Wednesday, 15 April 2020

Rumble City!

Couple of years ago now, Matthew Adams, who I think is still around in places (Hello Matthew!) had the rules for a lego-based racing game he was working on and asked me for background and extra stuff.

I did a bit of development on it, but I don't think it ended up going anywhere, so here you are. I will blog what I have for a few days.

Without rules or context it reads like some kind of surreal car race/art project.

[EDIT - Check the comments for Matthew. The rules for the game are here.]


This is not a game about getting it right, it is about doing it now. Now is always better than right.

Things went wrong in Rumble City.  But now they’re ok. Because everyone drives really fast. In cars they made themselves. If you never stop then nothing will go wrong again.

Whatever smashed reality back in the day left things crazy and way out of place. Even people who grew up in Rumble City know Rumble City makes no sense. Who cares? It’s Rumble City. Everybody needs a car and everybody has a car and that’s what matters. If you need a car you build it yourself for things left lying around. There were infinite cars back in the day, they coated every road like a river of ants. Get one of those. Plus whatever smashed into reality left crazy scrap behind. There are wild impossible machines abandoned in the wastes. Grab an engine, hook it up and see what it does. It might be something good. Maybe your car will go faster. Maybe it turns the sun off like a switch. Give it a pedal and press!

Nothing in Rumble City is ever exactly the right scale.  You think something’s far away, then you see that it’s just small. Like a man half your size or a ship you could pick up. Sometimes it goes the other way. Maybe you have to drive a hatchback the size of a ballroom and race a five meter man on a rocket bike he built himself. Don’t worry about it, the cars still go. It doesn’t matter how big things are, only how fast they go. Scale may not work but distance and time are just fine. Focus on the things that matter. Speed, manoeuvrability and the number of monkeys you can fit in your trunk.

O.K some people are animals now too. They come in different scales and natures. But it’s just people man! Mainly, animals don’t drive but they like to watch the races go. That’s why we call them ‘Fanimals’. It’s good when your team has the best Fanimals. You can hear them cheer, or whatever else it is they do. Plus, they’re handy in a pitch invasion. Fanimals don’t care if you win or lose, only that you race with flair. The more fearless stylings you pop on the track, the better Fanimals you get.
That twenty-foot bear with the googly eyes? That’s my guy. Chester The Bear. Big fan.

The important thing, the really really important thing, is if you ever feel like the gigantic screens and the endless caverns the glowing monoliths that speak, the impossible friends or the fact that nothing ever ever makes sense is getting to you. If you feel like your heads about to explode or like something in the back of your is twitching and about to choke you. Just drive faster. When you are fast, it doesn’t matter. If you win, you win. If you die, you’re not there so at least you didn’t lose. And if you don’t die you can always talk crap on the other racers behind their backs. All that matters is you race. Now.

Monday, 13 April 2020

Pretentious trash, but not unplayable.

Does anyone have any online Actual Plays of my stuff?

I'd like to try collecting them in one place I can easily refer to, (like the 'I Reed' and 'I Spek' buttons on the right rail), so the next time someone calls my stuff pretentious unplayable trash online I can just refer them here...

Contact in comments or hit the "where to find me" button on the right for literally all my social media.


Deep Carbon Observatory

The GG NO RE podcast

Ten Foot Polemic blog

From the LotFP Forums

Veins of the Earth

Pretendo Games blog report

From the LotFP Forums

Silent Titans

Fire on the Velvet Horizon

From the comments..

I've used versions of the Flammeous Lads (from Fire on the Velvet Horizon) and the Nightmare Sea (from the blog) in games, but entangled with other things, rather than as neat units to be pointed out as examples of actual play. I had the Deep Carbon Observatory on the campaign map, but the players never went to the relevant area..


Friday, 10 April 2020

The Memory and the Bones - Thoughts on the Wolf Hall Trilogy


These three books tell part of the story of Thomas Cromwell, an advisor to Henry the Eighth during the English Reformation.

tldr; rough-and-tumble superintelligent poor boy becomes consiglieri to likeable-then-monstrous narcissist king during cultural firestorm and helps him chop and change wives and policies, becoming super-duper powerful before being executed by that same king under *mysterious circumstances*.

And I realise that’s a long tldr but I have listened to these books on Audible for nearly SEVENTY SEVEN hours in total. There is a lot going on


Mantells prose is very good and her insane levels of hyper-detailed research and slightly bonkers shamanistic possession by the scene she is writing do make you often genuinely feel as if you have been ported into the body of one of her characters, or are hidden in a corner, and are watching History live in front of you moment-to-moment.

It’s a hell of a thing to know exactly how some minor event or small thing turns out from Wikipedia but to feel reading about that same event all the hyper-awareness, worry, fear and uncertainty of an immediate scene with no known end.

Will the King recover from his tournament knockout?

(yes you know he will, but it doesn't feel like you know)

Will the catholic/northern Pilgrimage of the Five Wounds (something I didn't know about before) march on London and kill Cromwell?


Will the French King and Holy Roman Emperor finally stop being dicks to each other and get together to fuck over blighty?

(Kinda, almost, but then no.)


There is not much of a plot except the plot of events which is really good for creating complex tensions some of the time but also pretty formless feeling compared to a more normal drama. Also there are SEVENTY SEVEN HOURS OF THIS which even for good writing, is a long fucking time. She does drag on a bit, at least in audiobook version and at least for me.

Do we need to sit through every meeting?

Maybe we do. History is pretty wide and deep and the things Mantel is trying to tell us can't be told in a more standard and stripped down drama. Small things build up. Tiny interpersonal events grow and change over time. Small particular offences or strange alliances build and die in this moment-to-moment world. Big things have small beginnings and grand falls come about through the meshing together of a hundred little cracks, each one so minor you would barely notice it to begin with.

One of the things that brings down Cromwell in the end is his very slight dullness compared to the start.

Opening Cromwell is insanely perceptive, calm, collected and strategic. He sees everything, responds to everything and takes care of every single meeting and encounter, not always flawlessly, but with relentless and close attention.

