Showing posts with label creatures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label creatures. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

"What a Piece of Junk!" - Today in Star Wars VII Set Photos

Today's "leaked" Star Wars VII set photos from TMZ feature several large set pieces under construction - including our beloved Millennium Falcon, X-Wings, and a closer look at the previously revealed Space Swine of Unusual Size.

Here's a cool thing of note - fans are spotting direct references in the new sets 
to Ralph McQuarrie's original Classic Trilogy concept art.

Like yesterday's Tatooine dessert arch...

 (Image via the official Ralph McQuarrie FB Page)

...and Toy Photographer Avanaut spotted this X-Wing reference today.

Time to get out all those ''Making of " Star Wars books and start looking for more!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

JJ Abrams & Pal - Star Wars VII Abu Dhabi Set/Contest Video

Screencaps via Club Jade and Geek Tyrant

A new Star Wars denizen gets a casual reveal as J.J. Abrams gives a first glimpse of the Episode VII set 
in Abu Dhabi - and announces an contest in partnership with UNICEF for a walk-on part in the film.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Wild Fashion Rumpus - Mulberry Fall 2012 Ad Campaign

Mulberry's ad campaigns are so wonderfully unique. This Fall's campaign is clearly inspired by Where the Wild Things Are. And last Fall's campaign also had a fantastical enchanted forest theme as well.

Monday, August 13, 2012

GRIMM is Back! - Wesen Concept Art & Essential Guide eBook

GRIMM is back early. Season 2 premieres tonight!

Here's some of the fantastic Wesen Creature concept art for Season 1 by Jerad Marantz.

And a cool reveal of a new Panthro-tastic Wesen for Season 2...

And here'e the faux cover and some sample content of the just released
Grimm: Essential Guide ebook available @iTunes.
It's free and will be available for other ebook formats as well.
Mashable has a good write up on GRIMM's second screen strategy.

And here's cool creature make-up transformation process clip from the official site.

And finally some Season 2 Cast Promo Photos & Poster

Thursday, May 17, 2012

MIB 3 Rick Baker "Building A Better Alien" FX Featurette

Rick Baker is the true master of old school make-up effects and alien creature design, and giving the 
aliens from the past the Retro Pulp Atomic Bug-Eyed Monster looks is really cool and clever idea. 
I suspect if you don't expect much more beyond the appeal of series stars Smith & Jones, Josh Brolin's Tommy Lee impression, and weird alien eye-candy, Men In Black 3 could be goofy fun.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Creature Featurettes - Wrath of the Titans Mega Monsters





And a Cast & Crew Interview Featurette on the Creatures via IGN.

Mythological fantasy films have always really been about the cool monster battles, so it's fitting each creature got a mini making of showcase, and they feature some nice concept art as well.
The Mythic Royal Rumble opens tomorrow Friday March 30th.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Animatronic Tentacle FX Lesson - Stan Winston School

The Stan Winston School of Character Arts offers tons of courses (streamed & on DVD) 
in old school practical visual effect and make-up techniques. 
This is a preview of the latest lesson - creating animatronic essential!