Thursday, September 17, 2009

Playing Sick

Last night Lucas randomly threw up. I think he just gagged when he coughed. While he never ran a fever he kept saying to me, "I sick. I need to go to doctor." I'd tell him that he didn't need to go and he'd say, "Yes I do, I frowed up!".

Poor little guy.

Honestly though, I really believe he was just milking it for all it was worth. He wanted some attention and knew that would be a good way to get it. When I offered him a Popsicle, he jumped up and was suddenly fine.

Because we don't have much time left just the two of us (yes I know it's really three...but all day while Jeremy is gone, it's just two), I babied him as much as I could. We went and bought some soda, ice cream, and Gatorade. He's pretty much had nothing to eat but Popsicles and crackers.

He's one HAPPY camper!

Hopefully he doesn't try to play sick more often. But for one day, I enjoyed the extra snuggles!

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