Showing posts with label back to school. Show all posts
Showing posts with label back to school. Show all posts

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Welcome Back!

I simply cannot believe that summer is over and the first day of school is MONDAY! I have missed reading and sharing out here in blog world, but I really needed a break so I could come back refreshed and ready to go! I'm experiencing lots of new things this year, the first one being my new room. As I mentioned last May, I lost my teammate Mrs. Claborn to 2nd grade (She's starting a new blog, but I'm not sure of the address yet.), which was very sad, but the silver lining was that I got to move into her giant room! It may have taken me 7 years, but I am finally in a room that is the same size as everyone else's and I am PUMPED! I have been VERY busy moving, unpacking, rearranging, rearranging again, hanging, hot glueing, organizing and labeling. I finally have MOST of my things up and where I want them. I will post pictures soon because I'm just so excited about my new space that I have to share! I'm also going to be doing The Daily 5 this year, which I am very excited about, as well as participating (with Mrs. Claborn) in a differentiation program that my district is piloting in a few schools. It's going to be quite an adventure and I can't wait to get started! As I type this, I'm actually sitting in my classroom working, and seeing as it's Saturday afternoon, I think it's time for me to get home and enjoy a little bit of my weekend. I do however want to leave you with one back to school tidbit: my lining up song. Disclaimer: I can't take credit for it. I learned it from my mentor teacher when I student taught in Kindergarten. I love it and it does help remind the kids of our hallway behavior expectations!

Are We Ready? (to the tune of Frere Jacques)
Are we ready?
Are we ready?
Check and see!
Check and see!
Are you facing forward?
Is your mouth quiet?
Are your hands behind your back?
Are your hands behind your back?

I've used this song every year with my second and first graders and only once did one of them ask me how their mouths could be quiet if they were singing my song. 

I hope you all have had or will have a great first week back!