a Breaded Chicken Breast, stuffed with Mushrooms and cheese, accompanied by a few almond flakes.

Also, a Grilled Lamb Loin, served with a slice of grilled eggplant/aubergine and a unique mix of grilled tomatoes and something else of which we can't really recall.

In truth, although the dishes were uniquely prepared and reflected Il Tempio's attention to detail in its presentation, we'd rate the overall taste as being "quite good" compared to "extraordinary". However, that “shortcoming” is quickly and easily ignored.

Being a fine dining restaurant, it’s quite correct to assume that most of us would not consider dining here everyday for lunch and dinner, instead we’d see it as a luxury, once in a while kind of thing. Of course there are the lucky few who earn enough to make themselves regulars. But with that in mind, and with all things considered, Il Tempio’s pricing really is affordable. A simple meal for 1 would only set you back around RM80, but of course depending on how flamboyant you’re feeling on the night. There’s also a 3-4 course individual set menu at around RM160 per person, accompanied with a glass of wine. And if you’re a wine lover or are just in the mood for a glass of wine, Il Tempio boasts a rather comprehensive wine list.

As positive as this review sounds, I doubt it would do justice to just how memorable an evening with Il Tempio would actually be. If you do take our advice and decide to pay them a visit, be sure to make a reservation, as their seating is rather limited.

Here’s their URL for starters :
by the committee of Fashion Republik

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Monday, June 1, 2009

Pinos OUG Kuala Lumpur


So you're far away from the city, you only have RM20 in your wallet, you live along Old Klang Road and you're just dying for a good authentic Italian Pizza...What do you do?

Well, you'll probably bug the person nearest to you to cough up an extra RM20, then drive down to Dominos and buy yourself a regular sized one because a personal sized one just won't do.
Either that or you'll just settle for a Ramly Burger.
Those days are over!

Introducing Pinos Pizza! and along with their introduction comes the authentic taste of Italian Pizza! Italian food doesn't come in as unconventional a package as this!

Pinos basically utilizes a coffee shop space which sells economy rice in the day and is located just after Steven's Corner in OUG. It doesn't have much of a beverage list, has coffee shop style seating, is flanked by a DVD shop, and it even has a Chinese alter in it!

However, Pinos makes up for its lack in "ambience" by bringing to you some seriously awesome Pizza's at seriously awesome prices. They've basically got all the basics covered in their simple yet satisfying Pizza menu which include the Napolitana, Siciliana, Margharita, Calzone, and Hawaiian Pizza just to name a few. All affordably priced at RM10, RM15, and RM20 being the most expensive!

And if you're doubting its quality because of its price, Don't! Toppings come in generous proportions, the crust is just the way it should be, and its just absolute joy for the taste buds..

They've also just recently introduced some pasta dishes; a Bolognaise, Marinara and a Carbonara of which the Bolognaise sauce, is one of the best versions we've ever tasted. And if you're lucky, there's even wine available!

Spaghetti Cabonara RM12

Spaghetti Bolognaise RM10

Tony, the Italian owner(with an aussie accent), did mention that although it started off as a "just for fun" thing, their now looking towards expanding slowly and adding more items to their menu... So there's definitely something to look forward to in time to come.

So if you're a Pizza lover... forget Dominos, Pizza Hut, or Canadian 2 for 1. Heck you can even forget Itallianies, Marco's, or wherever else that claims to have "authentic" Pizza.

Because at Pinos, you get the same, if not better taste, at a fraction of the price!
*If you're already bent on paying them a visit, do note that their only open for dinner from 7pm till 1am!


by the committee of Fashion Republik

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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Happy Cafe Kuchai Lama Kuala Lumpur

Sick and tired of the food in Old Town?

Hong Kong style cafe's with their weirdly named drinks and Chinese music getting annoying?
Want some food better than Mamak stall food?
Want to grab a cold bottle of cheaper than usual beer?

Well if you stay in Kuchai Lama then you probably know the place we're talking about that could be a solution. If you stay anywhere along Old Klang Road and don't know about this place yet, then here's a suggestion...

Head on to HAPPY CAFE!

With its tagline being "Your happy, happy place" it really does prove to be an ideal chill out cafe serving great food and cheap beer which is in no way adulterated!
Basically you get great food ranging from Chinese to Western, a good variety of Beers, in a nice Al-Fresco environment, all at Coffee Shop prices!

Butter Sauce Chicken Rice RM6.90

Some items from their menu which we consider highlights include their Grilled Lamb Chops, Grilled Dory Fish, Butter Sauce Rice, Mongolia Sauce Rice, and White Sauce Rice just to name a few. All between the prices of RM6.90 to RM14!
*tip: Order any item from their western menu before 9pm and you'll get free mushroom soup!

As mentioned earlier, good food isn't the only thing. Their beverages are awesome as well and their famous for being a place for cheap beer minus the crappy atmosphere of a coffee shop.
(when we say cheap we mean around RM1 or RM2 less than other locations)
Buckets from RM30
Bottles from RM8.10
There's even Kampai available, selling at RM8.70!

Don't expect too much from their service though. However there are 2 exceptionally helpful waiters there!