By the third book he slips. Rarely in anything big and rarely anything a modern career politician would even call a slip, but there are small events he misses, inferences and warnings and loyalties he mistakes or ignores or puts aside. You couldn't really show that in a less-detailed story.

Nevertheless, parts of these books, especially the last one, are tenseboring. With the simultaneous tension and severe boredom of a compulsory work event where someone is about to be fired.


A nice thing about doing an insanely deep dive into history is that we can get an image of events as a whole echoing up and down the scale of incident, from glances and looks all the way to armies marching and great religious changes, which gives you a picture of history that no historian could give you (because they in good conscience could never make up all the incidental detail) and which exists in a polarity between the fact that the incidents and moments are all certainly fake, but the way reality works in the story is probably more like the way reality actually works than a more systematic history.

In a history using true facts you must stick only to what is known recorded and confirmed. Which is accurate but false, because history is taking place at every level simultaneously. Whereas in a story you can add back in the "missing" scales of events and produce a whole picture more accurate in its mechanics, even if not in its details.

The era really helps with this as you have the medieval quality of kings, queens feudal and deeply personal power structures, so every political decision is a personal one, and visa versa. But you also have the birth of modern systems and structures. So you can see the effects of this highly personal and human structure of history echoing through the bureaucratic and state structures which we recognise - i.e. courtrooms and bills of parliament - which all leave records.

In the book Henry instantly takes against Ann of Cleaves because she fails to notice him and then fails to disguise a flinch at his ageing and bloated body. Relationship done from that point on. Which means the map of Europe doesn't change in a certain way and Euro-politics shifts.

So maybe that isn't the exact reason Henry didn't like Ann of Cleaves. And maybe it wasn't down to one incident, but whatever the reason was, it was personal and intimate and human. (Whilst also being geo-political. Every scale at once.)


Interesting thing about Henry in his swings from nearly-sympathetic to grotesque insane woman-destroying deluded narcissist.

His mad personality, which I took to be textbook narcissism; relentless manipulation, gaslighting everyone,  utterly self-absorbed with delusions (though if you are the King I suppose they are not delusions) of grandeur and seemingly no real core to his personality..

A lot of this looks like a relatively sane adaptation to his life.

He has never ever had a meaningful degree of privacy. To sleep alone he has a secret room built where he can go and hide after his official putting-to-bed ceremony. Everyone around him, and I mean absolutely everyone, wants something from him or is trying to manipulate him somehow. He is the chief executive of England during an insanely tumultuous period of history. He has been told by various religious authorities from birth that he was placed in his throne directly by God. He is trapped between powerful and strongly competing axis of power, both at home and internationally and, other than some Patronage or bullshit, has relatively little to offer them. He has won the game of thrones but it never actually ends and he can still lose it and there are a huge number of people around him who, if they could quietly dispose of him, they would.

If I imagine any normal person being in that position they would but utterly totally bugfuck insane. Imagine being the Sovereign Head of a nation while living in the Big Brother House while your courtiers basically throw women at you in the hope one will catch your eye.

His narcissistic qualities and instability, while horrible and terrifying, (and he is absolutely a monster) make perfect sense considering his condition of life.


Mantel has spoken about this but in some ways the bodies of Kings and Princesses and Queens are more like the bodies of beasts than of humans. People talk about them the same way you would talk about a favourite racehorse or about a slave. They are bodies of utility. They have a use, a purpose vital to a huge range of people and everyone is reasonably interested in whether they will fulfil it.

Henry's leg injury really isn't just an injury, it’s the future of England, because it is almost certainly slowly killing him, and it’s is Englands miserable and anguished present, because if the King is in almost constant low-level pain, and if he can't exercise, like he has every day of his life, so he gets fat, then that means that his formerly bad-but-manageable qualities get darker and darker and darker.

The mood of the Sovereign shapes the court, and they shape the nation. If the King is in pain, vulnerable and angry and fucked-up, then that shows quite literally in the lives of his subjects.

The bodies of women are violated and examined also. Virgin or not? Child capable or not? As attractive as the portrait or not? Pregnant or not? Losing the baby, lost the baby, keeping the baby? Can she get the King hard? Too much sexual experience (turn off), or not enough (doesn't know what to do in bed)?

In the middle book, Henry asks "Am I not a man like other men?" And the answer is no, he isn't. If enough power or potential advantage is centred in your body then you are a kind of beast.


Henry ultimately tires of, and then arranges (passively, at a distance) the execution of Thomas Cromwell. Which is almost an act but almost like simply removing his protection since, by this point, Cromwells enemies are like an ocean being held back by Henrys will.

Was Henry right to kill him (he, Cromwell)?

He (Henry), is narcissistic, shallow and deluded, but not stupid.

Cromwell has a tripartite mind. There is what he says and what people remark on him saying and doing both in the scene, moment to moment, when we can be reasonably sure that we are seeing the base level of reality, and the increasingly bloated shadow-self of rumours, implications, lies, suppositions and just general bullshit that follows him.

So one; Base Reality, what is done and said out loud.

Two; Accountancy. The first unspoken part of his mind.

Throughout the entirety of the books everyone remarks on how hard Cromwell works and what a capacious mind his has, especially for numbers, finance and organisation.

We never hear Cromwell think about numbers in his head in any systematic way. We never actually go through any of these acts of organisation or paperwork, we only come to him in the quiet pauses between systematic and goal-oriented acts of bureaucracy.

This is I think almost entirely a literary artefact. In the same way that people in films almost never go to the toilet and end conversations unnaturally quickly by just walking away, its just a curiosity of the form. A necessary mediocrity of popular biography. Most people worth doing biographies of are interesting because they are insanely good at complex, difficult, hyper-specialised and often rather penumbral things, but those things are hard to explain to a general public (even if the Biographer thinks they understand them themselves), so the texture of many of these peoples lives in Biography ends up being about commonly shared emotions. Which isn't a lie, but a half-truth.

As such its nearly not worth mentioning. Except that it should be noted as an element. And secondly, it forms a penumbra of shadows that lets Mantell, and her creation, hide from Cromwels true nature.

