Showing posts with label Havok. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Havok. Show all posts

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Mutant May - X-Men: Days of Future Past - Finale Gallery!

Ivan Camelo

Kris Anka

Skottie Young


Barnaby Ward

Derek Fridolfs

Brain Stelfreeze

Chris Samnee

Heather Carlton

Thomas Branch

Erica Chan


Sean Galloway

Monday, July 15, 2013

Groovy Mutants 70's Style - Set Pic Catch Up with X-Men:DOFP

Havok (Lucas Till) is back!

House of Maximoff

Four latest intriguing set photo tweets from Bryan Singer
He also stated this past week that there will be 2 more months of filming. 
So - it's starting to look Day Of Future Past may be shaping up to be a Major Mutant Epic.

Some older set photos from June featuring 1970's Logan scenes filming in Montreal, as well shots of
Mystique with a character everyone is hoping could be Misty Knight. via MTL Blog and

Bonus: Hugh Jackman chats with MTV about playing That 70's Wolverine.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

More Mutant Concepts - X-Men First Class Havok & Banshee

Alex Mandra created some cool mutant power concept art for the X-Men. More images at his blog ...along with concept work for Green Lantern, Rise of the Planet of the Apes, and other films.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

I Miss the Mutants - So Here's a New Groovy Mutation Gallery

Beast Evolution by Lee Weeks

Emma Frost the
White Queen
by Paolo Rivera
and Lynne Yoshii

Havok by 
Ben Templesmith
and Mystique
by Adam Hughes

Pixar Inspired
Baby Magneto
by Victor Hugo Queiroz
and First Class Magneto by Virus-ac74

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

X-Men Assemble! Make an Ultra Cute Papercraft X-men Team

  Xavier Leo Gale-Sides created these nicely detailed Papercraft X-Men. You'll find links to download them and many more X-Men and New Mutants @ mypaperheroes.

If you prefer your mutants even cuter - Luis Renato Kriegel offers these as well as other 
favorite X-Men @ his site with download links.

Monday, May 23, 2011

X-Change Student - Farmers Insurance Does a Crossover Ad with X-Men: First Class

Much more clever than the Dr. Pepper and Acura mash-up tie-in ads for Thor. And since the Farmers' ad campaign already features J.K. Simmons (J. Jonah Jameson in Raimi’s Spider-Man run) it's a nice bonus.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

X-Men: First Class Character Trailers - New Footage of Banshee, Havok, and Beast.

Three new X-Men trailers from are character intro pieces focusing on the powers/origins of young Banshee, Havok, and Beast. This movie continues to look very promising - unless you are an uber continuity weenie.