If you've been there before, do leave a comment and say what you need to say!

by the committee of Fashion Republik

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Friday, May 22, 2009

The Delicious Group

The Delicious Group is the result of three people sharing a dream of creating a café that served wholesome good food with uncompromising attention to quality.

Where luxury is a DELIcious irony.

Delicious is distinguishable as an alternative to an eager growing multitude of avid food lovers in search of something different without having to compromise too much of personal taste and comfort. Trained chef’s at this café continue to master the high-wire balancing act of layering flavors, textures and techniques that have you playing bud guessing paroxysms until the last morsel of satisfaction.

As a scrupulous establishment, Delicious is savvy about how its menu works. It appeals to the adventurous spirit without requiring the untrained palate to have to perform too many somersaults. Delicious knows its flavors and strife to serve formidable and complementary dishes to entice the fastidious taste of the inner gastro-sensibilities in every food lover.

The café’s clientele range from the young and hip to the more family oriented often sees the wide range of get-togethers throughout the day. The simple nature of the café is not to be understated for its meticulous details in its outward presentation and inward disposition. The interior is a direct reflection of the food served – crisp and refreshing. Delicious sees to it that customers are in an environment that offers comfort and simplicity with a dash of refined décor that reminds one what differentiates the café to the masses.

Adorned with the organic décor of branched twigs where white caged nestlings hang over, the laid back and casual setting suggests a lazy afternoon but yet exhilarates the ease of conversations that sees the reluctance of hurried satiation. Bright and airy during the day in a comfortably spaced environment and mood lighting at night to ease one into rest and relaxation, the café exudes a sense of tranquility.

Some mistake Delicious café for a restaurant simply because of its refined dishes served in a cultured milieu. In an ever-competitive market where consumables are involved, the café is uncompromising in offering reasonably priced dishes without being frugal with its caliber of ingredients. After all, who says sensuous self- indulgence comes at a price?

They cater for all sorts of social functions, product launches, and any other celebrations you have in mind. Anything from an intimate dinner for two to a roaring party for two hundred.

For enquiries, please contact May Bloch at +6012 3107388 or email her at

for more info >>

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Thursday, May 14, 2009

Fettucini Cabonara

"Easy restaurant quality carbonara. I am asked to make this again and again from both friends and family!"

This recipe was taken from

1 pound dry fettuccini noodles
8 slices bacon
4 eggs
1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese
1 1/4 cups heavy cream
ground black pepper to taste

Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil.
Add fettuccini and cook for 8 to 10 minutes or until al dente; drain.
Fry bacon in skillet over medium heat until crispy, remove and drain on paper towel. Chop with knife into bits.
Beat the eggs, cheese and cream in a bowl, then add the bacon. Pour over the pasta in the pan and toss gently using tongs.
Return the pan to a very low heat and cook for 1 to 2 minutes, or until slightly thickened. Don't overheat or the eggs will scramble. Season well with black pepper and serve.

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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Macaroni & Cheese Recipe

Macaroni & Cheese. Yummy!!

This recipe was taken from

This flavorful version of macaroni and cheese is made on the stove-top and uses sharp cheddar cheese for full flavor. Add some cooked link sausage or ham to the pasta for a meal in a dish.

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 20 minutes

  • 2 cups macaroni pasta
  • 3 large eggs
  • 1/2 teaspoon Tabasco sauce
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground mustard
  • 1/4 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
  • Salt and freshly ground pepper to taste
  • 8 ounces shredded extra-sharp Cheddar cheese

Cook macaroni pasta in a large pot of boiling water.

While macaroni is cooking, whisk together eggs, Tabasco sauce, ground mustard, Worcestershire sauce, salt, and pepper. Set aside.

Drain the pasta, return to the hot pot, and immediately stir in the shredded Cheddar cheese along with the egg mixture. Continue to stir over medium heat until cheese is melted and eggs are cooked.

Yield: 4 to 6 servings

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Monday, April 27, 2009

Happy National Doughnut Day??

On the way out from home, we actually heard that today's National Doughnut Day from But hey, when we googled about National Doughnut Day, it seems that it is supposedly first friday of June but we are still in April. So we kinda got confused. Is today National Doughnut Day or what? We want free Doughnuts!!

Feel like getting some Doughnuts?
Go get your favourite flava from these Doughnut shops then.

Big Apple Donuts & Coffee -

J.CO Donuts & Coffee -

Donut Empire, originally from Singapore, can be found in Plaza OUG, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Anyways, HAPPY NATIONAL DOUGHNUT DAY, if its true!

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Friday, April 24, 2009

Cupcakes in Town

Craving for cupcakes this very moment? No biggie, just drive to your nearest cupcake store and purchase them off the shelves, freshly baked, oh so delicious cupcakes!!

We are cupcake lovers and we know how sometimes it just hits us to have a taste of that sweet thing in your mouth. The thought of it just makes us .. squirm on our seats .. ohh yummylicious!!

AND, thanks to our advance technology today.. we dont need to drive all the way, all we need is a computer, internet access and an online cupcake store for us to make our purchase and have those little cupcakes delivered to your home. How nice!!

Local Stores (they do online too!!) we found

Cuppacakes by Wondermilk & Damansara Uptown -

Cupcake Chic @ The Curve -

found more of them cupcakes people? share with us!!

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