We may choose not to speak of things because they are dull or because the wouldn't work in the story, but regardless of the practicality of it, still there are things we are not speaking of. And that creates a shadow.

There are easy half-clever answers to this; “Duugh nerd online upset that book about accountant has no accountancy in it duuhh.” But sometimes asking really dumb-simple questions cracks open more subtle flaws.

Three; The Deep Dark. Things he hides even from himself.

We know for certain that Cromwell can occupy two different mental realities simultaneously. Its almost a theme of the book. During his rise he is warned multiple times that he is surrounded by enemies and that the King will inevitably destroy him.

On some level he knows absolutely this is true. He advises one of his closest advisors, with no paper trail, to set up a financial system to protect his loved ones with hidden cash after he is gone. Later, towards the end of The Mirror and the Light (the third book), just after he is made an Earl and is publicly celebrating, he addresses the same man and re-confirms the immediate necessity of this network and urges him into action.

It’s not mere dissimulation; believing one thing and pretending another. He plans, thinks, lives and acts simultaneously in two worlds, one visible to us, and one dark both to us, and almost, to him.

He genuinely asks himself questions about why he does things, and we can be in his head as he asks them.

Cromwells visible mind almost never speaks, or even *thinks* a word of potential treason against, or contempt for, the King. Those are thoughts and ideas he simply cannot allow himself to have. But we see by the churning of his reactions and his outbursts in moments of stress that they are there, and increasingly consuming.

The dark world surfaces at moments. When Henry is in a sad but trusting mood and considering the future, Cromwell inwardly urges him to make him, Cromwell, Regent. To do so immediately, to sign and seal it.

So was Cromwell planning to, as his accusers put it; dispose of the King, marry his Daughter Mary and rule as king himself?

Its the most insane, deranged plan imaginable. Mary was a crazed hyper-Catholic and Cromwell a materialistic proto-protestant. The entire nobility would revolt. The population would revolt. Probably someone would invade. There was fuck all chance of it working.

Yes, he, Mantells Cromwell, probably was.

Speaking purely of the character, and not the historical personage.

I doubt he had a plan, a list of things to do or problems to solve or overcome, or even a direct and inwardly spoken thought towards it. But we know Cromwell can plan without planning, leaving routes through paths of darkness, potentialities which need not be spoken of or obviously driven towards, but only "accepted" at the point where, after much manoeuvring and cutting of off other choices, they become the only reasonable remaining path.

I doubt he would have assassinated Henry, but he might well have let him die, or allowed him to put himself in some high-risk situation and been absent at the right time.

We can be certain, as Henry says, that Cromwell never forgave him for the destruction of Woolsey. And everyone else who worked that destruction is dead.

And then? Have the Regency as 'protector' of Henry's son. Bring Mary into his orbit as her protector. At least in this fiction some kind of mutual attraction is part of that relationship.

Would or could even fictional Cromwell have married Mary? Fuck knows. That part is utterly insane. But maybe he thinks he has the charisma and intelligence to control her.

And then, a protestant succession, either his child with Mary, Henry's heir, raised by him, or his own son.

A mad plan and an unlikely one, which is what causes everyone in the book, including Henry to disbelieve it. But yes Cromwell would probably have tried it and, at least in this fiction, Henry was probably right to suspect it and was probably right to kill Cromwell.


I mean yes because he is fiction, but maybe a better way of saying it is is he a dishonest fake? Is he a deception?

Later in the book, even Mantel seems to half-realise that the Cromwell she has created is a kind of shadow, not a replication, someone with Cromwells form but a soul made by her, a soul made when she was in school probably, where she was terrorised by Nuns and first learnt about Cromwells existence. He became her invisible champion and instrument of revenge.

you have to be beware of good writing because it obscures so much, and more dangerously, it can half-answer questions in such a subtle and elegant way that is hides the fact that the questions has not been truly answered at all.

So; "Is this a biased version of history?"

"Well yes but its told from inside Cromwells head from his moral point of view so obviously that inflects things a lot."

But what about, even accounting for that, what if the cumulative effect of mild shifts in viewpoint or, most deadly; partial forgettings in what would seem to be a complete tale, what if that is actually more deceiving than you think it is? What if hidden inside the construct of a semi-reliable narrator is a tilted mirror showing the world askew and not admitting it, hiding itself inside the actors mask?

There have been many points listening to this trilogy and to "A Place of Greater Safety", Mantels book about the French revolution, where I felt as if I had brushed up against the bones of another history buried beneath her  deep and sympathetic characters. Where a fact or a nodule of truth poked through, something that couldn't reasonably be edited or changed, but it struck against the flow and moral substance of the characters Mantel had created, as if it wasn't something these people would do or say. It felt ajar.

But of course, it was something those people did do and did say. It didn't fit with the characters of the story because they were slightly falsely humanistic. Too deep, too subtle. Not avaricious or nasty or stupid or brutal, because Mantels monsters come cloaked in poetry and misty memories.

Mantels Cromwell muses endlessly on his dead daughters and dead wife so when he's doing something horrible and unsympathetic, oh well, press the dead wife button. We see all the ways he conflicts with his own time in ways that are appealing to ours; yes of course women should be educated, yes of course ridiculous trick miracles should be banned.

Mantels men chew through a lot of women and they come out looking pretty good doing it. Cromwell accuses Norfolk, one of his chief frenemies, of being essentially a pimp for the King, which is true. But every influential councillor is effectively a pimp for the King, including Cromwell, and Cromwell doesn't just provide women, he kills them too.

We lend evil men poetry because it makes for a good story, and they are drama-creation machines, and fascinating to watch but a thing I've come to believe it that evil people, once you pull away the last mask there's really not much there. Which sounds like a C of E truism from my youth, but its actually true, and modern culture inadvertently engages in the myth-building of the poetic scumbag as a kind of strange cumulative ritual. Artists and writers and others fall over themselves to clothe these fuckers in tragedy and noble sentiment and I think its largely a lie.

In the books Cromwell is consistently painted as a ruthless but effective man who uses violence  only when necessary and that to a limited degree. Bad yes, and manipulative but better than his king and better than his enemies.

