Thursday, May 6, 2010

Just Because....

I wanted to post something new,
And he is adorable.
I don't think he can help it, actually.
What can I say....he's a natural.

There are a couple of things that I try to get Grant to say
multiple times a day,
purely for my own amusement.
1) His name.
{some day, some where, some one is going to tell him the grim truth that his name isn't actually Grant Delicious. I am probably going to need to smack that person upside the head.}
2) His favorite color.
3) His favorite food.
{Adam and Sam taught him this Napoleon Dynamite tidbit and we all think it is hilarious. He veered from his usual answer only because we were in the middle of enjoying a lovely batch of rice crispie treats, which he is wearing all over his funny little face.}

I'm still looking on the bright side.....
this boy
(and the rest of the punks)
are a real big bright spot on the bight side of life.
I sure am glad they are mine.


Natalie Nelson said...

He is too cute. Thanks for sharing this cute boy with the rest of us.

staci said...

That is darn cute!!! Seriously made me laugh out loud! Loved the little nod to "Napoleon Dynamite"!! Mr. Grant Delicious sure is cute!!!

Amanda said...

That was one sweet, sticky kiss! Purdy darn cute there. Your kids are super funny. Really, I do miss them, one of these days, I will get down there to play with them and to get me some rice crispie treats of my own.

Fonzareli said...

Cute! Really really CUTE!

Hot Mom said...

Call in the child labor law experts. I can't believe you were making him perform just to get a rice krispie treat...what a good idea!

What a cutie. We like Grant over in this neck of the woods.

Nutty Hamster Chick said...

The is awesome. Love the dang quesidilla reference. Love that whole movie also. Good work.

Anonymous said...

Oh I love that Grant boy. "Grant Delicious" is probably my favorite memory of nursery! And I will help you beat up the person that tells him this is not his real name :)

jen said...

So so cute! I love the big kiss at the end. Grant Delicious is very very loved!

andrea said...

Bright spot. That just about sums it up. So, so cute.

stace said...

cute as can be!

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