Thursday, March 22, 2012


Well after a fun week in St. George we hurried home and got ready for Brookies big day!! She has been getting strep throat like crazy and been suffering from sleep apnea and at last it was time to take those big old honkin no good tonsils out. She has been so nervous for this but it all went well. Phil and our neighbor Crispen gave her a blessing the night before and it seemed to really help calm her nerves and she was able to go right to sleep. We took her into the hospital first thing the next morning. The staff there couldn't have been nicer and they all took really great care of her. They gave her some Versaid and it calmed her right down. She became quite talkative with the nurses ( anyone who knows our Brookie knows she can be VERY shy) so Phil and I were getting a good laugh out of watching her. She was all sorts of giggly and chatty. She was laughing and smiling as they hauled her away. The surgery went well and quick with no problems. She woke up right after and immediately began drinking sprite. She has been doing ok eating lots of ice cream bars and smoothies. She has been spoiled with treats and balloons with all our great friends and family. We are hoping the pain is worth it and we wont have any strep!

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