Curious thing about Mantel is how Cromwells self-belief starts to break down, and am I imagining it, or was Mantels belief in the Cromwell she had created breaking down at the same time?

Classic fall from grace literature stuff. After so many fights and deals, Cromwell has compromised himself so many times (always in a good cause from our perspective), that he is no longer 'himself'. That is, he is no longer the man we met at the start. The boy who was shocked by the burning of a heretic is now watching calmly as his own group burns people, even people he secretly thinks are right. The man who's memory of his wife and daughters often drove him to try to protect women is now more aware that he is essentially a pimp for the king and feeds Henry women to destroy, and sometimes destroys them for him.

That’s the characters fall as an artefact of literature.

The last book isn't just events, its reinvestigation.

While he's in his cell in the final part Cromwell is told about confession and reminded that his last confession should be a chance to go over the whole of his life till now and look into his own shit and work out what he did wrong and apologise to god for it.

He tells them he is well aware.

which he is because the whole of the last book is not just things happening but Cromwell re-investigating his own history, remembering and re-remembering his life, even events we have already seen, but now seen from outside, or seen again, and the picture this paints of him is someone darker, and deeper and colder than he would ever let himself believe himself to be in previous books.

He didn't "get into a fight" when young and accidentally stab someone. He stalked them and gutted them and tried to hide the body and fucked that up.

Did he assassinate that guy in Rome after all? We don't know but we suspect he did.

Would he have tried to fuck his Sons wife after setting them up together, as his son feared? Who knows?

Is he really a protector of women? Or is he part of the machinery of their destruction? How much is he complicit in what the King does? Is he softening the rule of a brutal man, or just assisting it?

How many houses does he actually need?

So that combines Cromwells investigation of self, with Mantels re-investigation of Cromwell,

Is it also Mantel re-integrating her fictional beast with the jagged bones of History? Making her delusion actually Cromwells self-delusion, knitting them back together before the headsmans axe bites down?

I don't know.

Thursday, 9 April 2020

The Seraphormer

The Form of the Founder


What almost no-one would realise is that almost every active being within the Seraphormer is the Eldritch founder.

The Founder is a multdimensional hive mind, the visible projection of which in our reality is a vivid-blue Cuttlefish-like creature roughly the size of a loaf of bread.

These super intelligent Cuttlefish build for themselves mechanical or magical  bodies, which they inhabit, each different according to their purpose and intent, called Agents.

Though they come in varied kinds, no two bodies are exactly the same and each bears the crazed and slightly haphazard sign of the Founders personality.

Ex Profundis

Incorporated into each Agent body, often at the centre, sometimes hidden by armour and robes, but sometimes very obvious, is a globular fishtank full of glowing hyper-energised cosmic fluid, in which the true Founder swims and operates the mechanical form with its tentacles through haptic controls.

The Prime-Founder, (if there truly is such a thing) the one operating the Soul Foundry at the core of the Seraphormer, is a huge, multi-limbed semi-mechanical being with a hooded face but octopus-like metallic tentacles hanging from it. But the body is simply another such construct; the largest and most potent of its kind, made to survive the insane cosmic energies of the Soul Foundry.

The degree of unanimity amongst the Hive-Mind is totally unknown. But the different elements do seem to have different personalities, the Rocket-Angels being intense, driven and dutiful and the Founder-Prime being brilliant, maniacal and gleeful. The ceramic hyper-body in the Core of Possibilty is inhabited by another such expression, this one calm and philosophical, the giant tadpole creature bound in the Delusion Engine is another.

Perhaps these are all simply concentrated expressions of particular thoughts and processes in a mind existing beyond reality. Perhaps they do sometimes argue with each other, hide information or intent from each other and may know, or not know, what the other does.

Each expression holds, as in a holograph or a cell, a plan of the whole, and if every expression were destroyed but one, the Founder would still exist and could re-grow all that had been lost.

No thinking being, and no being at all, except perhaps the Lords of the Lichejammers, will ever know that all the creatures in the Seraphormer are construct bodies, that they are driven by Blue Cuttlefish or that all the Cuttlefish are in fact one hyperdimensional mind.

It is a level and a layer of deceit and subterfuge which boggles the mind with its impracticality, signalling deeply prescient paranoia, a truly alien mindset, low-level insanity, or all three.


Outside the Seraphormer

Cubist Kokopelli by Brandon Allebach

Think of somewhere dark and dead.

The dark side of the Moon, or industrial ruins at night. A place defined by absence. Somewhere so chewed over by time that even Entropy has lost interest.

But just, just slightly, only by a hairs breadth, just within sight of the core, the centre of all things, the fading spark of life and light. Imagine standing in a dark and ruined factory and seeing in the distance, the lights and movement of the city.

Here, assembled from the relics of impossible empires and detritus taken from the invaded dreams of sleeping gods, is the Seraphormer, the Factory of Souls.

Even if you are looking for it, you won't find it, for a key component of the Seraphormer is its mighty Delusion Engine, perhaps the greatest of its kind ever made or sustained in any of a thousand parallel eons-long histories. This Engine keeps the Seraphormer hidden.

More than hidden; not even suspected.

The pale field of the Delusion Engine reaches out to brush the edges of the cosmos, tangling with errant thoughts, twisting, gently, the minds and perceptions of all that think, turning them away from even conceiving of the Seraphormer, from even considering the idea that such a thing might be possible.

What the key or pass to this Engine of Lies might be, only one being can guess and, it is said, even they sometimes forget for a while should they pass outside its core, not remembering exactly who they are or what they do until some trick of time reminds them of the code, whatever it is.

Should you pass within the Engines field, you will see;

The Void

A crackling maze of dimensions on an inconceivable scale.

A void, or something like a hollow moon filled with things stolen from the dreams of sleeping gods and recovered hypertechnology from forgotten stellar empires. A scrap machine, full of strange energy and incalculable workings; something clearly botched together by a lunatic.

The void-maze is lit by the contrasting glows of small, imaginary suns, by multicoloured fire bursting from barely-controlled realm-tears, by the glitched sigils of the language of angels orbiting post-singularity space-hulks, and by the lightning, plasma-venting and sparks of its own titanic energies.

