Showing posts with label Belly Pics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Belly Pics. Show all posts

July 13, 2010

37 weeks

Well baby, it's official...we are *full-term*!! That means that there is NO stopping us if you decide to come out. We are green-light for go! Of course it would be more "convenient" if you wait 2 more weeks for Mum-Mum...but please, don't let that stop you! LOL!

The weather is a bit cooler this week which makes your mommy sooo much more comfortable. Mommy doesn't like her fat feet from the swelling due to humidity. Yuck!

I seem to be getting bigger every day at this point. Shirts which fit the day before now show belly. I supposed that is because you are moving down...down...down...

Here is our Belly Pic:

From here on out, mommy is going to try to take weekly shots until you arrive and then will try to remember to take one the day you decide to make your grand entrance. It will be fun to look back on them later.

Stay healthy and strong and know there is a host of people just dying to make your acquaintance!

With love forever and always,

May 16, 2010

28 weeks 5 days

Dear Baby Justin,

It's hard to believe, but we are officially in our THIRD TRIMESTER! From here on out, it's just a matter of me getting ready for your arrival! It is going to go by pretty fast I'm sure and before I know it, I'll be picking your Mum-Mum up at the airport again!

Mommy just got back this past week from visiting your Papa and Mum-Mum out on the west coast with your brother. We had a great time and found all sorts of adorable things for you to wear when you come. We also made mommy a ringsling to use and it's SUPER pretty in a gorgeous blue Sari fabric. I can't wait to try you out in it!

Here is our photo for the month:

I think I've finally caught up bellywise with the amount of weeks I am! I don't get nearly the "oh wow, you are so huge!" comments anymore! LOL! But mommy does swell up in the humidity. Thankfully it's been a mix of sun and rain so I don't have to be swollen EVERY day.

Mommy decided that we are going to make all your baby food. With your brother, we made a little and used organic jars...but this time around, I'm going to just let you have the delicious tasty veggies and fruit as I make them! It will be so much healthier for you!

It's about time to buy our first pack of diapers for you. They always look so small when they are the newborn or size 1...but your little bunsies will grow fast, I'm sure.

Well, my love that's it for this week. Keep growing and staying healthy for me!

All my love forever and always,

April 18, 2010

24 weeks 5 days

Dear Justin,

Yes my baby boy, you officially have a name now! We have decided that Justin Walter will fit you perfectly. I love that it means "Righteous Ruler" as that just sounds very manly and bold! Your papa is just tickled to death that you will have his name as your middle name, so don't be suprised if he calls you "Little Wally" now and then. (giggle)

We are 6 months along now, love! Only 3 more months to go until we get to make your acquaintance! It's getting to be quite exciting to think that we are finally getting that close to your arrival!

In two weeks your brother and I will be heading back to WA to visit your mommy's family for 1 1/2 weeks. That is going to very fun to see everyone and I know your mum-mum and papa are dying to feel you give them some swift kicks! LOL! I don't know how mommy is going to do on the flight as lately sitting down for any extended period of time really makes mommy's back hurt...but I'm going to the chiropractor this week to hopefully get back into alignment.

Your little brother was funny this weekend. He just doesn't get the idea that you won't be able to play with him right off the bat. I still think he's imagining that you will be arriving ready to play with him! He was dumbfounded that you wouldn't even be able to walk! He had to verify that you would indeed have feet...(giggle) He's so funny and he's going to be the best big brother to you!

Here is our pic for the week:

We are coming along quite nicely!

I pray that you keep on growing strong and healthy and safe inside my tummy!

Forever and always,

April 4, 2010

22 Weeks 5 Days

Well, my lovely little boy, we are at 5 1/2 months! We are heading down the weeks getting closer and closer to your arrival! I must say that it IS getting quite exciting to think about your arrival. Especially when I see babies or picture of cute little babies!

You are still as yet, nameless as your daddy and I are still trying to figure out the perfect name. And contrary to what your PAPA thinks, "Buckie" is just not going to work for me. Sorry. LOL!

I'm getting into the home stretch of finishing my semester's classes and then I will be taking a break until NEXT Spring, as the Fall semester starts 1 1/2 weeks after your estimated due date. That's just not going to work for mommy! LOL! But that's okay as the break will give us time to get some really nice mommy, baby and brother bonding!

Speaking of brothers, your big brother Seth has been asking me if you will know he's your brother. I tell him that you will...for it's true. Within just a few days, you will recognise him as belonging to you. So I tell him to keep on talking to you in my tummy so you will know his voice. He LOVES giving you zerberts (aka raspberries) and worries about my belly button...LOL!

Here is our pic for this week:

You are growing quite nicely and mommy LOVES feeling you kick and stretch and move! It's just the thing to make her smile, so keep on doing it, luv!

