Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Enough already!

Time to blog in the present!

I am tired of trying to go through hundreds of pictures to figure out what we did over the last several months. Suffice it to say we were busy: Marshall turned two, Molly started 1st grade, Marshall started his Mother's Day out as a two year old (Ok, now that I think about it, I might have to put together at least one post celebrating the boy's 2nd birthday) and Halloween Season descended upon us...

Chaos has reigned supreme in the Quin household lately. Marshall is a menace. A cute, loving, knuckle-headed menace with a heart of gold.Which probably explains my inability to find the time to sit down and blog.

Here are some RECENT events:

This is how Molly left the house on School Picture Day...
 Marshall discovered that he loves cheese-balls and will go digging through any and all cabinets to try to find them - even when there aren't any in the house.
 As for Halloween, Molly chose two costumes this year. BatGirl for Trunk or Treat at John Wesley and Thor Girl for actual trick or treat on Halloween night.
 Marshall loved being Buzz Lightyear and practiced for several days before Halloween.
John Wesley always has an adorable Halloween parade that the parents love to come and watch. Here is Marshall with his fellow Monkey classmates.
Trunk-or-Treating at John Wesley and this year we met up with Dracula and Wolverine and their little sisters.

Halloween, Thanskgiving and possibly one post from the not so distant past celebrating Marshall's 2nd Birthday to follow...

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