J Otto Szatmari

From each tear, sun or engine, vast cables the width of skyscrapers plunge down through the light-spattered void, some black, some radiating solar energy or leaking fire, all joining together in the Core, the centre of the Seraphormer, an insane mass of machines, energy and detritus from a billion years of dead civilisations.

The great mass of the core itself split by a single barrel-spike, itself encrusted with umbral shrouding and Mistake-Generators drawing Pneumo-Mystification from the Delusion Engine. This is the Noumenon-Cannon, a Soul Accelerator which both fires the completed souls out into the Cosmos on questionable trajectories, and also cloaks their vectors. A silenced weapon on a cosmic scale.

Between the titanic cables fly flocks of insectoid, semi-mechanical, rocket powered angels which blast about in swarms. Each angel is perhaps twenty feet high but in the distance they seem like birds, or insects. They hurl themselves about the Outer Engine, constantly repairing, altering, fixing and containing, struggling to keep the great machine functional and stable.

You may glimpse for a moment, a white ship of bone. A cylindrical craft with gossamer black solar sails, drifting through the void. Constructed of mortal bone, crewed by radiation-blasted skeletons and captained by the greatest of the Undead, these are the Lichjammers, the only visitors the Founder allows, and even they must be mind-wiped after each journey.

The Atman-Engines

The darkest things in the Outer Engine.  Giant post-singularity mega-machines.  Ruined space hulks, abandoned starship cores. All made by different cultures, different races and societies.

Games Workshop

Surrounded with electrical Halos of the Enochian language of Angels. But glitched. As if the sacred language of the creation had been projected as a hologram, but warped and twisted slightly with some transmission problem or signal fade.

These halos orbit around the dark industrial hulks, twisting and shifting like neon signs against a black techno-industrial background.

Gigantic mega-cables lead in like spiderweb strands, black and dark against the fire and eruptions. Leading  up to each Engine from the Core of the Seraphormer, humming with power and broken up with huge scavenged transformers and data-mills, the cables momentarily split, sending arcs of electrical energy out into the void.

The cables carry glitched rivers of sigils and penumbras of strange sacred data which spills from them in ribbons and blotches of light, flashing and flickering.

As power flows up from the core, data flows down.

These are the Atman-Engines; lost digital heavens. The data cores of forgotten civilisations holding engram-heavens; virtual worlds where the engrams of scanned populations can live through eternal second lives, watched over by algorithms and A.I’s. Some are parts of refugee craft for entire civilisations, others the creations of Hyper-Noble Pure A.I.’s, still others the brain cores of lost super intelligent god-machines.

All were rescued from the deep void by the Founder and hidden here.

Here they perform the calculations of the soul.

So indescribably complex is one, single, mortal soul, that to build its detailed, flexible, recursive and semi-divine CODING, called by the Founder its ‘ATMAN’, requires all the combined power of all these hyper-intelligent minds and hives of minds.

It cannot be done by unconscious unthinking machines, it can only be a product of individual will. Soul-to-Soul.

So the divine calculations flow down into the core. Delivering ATMAN.


The Imaginary Suns

Between the tethered megatech orbit imaginary suns.

None are as huge or as a real as the sun known to us on Earth, They are more like painted or imagined images given a half-life; Stylised, each differently, like tarot-cards, paintings or hieroglyphs. Some are chariot wheels, others engines themselves, or great burning palaces.

Each sun is tethered to a Solar Collector, which absorbs its magical energies, like a cone, scoop or shade on an enormous scale.

Each Collector is stapled together at an insane scale from interstellar, techno-jink, post-industrial megastructures and magical spell effects sustained by small para-libraries of auto-incanting sorcerer-golems. More giant transformers, tubes and cables, channel the magical light into massive bound fibre-optic cables which lead down to the Core.

The Soul energy of the dreaming suns pulses in a continual dawn-grey, summer-yellow undulating river of inexpressible energy down the titanic conduits. Thankfully, the energy of the Imaginary Suns is largely stable and continuous (especially compared to the usual works of the Founder) but like everything in the Seraphormer these regularly flicker and vent energy and need to be repaired with interstellar detritus.

These are Suns stolen from the minds of the Dreaming Gods. The Founder snuck psychically into the profound somnolence of those sleepy deities and took from the greatest of them, their own conception of The Sun. Gods both ancient and alien, proud and long forgotten, were robbed in their eternal slumber and their meta-real conceptions brought here to the Seraphormer.

The energy they channel is called by the Founder; LOGOS. The light of reason, structure, clarity and divine order.

The Prismatic Fire

Between the tethered Imaginary Suns and the dark industrial Atman-Engines are tears in the substance of the Real only barely held under control by hyperactive angel swarms working jury-rigged unshielded space-warp drives and hyper energised gate-spells.

From within, roars incandescent prismatic fire, raging like tornadoes, tangled in a thousand colours and forms, like a rainbow or kaleidoscope of fire.

Massive turbines, engines and funnels suck in these raging firestorms and, roaring themselves, pipe them down hyper-pressurised ceramic-layered pipelines and conduits, wrapped in venting cooling systems glowing furnace-white with the impossible forces they contain.

Through these momentary tears in space, blink infinite reptilian eyes.

Within this roaring, ultra-dense dimension are Infinite Dragons. For this is the Dragon Dimension, where space and time do not exist, but only dragons. Where they writhe around each other like worms in a bucket and react violently to any tear in their sub-realm, which allows brief snatches of time and entropy to enter that bound yet infinite space.

The prismatic annihilating fire channelled down into the Core forms the basis for what the Founder calls NEPESH – the breath and life and animating force of a mortal soul.

The Bone Ships

These are the Night-Clippers, the Lichejammers. White ships under black sails.

Relics of many realities, often the first and greatest mortals to achieve magical immortality, and the first to enter interstellar space, riding ships constructed of human bone, crewed by skeletons and golems, simply waiting out the vast reaches of time between stars.

Even in the slow Death of Esh, the Licjammers persisted, and still persist in the ruined intra-realm Greyspace that remains.