On the 14th we are having a special 4D ultrasound for the doctor to check out your facial bones and I'm pretty excited. You can see soooo much from those pics and I'm dying to see if you have hair or not. Your brother was bald as a cue ball...he was adorable, but bald. I would love it if you had hair! LOL!

Well, I need to go now...

Remember that your mommy loves you and prays for you every day!

Always and forever,

March 21, 2010

20 Weeks 5 Days

Dear Little Boy Blue,

Well, my luv,we are halfway through! If I remember right, the last half seems to go much faster than the first half! And since your mommy is going to be busy with the upcoming HOly Days, and finishing her semester in school AND getting ready for our trip out west, it WILL go by fairly quickly!

You seem to be moving a bit more often these days, but that is probably because you are growing so fast and so well. There really isn't much room in there for you to move around is there? I love feeling your little jabs, moves and stretches! It makes me smile!

Here is our picture for this week:

I really don't see much change from 18 weeks, but everyone keeps telling me that I'm getting quite large. And then they ask if I'm sure about my due date! LOL! Yes, I'm sure. I'm just going to be VERY large. Between you and I, little prince, you can come a week early if you so desire! LOL! But not too early, as it isn't good for you to rush things and your Mum-Mum might not be here yet! Your mommy needs Mum-Mum here to help her!

Well my love, it's time for your mommy to get cracking on her busy schedule today. Lots to do this week. Lots of VERY important things to do this week.

Keep growing strong and healthy and know that I love you always and forever!


March 7, 2010

18 Weeks 5 Days

Morning little Eggplant!

This is a big week for us! We finally get to learn if you are a little prince or princess!! I like to look at the poll at the right of my blog to see people's predictions. Thus far, it's about 50/50! LOL! Well, I guess that is always the odds, right? We will find out on Wednesday afternoon, so it's very exciting and we can't wait to start figuring out details like...oh...your name! LOL!

Your brother Seth will be going with us and I'm curious to see how he will react to actually seeing you on the screen! And then what he would do if he found out you are going to be his little sister! He keeps telling EVERYONE that mommy is having a HE baby. I had a ton of people at church ask me if I was having a boy! LOL! Turned out they had all talked to Seth! (giggle)

We are having so much fun with your Mum-Mum here this week! She is giving you a lot of pats and loves, little one! And just wait until your Papa gets here! He's planning on patting AND talking to you to make sure you know his voice! Oh, the love you are being born into! What a family you are so blessed to be a part of!

Well, here is our picture for this week:

You are definitely growing! And boy, you sure do move around a lot! Not much kicking, just a lot of wiggling! Up and down, side to side. You are just trying to get comfortable I'm sure! But it is very funny to watch!

Well, we are almost 1/2 way there! 19 weeks this week and then the halfway mark next week! It will be time for your arrival before we know it and it will be so exciting to get to hold you in my arms!

I love you forever and always!

February 21, 2010

16 weeks 5 days

Well my are no longer my little Limey! You have grown to avocado proportions! So for now, I have dubbed you my Little Avocado! Hmm, if I knew you were a girl, I'd call you Little Ava! LOL!

Mommy isn't feeling so hot today. I think I've caught the cold that your brother has had. But hopefully between water, hot tea and good vitamins, Mommy can stop it in it's tracks!

I have been enjoying feeling your movements, my dearest. Some days you are busier than others and there are times I wish I could feel you move all the time. But I know that as you get bigger, I might regret that wish! LOL! I noticed again today that when I take a shower, you move to the top of my belly and I think you like hearing the water when it hits my belly.

Here is our new belly picture:

Compared to two weeks ago, I do believe you are making mommy poke out quite a bit, luv! I was told yesterday that I already looked like I had half a watermelon! do I respond to that? LOL! Sigh. I know, I know. Women tend to have BIG BELLIES in our family when reaching that last trimester. Your brother gave me a watermelon and I'm sure you will too! But that's comes with the territory!

Mommy has a doctor's appointment tomorrow. I'm itching to hear your heartbeat again. I'm NOT itching to get on the scale. Sigh. But they always like to torture us pregnant women like that...

Your mum-mum will be coming next week! Your mommy is going to be very happy to see her! And then your papa will be visiting too and we will be having such a good time together! Maybe you will be kicking harder by then and they will be able to feel you...that would be delightful! The best thing about them coming, though, is that the day Papa flies out here is the day mum-mum and I will learn whether you are a little boy or a girl! I can't wait to see you again on that ultrasound! We are going to take a video tape so we can record you moving around like we did with your brother...that is always so much fun to watch!

Well, lovie, I need to go now.

Remember that I will love you always and forever! You are our little blessing from God and we thank Him EVERY DAY for your existence!

February 7, 2010

14 weeks 5 days

Dear Little Lime~

We are almost at the 15 week mark! Only 25 weeks to go! LOL!

