Ho, Ho Merry Miss-Miss was one of Walter's favorite sayings all December. He loved the lights, the trees, his Charlie Brown Christmas shoes, and the general excitement that surrounds the season. We all do! And it's even more fun seeing it through fresh, toddler eyes.
Come, Lord Jesus, to the manger.
May we see Thy tender face—
Great Creator, here a stranger,
Infant in this humble place.
Darkness scatter; morning swell.
Come, dear Lord Immanuel.
Come, Lord Jesus, to the manger.
Come, Lord Jesus, come!
Come, Lord Jesus, to the wounded—
Broken heart and bended knee.
Worthy Lamb, Thy love unbounded,
Bid our souls to rest in Thee.
Grant us mercy, Savior, King;
Come with healing in Thy wings.
Come, Lord Jesus, to the wounded.
Come, Lord Jesus, come!
Come, Lord Jesus, great Redeemer,
Light of Morning, Prince of Peace.
We will be Thy children ever.
Dry our tears; may weeping cease.
Come in glory; come again.
Come to us to rule and reign.
Ready us to kneel and greet Thee.
Come, Lord Jesus, come!
Each week we focused on memorizing a new verse of the song and reading scriptures about His birth, His capacity to heal and lift us, and His Second Coming. It made for a wonderful way to memorize a new hymn and an even better way to invite our Lord Jesus in to our lives more each day!
After a Christmas Eve dinner with the Smiths, the kids all slept in a fort they made in the boys room. That way Christmas Day could dawn for everyone at the same time (at the crack of dawn of course).
Then it was gifts and good food and reading and having fun and wonderful family time!