Mighty spellcasters, the greatest of their kind, each totally indifferent to mortal life on a scale of planets and civilisations

Yet here, they are employees.

The Seraphormer requires one last substance for its work, for each soul must have a catalyst, a shadow-self within itself, an other and a mirror. The central conflict/relationship which sparks a being into true self-awareness and spiritual existence.

QUILETH – The shadow. The necessary toxin. The Catalyst.

Out in the varied Cosmos of Uud, the Lichjammers drift, seeking the Quileth, the sleeping, dispersed and forgotten Deamons of Esh. The Ejecta and Refugees of its collapsed Hells.

Only the Lichejammer Captains are powerful enough to hunt such beings, capture and transport them. Only they are cold and indifferent enough to attempt the trade.

And even they must submit to memory-wipes on receipt of each cargo. When out on-mission they know only that the details of their memory have been altered, and that any attempt to recover them will voids their deal. They know only what to hunt, and where to take it, and even that is a potentially dangerous breach in the security of the Seraphormer.

So the cylindrical, slowly rotating bone Lichejammers drift in the space between reaching cables, passing lightning, coronal ejections, glyphs, prismatic fire and rocketing Angel swarms. Circling down towards the docks of the Demon Engines in the Core, where they believe they will discover who their employer truly is.

The Outer Core

In the Outer Core a staggering exchange of energy takes place. The impossible super-materials harvested from the Void are channelled, altered and transformed, while the enormous energies required to balance and empower this near-planetary Giga-Machine are transmitted outwards. Here are huge industrial transformers pulled from ancient space ships and forgotten world-engines - these pulsing power outwards through scavenged materials to wherever it needs to go.

The Demon Engines

The Lichjammer Docks, together with the statelike reception areas for the Lich Lords, and the means of controlling and mind-wiping them.

The captured Quileth themselves are taken to the Demon Engines to be processed.  Black iron mills full of soot and howling metal. Terrible soul-pistons, compression machines and prisons for the Quileth who are fed through the process, crushed, spiritually melted and extruded as a pure, black, ultra-dense liquid.

the Agents who oversee this part of the Seraphormer are blackened, apelike constructs, heavily armoured and often with shoulder-mounted pulse-weaponry scavenged from futuristic battlefields. The dark iron of their bodies carved with mandalas and pentagrammic wards to protect against the vile energies of the processed Quileth.

Here if nowhere else, the Seraphormr would seem like a kind of hell.

The Burning Turbines

The Prismatic Fire harvested from the tears in the Dragon Dimension is funnelled here, carefully slowed and cooled, driven through gigantic turbines, reducing it to a manageable form of plasmic fluid (itself insanely hot and potentially destructive).

Everything here is based on shielding and cooling in massive degrees, (even the cooling systems have cooling systems). Vast towers vent steam into the Void, the air pulses with energy, alarms keep going off. Ceramic shielding blackens. The Nepesh Energy Warning Signs [Maybe have a designer come up with an equivalent to the 'radiation' warning sign, but referring to too much Nephesh instead?] themselves are blackened and curled with the ambient heat.

The place feels like a Russian power station.

The Agents here look like octopi, Cephelopods and Gibbons and they run around fixing stuff like the place is Chernobyl. Despite the overwhelming danger the Turbine Halls are quite cheerful and the Agents here positive and optimistic. Maybe too much as they sometime hover on the edge of delusion.

The Solar Reactors

Here the Logos-light of the Imaginary Suns is drawn from its massive Fibre-Optic caballing, bounced through huge reflection traps, mixed in titanic solar condensers, fractionated through spectral analysis, slowed by Shadow Engines, then channelled into pulsing diamond-bright projection crystals for the next stage.

These crystals ultimately shovelled like coal into the intakes for the Soul Forge.

Things here are radial and symmetrical; clean corridors, crystal displays and robed Agents calmly observing light. The agents are quite elegant and well made, (for creations of the Founder, which are always a little janky.)

The Comprehension Organs

the angelic calculations of the divine hyperminds in the Atman-Engines must be comprehended before it can be transmitted on to the next stage. Mechanical reproduction or analysis will not suffice.

The Agents here are all spindly-bodied creatures with giant fishtank heads bulging where the brain would be. Inside each ‘head’ are four or five Founders, swimming about and operating the controls, a massive overengineering of mental capacity, considering that asingle Founder is effectively a Genius-level intellect.

Yet it is required.

The raw Enochian info-stream from the Atman-Engines is fed into sealed chambers with hooded and warded displays. To view such a density of sacred information for even a moment would drive any normal mind utterly insane.

The Agents dip their heads into the sacred data-stream. Halos of glitchy enochian glyphs orbit in halos around the agents as they comprehend the Atman-Spike.

The Agents then move to the Soul-Organs; pipe-organ / typewriter / Apollo shuttle capsule / Tardis-console input boards, each individual (like everything the Founder makes).

There, clacking, typing, and sometimes glitching and freaking out from the info-spikes, they translate the comprehended and recognised hyper-data and ultra-crypted soul-cyphers from the
Atman-Engines into a more pure and compressed soul-song which provides the informational structure of the soul to be constructed.

As they do this, the glyph-halos around them dissipate and disappear as they play out the chords of comprehended music of the Soul.


These four processes, along with the enormous transmission of energy outward, making a fifth, are the prime elements of the Outer Core. (Though of course there may be much more hidden in its hyperdimensional passages and jury-rigged systems.)

The Demon Engines producing pure QUILETH-Quintessence.

The Burning Turbines creating Plasmic NEPESH.

The Solar Reactors forming crystalline LOGOS.

And the Comprehension Organs forming a song of pure comprehended ATMAN.

All these Substances are brought down, deeper into the Central Core.

The Core

Here all the aspects of the Seraphormer are combined and its central functions take place.

The Delusion Projector

A massive and contained pressure tank, held in the centre of a sphere of psycho-reactive materials.

Accessible by walkway and tended to by robed and sorrowful Agents who pipe in nutrients, remove terribly dangerous waste from the tank and watch over the multidimensional charts and ever-printing graphs which indicate the state the dreaming mind of the Ultra-Deluder.