I think I felt you move last night. I was lying on my back and felt a little flutter about 2-3" below my belly button. It was in the right place, so I'm just going to assume it was you. I waited and hoped you would do it again, but you didn't. But that's okay because at 1:00am you should be sleeping anyways. It's good for you to practice that now, because I'd appreciate it if you continued it once you arrive! LOL!

I know I've been anxious over you, but between losing my cookies due to a bad smell, food still tasting icky, an aversion to ground beef and this little flutter, I feel MUCH better about things. I am still very very eager to hear your heartbeat again next week. And it's only a month before we get to find out whether or not you are a boy or a girl. After the weekend I've had with your daddy and brother, I'm praying with all my heart you are a little GIRL! LOL! I need another female in this house to even things up!

Here is our picture for this week:

You can see that I'm getting almost pointy already which is funny. I really am a bit lopsided when I look at my tummy, so you must be more on one side then the other. My shirts aren't quite coming down as far as I'd like, which tells me that I'm carrying you high right now.

Well, my love I am in need of groceries, so I'm going to head out the door. I will wander through the baby section again and touch all the cute things that I'm dying to be able to buy again.

Grow strong and healthy, love.

I love your forever,

January 24, 2010

12 weeks 5 days

Hello Little Lime!

I can no longer call you a blueberry as you are nearly 3" long! So for now you are my Little Lime. Here we are in the last week of our 1st trimester. So far everything looks great...but I'm still nervous. It was just a week past where we are right now that things went wrong last spring and I lost my previous baby. So while I'm anxious to get past this point, I am confident that God is in control and I WILL get to hold you in 28 weeks!

Here is our picture for this week:

You and I are growing quite nicely! Thankfully, mommy is also feeling so much better! It seems I've gotten past all my sickness and can enjoy food (well, the food that YOU like) again.

I love you forever and always!

January 17, 2010

11 weeks 5 days

Good morning Baby Blueberry!

Here we are finishing out the end of our first trimester. So far everything has been going along splendidly...even if you did dump a trimester's worth of morning sickness on me in just 1 1/2 weeks! That wasn't very fun, but I gladly endured it for your sake. LOL! Thankfully your mommy is back to enjoying a variety of food again, though my tastes to still lean in certain directions.

I've had to move almost entirely into maternity shirts, but I'm fine with that. They are so comfortable and cover the waist of my pants. I was blessed with a friend giving me some maternity sweaters. They are so comfy and I needed them for this cooler weather we are having. Thankfully, most of our pregnancy will be during the spring and summer when I can wear warm weather clothes--which is what I have more of at this time anyways.

Here is our pic for this week...

I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow and then an ultrasound on Wednesday. I hope you will cooperate and be lively for the doctor. But frankly, as long as you have a heartbeat and everything looks okay, you can sleep for all I care!

I'm nearing the stage where my anxieties are taking over. This was a critical stage with my last pregnancy, luv and that unfortunately ended badly. Obviously I'm not expecting it again, but until we both get past the next few weeks successfully, I won't be completely at ease. I just pray for God to give me strength and peace and leave it in His hands, as that is really the only place for things like this.

I still feel like you are a boy...though I appear to be the ONLY person who thinks that! I guess we will find out soon enough and I will be delighted either way.

If you ARE a boy, we've decided to give you the MIDDLE name of Walter. It's a very nice name. You will share it with your Papa. That is my dad and he's a fabulous guy who is dying to see you and hold you. I think he will really like you having his name if you ARE a boy. We don't know what your first name will be yet. We have names we toss around, but nothing sticks yet.

Your brother has decided that since you will be stinky and will cry when you are little, that you aren't allowed to sleep in his room yet. He's decided that sleeping with mommy is the best place for you. I told him that he was right. LOL! He is very excited about you and loves to point to all the babies he sees when we go out and about.

Well, my most dear Little Blu', I have more things to get done today.

I love you forever and always...

January 10, 2010

10 weeks 5 days

Morning Baby Blueberry!

Well, according to my ticker, you are over an inch long and have taste buds! I'm assuming that is why you have plagued your mother with horrid morning sickness this last week! I really hope you can let me eat soon, as this constant state of nausea is NOT fun, luv!

We are getting closer to the end of this first trimester and I am hoping and praying that this time, nothing will go wrong. That you will stay with me and grow with me for the full 40 weeks! I have a couple doctor's appointments this month. I have to get some more bloodwork on Wednesday and then the 20th will be the next time I get to see you! I sure hope you are doing well and will be good and move around a lot for me and the doctor.

I have pretty much completely switched over to my maternity shirts, though I still have a few "cross-overs" which allow me to wear normal stuff. I'm down to just three pairs of jeans though. I really dread that change into maternity pants and plan on avoiding it for as long as I possibly can!

