Sunday, December 26, 2010

Veteran's Day Program

Each year Molly's school puts on a program for Veteran's Day where they choose four kindergartners to dress up as the Statue of Liberty, a Minute Man, Uncle Sam and an Army person. Molly was chosen to wear the Army costume and we were so excited that she was willing to stand in front of her entire school during the program!

Paul and I got a chance to hang out in Molly's classroom before the program.
Here Paul sitting at Molly's table with her friends and table-mates: Nicholas, Myra and Elmer.

Molly and her costumed buddies welcomed the Veterans at a reception before the program.Telling them "Welcome and thank you for serving your country" or perhaps, knowing Molly a quick "Hi" followed by a nervous giggle.
The kids with Ms. Karson
These pictures of Molly's buddies, Jack and Caroline, making their way to the cafeteria were too cute not to include.
As the kids walk through the halls they are encouraged to 'hold a bubble' in their mouths to keep them quiet. The four kindergartners led the Veterans into the assembly...
It was awesome hearing these kids cheer and clap for the Veterans and reaching out to shake their hands or give them high-fives. Molly and Mr. Dell, our pool guy - a former Marine who served in Vietnam.
Molly was so excited to see him!
The kids with Ms. Truin, their music teacher

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