All the Founders here are trained to think only in code, repeating their own thoughts in multiple languages and re-translating them within their own minds. Only with this constant meta-translation keeping the information of their own thoughts current, active and fluid, can they maintain consciousness. Otherwise, the strength of the Delusion Field might simply wink them out of existance.

In the tank, dreaming intensely of its own non-existence, is a gigantic, fleshy form of a Founder. Not an adult grow large but the natal form, a child, a little like a tadpole, but swollen massively in size without aging physically in the normal way. Its bodyshape like a child of its kind but its flesh meaty and wrinkled, rather than translucent blue. Huge out of scale eyes, completely black, blinking and shifting in eternal sleep.

Around it, hidden by its dome, giant psychic engines and projectors focus, manage and blast out the Delusion Field that keeps the Seraphormer Hidden.

The Core of Possibility

The incredible machinery of the Seraphormer requires power to run, and the faded cosmos of Uud is not rich in energy, and certainly not in any form that might be harvested without Yggsrathaals notice.

All of it comes from here, the Core of Possibility, and its transmitted out through cables and mandalas of magical and literal power.

Within the Golden Core, a singular Agent meditates; calm, and sitting in lotus position. A body of pure ceramic, coated with liquid nanotechnological diamonds and etched with sigils of balance and ultrafocus.

Beneath the Agent spins a projection of the Vespershard. Only a version or a facet of it, yet real enough, for the shard absorbs and represents all versions and projections of itself.

As the shard spins it tunnels through time and raw Possibility, piercing a single pin-prick hole through which gous torrents of golden energy; enough to power the Seraphormer.

This hole pierces a distant future cosmos. A future where Reality does not die, where Yggsrathaal is defeated and the cosmos is reborn. A Future the founder keeps open purely by daring to imagine it, and by doing so creates it.

A tenuous, impossible, daring future kept open by imagination and raw effort of will. So lives the futures last, best hope, empowered and energised by the possibility of its own existence.

The Noumenon-Cannon

A relatively simple  device, notable for its gigantic scale and its integration with the Delusion Engine.

Essentially a huge, spiritual Rail-Gun, the Noumenon Cannon channels raw new souls from the Soul Forge and fires them out into the Cosmos of Uud.

In doing so it draws Umbral Energy from the converters of the Delusion Field, projecting shadowy misunderstanding along exactly the same Cosmic trajectory as the new soul. (At least that is what it is meant to do.)

The Master-Ballistae of the Soul-Gun is known to be one of the more radical and rebellious of all the fragments of the Founder. Inhabiting a multi-limbed brass construct designed to hold its Cosmic Reticule, intended to mesh with the systems of the Cannon and to pierce space, energy and time and so place each soul in one exact moment in one particular place in causality.

The Founder-Prime and the Master Ballistae often have intense and violent arguments as (in the opinion of the Founder-Prime), the Master likes to dick around somewhat with the intended targets of the fired Souls, dropping them into random or unlikely lives and into apparently impractical times and places.

This could well be yet another subtle layer of some hyperdimensional scheme, or the Master-Ballistae could just be dicking their boss around.

The Soul Forge

Here all things are combined!

Overseen by the Founder-Prime (who may be in charge, or may simply be an aspect which the Hive Mind allows to think it is in charge) who wears a body designed to survive the mind-crushing energies of creation required to construct even one mortal soul.

Here the code music of the ATMAN Engines, carrying, and being carried by its Enochian Angel language forms the code or substrate of the Soul. Here cooled NEPESH plasma is injected to whirl and mix with burning light from LOGOS crystals shovelled into the Reactor.

Every process is unique, each requires insane energy funnelled from the Core of Possibility, each needs both insane levels of planning but also the touch of a Genius to guide and improvise the process as it develops.

Even this mixture of ATMAN, NEPESH and LOGOS burns with a blinding energy and writhes like something half-born, or some reaction between life and death waiting to burst out.

The Founder Prime cackles and works their hyperdimensional controls. Sometimes screaming “SHOVEL MORE LOGOS YOU FOOLS”.

They truly love their work, for each soul is a piece of art to them, entirely unique. The process is insanely dangerous but the Founder is of a mind that, if you are going to build something, why wouldn’t you crank the power ALL THE WAY UP just to see what it did?

Anyway, the Founder does not make normal souls. We are not building accountants here. He makes HEROIC souls. Souls shaped to shape the world. Creatures of unique and vibrant individuality, with strange fates or unalterable freedoms. These are the poison of Yggsrathaal, these are his weapon to destroy her.

Then, the last level is pulled and the black ichor of QUILETH extrudes into the chamber.

Not sure where from

The reaction is chaotic! Utterly unpredictable! The Quintessence held within the incredible fields of the Soul Forge whips and blasts like an exploding sun. It burns like a poisoned world and changes form, expanding and compressing, forming texture, colour and shape. Half-thoughts form in the ATMAN, a dream of consciousness is born and semi-visions of possible futures flicker in the air.

Then, at exactly the right moment, at the point of cohesion, but a second before LIFE, the Founder cries “FIRE!!” and pulls his null-black lever to eject the Soul into the breach of the Noumenon-Cannon.

For a second, all the Seraphormer falls silent and dark, still as the Delusion Projector and Noumenon-Cannon draw all possible power from every system.

Then the roar of a titanic God as the fresh soul raced, cloaked and hidden, out across the Cosmos, into time and space, into Udd.

“AGAIN!” Cries the Founder.

Tuesday, 7 April 2020

25 - Jeulgeoum Funk

Scrap gave us MISTER PIGS,

O god no more please, I have done so many of these things..

Fine. One more. One last pong. This is all the creative juice that has not yet been squeezed from my parched rind.

Conceived upon a member of an famous K-Pop group after an encounter with the divine presence while on a spiritual retreat, the existence of Jeulgeoum Funk , revealed through ultrasound, was considered a first a hoax.

His father unknown [FOR LEGAL REASONS BUT YOU GAN GUESS CAN'T YOU], Jeulgeoums nature began to be revealed as his mother entered the third trimester and the elephant headed fetus started to get funky in his sleep.