Here is our picture for this week:

I think we are growing quite nicely. I think it's like a marshmellow cantelope! (giggle) I am very eager to get to the point where my belly firms up and then I can start feeling you move around in there. Oh how I loved that with your brother! He was quite the wiggly worm, so I'm curious if you will be the same way.

Well my darling, it is time for me to get going and do some things. I have a big test at school tomorrow and it's crucial that I excel on it, so I must study!

I love you forever and always!

January 3, 2010

9 weeks 5 days

Good morning, Little Blue!

It's hard to believe but it is now the year 2010! When I was a little girl I was POSITIVE that we would be living on the moon with cool spaceships and hovercraft to ride in. {giggle} But while we can do many things, we are still safely on earth.

This year is set to bring me great joy as I await your arrival. I have a LOT of waiting to do, but thankfully, I have all kinds of things to keep me occupied. I start school again on Tuesday. I'm curious to see what it will be like to go from 10 weeks to 6 months pregnant through the course of the semester. I worry about fitting behind those desks! LOL!

This month is one which I will be glad to get passed. I know I shouldn't desire time to rush by, but until I can carry you safely through this month and passed the 13 week mark I will be anxious. I know I shouldn't worry about it. That I should just leave it in God's hands...but a mother always worries. Especially about her loved ones. There are times I even find myself "preparing" myself for the worst. I know it's normal, especially after a miscarriage, but I wish I could just enjoy this time completely without worries about losing you. Regardless, I know God is here with me every step of the way. I will be do much better once I get occupied with school and homework.

Your big brother is getting excited about you. He kisses you every night and then blows you a raspberry! I warned him that one of these days you will kick him when he does that, but he just laughs and does it again! He is just going to love you SOOOOO much, Little Blue. He's going to be your protector. He has all kinds of plans for you and he, luv.

Here is our picture for this week.

I don't think I look any bigger then last week...but I still FEEL bigger! I know I'm not eating a whole lot since you only let me eat things you let me. You already made me stop drinking milk and I LOVE milk. Sigh. Oh well, at least you don't have any issues with cheese! LOL! And of course you still {AdOrE} Pineapple!

It's very very cold here right now. Good thing you are warm and toasty in your mommy's belly! Did you know you've grown? You are over an inch now! More like a raspberry. But I still like calling you my Blueberry...

Well love, I need to find something for us to eat.

I love you forever and always!

December 28, 2009

8 Weeks Pic

Just posting a pic of us for this week, Blue...

There is a smidge of a bump, but not enough to eliminate me from wearing my last few pairs of jeans and shirts! I'm sure that's going to change over the next couple weeks! LOL!

I love you forever!

December 20, 2009

7 weeks 4 days

Good morning Lil' Blue!
I hope that you are staying healthy even though I'm a tad bit sick. This weather you are luckily avoiding is quite a mess! It gave your big brother a cold and now me! But I'm confident we'll be 100% better soon.

I took a picture of us today. I thought it would be fun to document how we grow each week. I might regret this later when your mommy looks like she ate a watermelon whole...but for now I think it will be fun to see how we are changing.

I've compared how we look today to how I looked with your little brother or sister I lost earlier this year and I think I look about the same. I would compare how we look to when I was pregnant with your brother Seth, but your daddy hadn't bought me my digital camera yet. So I don't have any photos from that early.

All I know is that you are making wearing my jeans quite difficult, luv! LOL! Me thinks that I will be wearing my "fat" jeans before too much longer. I've already had to retire two pairs of my regular jeans because they were putting too much pressure on you.

You know, I think the Daily Verse that is on my blog today is just perfect to add to my memory verses. It's from 1 John 3:21-22 and says:

"Beloved, if our heart does not condemn us, we have confidence toward God. And whatever we ask we receive from Him, because we keep His commandments and do those things that are pleasing in His sight."

Isn't that just the nicest verse? I especially like the second half because you are living proof of this. We prayed and prayed and prayed and fasted and prayed for you. We obeyed God and kept His commandments and then God in His infinite greatness and kindness decided that He would grant us what we have asked so earnestly for--You! You are our little blessing, Blue. I'm thinking that maybe we will try to name you something that reflects this...but there is time to work all of that out.

Well, your mommy needs to go do some housework. It's not exactly her most favorite thing to do, but it is necessary to keep your daddy from going crazy. Not that your mommy doesn't enjoy making daddy crazy sometimes...but I need to do all the housework I can right now, because when you get bigger, I will too! And that will make it much more difficult.

I'm thinking that you and I both need some lunch--how does Chicken and Potatoes sound? I think it sounds delightful! And then maybe some muffins for dessert? Mmm, glad you agree! LOL!

Well, my darling Little Blue, I will say tootles for now...

I love you now and forever,