Sunday, December 26, 2010

Beep, Beep!

The boy has a need... a need for speed... and a bib.

Have you ever noticed Marshall is always wearing a bib? It's because he's a constant fountain of drool. I am beginning to wonder if he'll ever develop the natural reflex to swallow his saliva.

Just look at the neckline of his t-shirt in these pictures:

He's a cute little slobbery mess though, isn't he?

Veteran's Day Program

Each year Molly's school puts on a program for Veteran's Day where they choose four kindergartners to dress up as the Statue of Liberty, a Minute Man, Uncle Sam and an Army person. Molly was chosen to wear the Army costume and we were so excited that she was willing to stand in front of her entire school during the program!

Paul and I got a chance to hang out in Molly's classroom before the program.
Here Paul sitting at Molly's table with her friends and table-mates: Nicholas, Myra and Elmer.

Molly and her costumed buddies welcomed the Veterans at a reception before the program.Telling them "Welcome and thank you for serving your country" or perhaps, knowing Molly a quick "Hi" followed by a nervous giggle.
The kids with Ms. Karson
These pictures of Molly's buddies, Jack and Caroline, making their way to the cafeteria were too cute not to include.
As the kids walk through the halls they are encouraged to 'hold a bubble' in their mouths to keep them quiet. The four kindergartners led the Veterans into the assembly...
It was awesome hearing these kids cheer and clap for the Veterans and reaching out to shake their hands or give them high-fives. Molly and Mr. Dell, our pool guy - a former Marine who served in Vietnam.
Molly was so excited to see him!
The kids with Ms. Truin, their music teacher

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Pictures with Santa

I could not have asked for better pictures with Santa this year.
Molly looked beautiful as usual and Marshall gave me that hysterical screaming picture I've always secretly longed for!
Santa was a champ and didn't seem phased by Marshall's frantic screams for help.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Letter to Santa

6 of One, Half Dozen of the Other...

On December 2nd, our girl turned SIX years old!Being just like her daddy, it takes Molly a while to get out of bed each morning.Awesome Star Wars apron from Aunt Yara and family in ItalyLittle Man stylin' on his sister's birthdayHannah and I threw a small cupcake party at the park for Molly and Adalyn on their actual birthdayThe cupcake-faced birthday girlsMarshall trying to impress Holland by goofing around with the lid to the cupcake box
Molly requested a hot dog from 5 Guys for her birthday dinnerAfter Marshall went to bed, we gathered in Molly's room to watch her open her last present... and of course she and daddy had to take a silly picture!Happy Birthday, Sweet Girl! We love you more and more every day!

Molly's Build a Bear Party

MiMi came in town for Molly's 6th birthday and before we left the house, she had fun watching Marshall goof around with his favorite pair of glasses. Molly, MiMi and the purple unicorn pillow pet that Molly had been asking for.
Riding with Garfield at the mall before the party...
Me and sweet Carrie, just days before she had baby John!
Little man makes his appearance

Ms. Robin and two of her girls
The girls making their wishesMolly and Presley
Molly, Presley and Marin
Molly and Kate
Sweet Caroline
Adorable little Jillian
Molly and Ms. Robin's granddaughters
This year we decided Molly would have a small "girls only" birthday party with just 10 friends. The invite list spiraled out of control because Molly kept forgetting who was and wasn't invited and talked about her party at school... meaning we had to add a few to the list.Lovely little Ella
Molly and Miranda
Grammy and Molly
the birthday girl with Jessica and Ella
Daddy serving the ladies
Marshall and the girls
Molly, Miranda and their "Best Friend" necklaces that Molly bought