When Jeulgeoum danced, leaving his mother with an inconstant digestion, many of those who slept on earth began to lucid dream of strange sights.

Those who were parted physically were reunited in the dreams of the pachydermal demigod child. Those who were trapped physically were given great spaces to roam in his dream-realm. It is even said that some encountered those parted from them by death.

Jeulgeoums powers only seem to have advanced with birth and he now speaks to us through an insanely popular toy-review Youtube channel.

His dancing, which he does spontaneously, for hours at a time, still brings together in dreams those who are parted and its cumulative effect has heralded in a new age of world peace.

And with that, finally, I am DONE, and may return you, as if in a great loop, to the START.

23 The Many-Any Tree and the Last Cat

Last day of the Ping-Pong you nerds

Scrap gave us a Halycon Host

And asked, what is this?

The Many-Any Tree
the Last Cat

This happened in the last days of the world when things were winding up and events were drawing to a close.

Many of the laws had left early. to go somewhere else? wrapping up a new planet like a gift in a fresh Cartesian grid? Or maybe they were tired and old, and slept.

Whatever the case, there were fewer of them left, and those weak.

So in that long slow dying time, which was no time, and could barely be counted, there were less questions if things changed. So everything loosed up, and things could be what they wanted to be, or what they dreamed they might be.

It was then, a little like things had been at the first, before the names were given, colours and shapes known, languages spoken.

Though, back in those days nothing knew anything and anything would say whatever it wanted, just shout it out without thinking, like babies, or chicks in a nest.

Now, everything knew a great deal, and had been a great deal, but they had not fully forgotten what they had been so the whole thing was something of a pretence of pretending to be something you knew you were not.

At least, that was the opinion of the Many-Any Tree, who had not made itself popular with its views on the continuity of self, and stubbornly held to its identity as "tree"; roots in the earth, trunk, leaves, the whole deal, even when many other things had faded or shifted, transformed into concepts or dreams.

"Call me conservative" said, and secretly wished, the tree, with its rainbow of bark, its infinity of leaves and its cornucopia of unknown fruits, many bringing death, or magical powers.

"But I find the old ways are best. Roots in soil, branches in the air etc etc".

In those days everything could speak and think but it seems no-one was listening to the Many-Any Tree, not even the sun who meditated gloomy and dying, white like a mummified monk in the red sky.

"YES, CALL ME CONSERVATIVE!" said the tree again, louder this time.

"Perhapsss.." said a voice or "perhapss not.."

"What is this? Who are you?" said the Many-Any Tree, "why starest thou upon my boughs?"

"I am the lasst cat." said the Last Cat, and grinned, staring at the Many-Any Tree, pattering in slow circles around it

"You are a sstatic creature" said the cat.

The Many-Any Tree observed the Last Cat, examining it slowly, carefully and thoroughly, wracking its mind to remember everything it could about "Cats", hoping to find some difference with which it could judge and condemn "The Last Cat" for its pretension, delusion and lies.

But the Many-Any Tree remembered too-much and not-enough, and the centuries had turned to snakes and slithered away leaving it no sense of time or place.

"I do not know," said the Many-Any Tree, "if Cats ever grinned as you do now, or stared, as you stare upon my boughs" . (Yet it felt secretly that they may have done just that).

"Those catss did not know what I know." said the Last Cat, circling, and staring.

"And what is that?" relied the Many-Any Tree.


The Many-Any Tree was not sure if this reply was entirely correct but something in its nature did strike a very cat-like chord and it found it hard to argue otherwise. Perhaps cats did grin with secrets. It seemed like the kind of thing they would do.

"In any case," said the tree, "though cats _may_ smile, I do not know if that strange absence of colour is correct. I am sure nothing could have been which was no-colour."

This seemed reasonable to the Tree for, in these days of the world, there was no night or day, and a billion colours swirled.

"I am black." Said the Last Cat. "And black I mussst be."

"And why is that?" said the Tree.

"I have crossssed a path." Replied the cat. "And a path-crossing cat is ALWAYSSSS black. Ssso the sssaying goes."

This argument to precedence troubled the tree for it was the kind of thing it; the Many-Any Tree, would have preferred to make itself. And while it could vaguely recall that there was some speaking or knowledge about cats and paths, it did not remember any details of it and was afraid to form a response lest it seem like a fool.

The Last Cat circled closer, still smiling.

"I will not argue such a minor point" said the Any-Many Tree, "such things are beneath me. As are you. And in any case you cannot have crossed *my* path for, as you have said yourself, I am utterly still, in the classical manner of trees, and have no path.

"Thissss issss true" said the Last Cat, "you are a very sssstatic creature"

And circled closer.

Something glinted like glass between its circling paws and the Many-Any Tree felt very strange.

"Regardless of that," said the tree, who suddenly felt a burst of inspiration, "I am sure no cat ever had a sun-ring round its head as you do! That great brush of hair like comets tails! And that whipping cord to your rear! Impossible! What would a cat want with those?"

"I am royal", said the Last Cat, "the king of beastsss. This mane isss my crown. Crowned like the sssun. And this ssserpent to my rear ssstings the earth to show my rule."

The Last Cat now was still before the tree, and still grinning, sat back on its haunches and raised its front paws before the trees bark while its tail stung the earth.

The Many-Any Tree felt a deep unspoken fear in this, as if it were remembering a nightmare.

"I am certain in all of forgotten time cats did not carry knives such as you do!" said the tree, and felt itself on firmer ground with this statement, though its branches shivered a little. "Or threaten innocent trees with them!"

"Thessse are no knivessss" replied the Last Cat, "but only my smal claussssss", it grinned.

"Smal Claus!" cried the Many-Any Tree, who felt as if it might weep, and dropped a rain of crystal and immortal fruit like tears.

"Aaaand what in the world..." the tree paused, as if afraid to ask a question to which it felt it had already dreamed the answer.

But the Tree could not resist.

"What to smal claus do then?" wept the Many-Any Tree.



Now Scrap, what is this?

Look - Their minds are like single angry wasp held in a hand, an endless pricking their mind with suspicion and hatred.