Thursday, May 24, 2012

That's my boy!

Marshall loves taking pictures - I wonder where he picked that up?
Now I just need to get him a little computer so he can start a blog, then completely neglect it just like his mom.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving, Y'all!

Happy Thanksgiving from the Quin Family

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Our Boy is TWO!

Marshall turned two on July 29th and we spent a quiet day at home in the pool playing and keeping him out of trouble! I can't believe how quickly two years has flown by. I am so in love with my sweet, mischievous, busy, rough and tumble little boy. He can be a total bruiser, but he always follows the tackles with lots of hugs and kisses. He adores his sister, loves wrestling and crashing cars with his daddy and is a total mama's boy - just as it should be!

The morning of Marshall's 2nd Birthday Molly was very excited to be the one to wake up her brother.
Opening presents first thing in the morning...

 We spent most of the day in the pool and ordered Marshall's favorite meal, Paul's Pizza, for dinner.
 After a nice long bath, we played with birthday presents
And had sang "Happy Birthday" to Marshall as he blew the candle out on his Paul's dessert pizza!
This is the same candle we used for Julia's Two-Pooh Party celebrating her Two Month Birthday nearly three years ago.
A few days later we celebrated Marshall's Birthday with his friends
 Marshall and his PawPaw
 These pictures are important because somehow in the first 15 minutes of Marshall's party Paul threw out his back... These are the last pictures of him standing upright with a smile on his face
 The parents relaxing while the kids are entertained...notice Paul?  You can't tell, but he's dying in this picture.
Cake and Chick Fil A fruit and nuggets... Marshall eats none of those things so he's eating Chex Mix...
Marshall is in heaven in these pictures because someone gave him a lollipop from one of his favor bags.
It wasn't me. 
I think this was his 2nd or 3rd sucker EVER. 
4 months later and I think he's had 2 since then.  
I do not like sticky.

 And here is poor Paul in urgent care, just 2 or 3 hours after Marshall's party.
He got several pain killers, one booty shot, and some muscle relaxers, I think he was pretty doped up by the time I took this shot.

Enough already!

Time to blog in the present!

I am tired of trying to go through hundreds of pictures to figure out what we did over the last several months. Suffice it to say we were busy: Marshall turned two, Molly started 1st grade, Marshall started his Mother's Day out as a two year old (Ok, now that I think about it, I might have to put together at least one post celebrating the boy's 2nd birthday) and Halloween Season descended upon us...

Chaos has reigned supreme in the Quin household lately. Marshall is a menace. A cute, loving, knuckle-headed menace with a heart of gold.Which probably explains my inability to find the time to sit down and blog.

Here are some RECENT events:

This is how Molly left the house on School Picture Day...
 Marshall discovered that he loves cheese-balls and will go digging through any and all cabinets to try to find them - even when there aren't any in the house.
 As for Halloween, Molly chose two costumes this year. BatGirl for Trunk or Treat at John Wesley and Thor Girl for actual trick or treat on Halloween night.
 Marshall loved being Buzz Lightyear and practiced for several days before Halloween.
John Wesley always has an adorable Halloween parade that the parents love to come and watch. Here is Marshall with his fellow Monkey classmates.
Trunk-or-Treating at John Wesley and this year we met up with Dracula and Wolverine and their little sisters.

Halloween, Thanskgiving and possibly one post from the not so distant past celebrating Marshall's 2nd Birthday to follow...

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Summer Performances

 This summer Molly got choose a few of her camps and activities. She chose the Broadway Musical Summer camp at John Wesley, Alice and Wonderland Acting camp and Silivie Dance Camp (led by the Cy Creek High School Silveradoes Drill Team) I was very surprised and excited that she chose three activities that all involved a performance!
 Molly has always had a love of all things Alice and was very excited to be in this play. At first she was sad that she was cast as Daisy, and not one of the three Alices or the Cheshire Cat, but after watching all the kids rehearsing their songs and running their difficult lines, she was thankful to start her acting career with a small part!
 Molly was Daisy, one of the 'Girls of the Golden Afternoon'
 Grammy got to come and watch one of Molly's two back-to-back performances
Mommy and Daisy
 Now I will admit that normally I am the one chasing my friends and family around requesting  (perhaps demanding)  pictures, but this time Molly kept asking me to take tons and tons of pictures after her performances!
 with the tea party set
 with Daddy...
 and with the Mad Hatter and March Hare.
The second camp of her choice was Broadway Musical camp run by her music teacher from Yeager. Molly LOVED it. They performed several songs that Molly really liked from several musicals including Annie, Seussical the Musical, You're a Good Man Charlie Brown and Wicked. 

*I am trying to learn to live in the moment and really enjoy the kids' parties and performances instead of always watching them through my camera lens, so I just took a couple of pictures during the last song of the night... I realized I enjoyed watching Molly and the other kids without trying to take a cute picture of them performing and I don't feel sad at all that I didn't capture every second! 

Molly is the middle one of the three girls on the bottom right

  Molly and Jessica goofing around after their awesome performance.
Molly getting a hug from Ms. Trewin, she is an amazing teacher and can put together the most awesome plays and musicals in just a week's time.
Molly had a blast at Silvie Camp and since I didn't get any good shots of her performance here is one cute picture of Molly and Jessica during their week of practice.