Showing posts with label angelica. Show all posts
Showing posts with label angelica. Show all posts

Thursday, March 17, 2016

another fox

I can't believe another week has gone by so fast...
there are finally some signs of spring finally showing in my yard!
I am showing a fox in my sketchbook that I mentioned last week...

 and some photos that I took when my husband and I got a day to ourselves, well a half day. We had to go to a CSE meeting for my son (and we got great reports from the teachers and therapists on how well he's doing this year. Especially when he's 13 and puberty normally worsens autistic behaviors. It was wonderful to hear that he is asking for work, learning his alphabet and community workers and even doing great in self care skills that he won't do at home! Yeah!) and so we took the whole day which left us time to ourselves in the morning to shop in a new town. 
Well, an old town that I haven't been to in years. 
If you love antiques, this is the place to go. 
I only got into 3 stores and then we ate at the Canteen. 
I played in photoshop a bit with the photos taken in the stores....

 I always love anything bee related... a I bought the tiniest little fabric bee....
 I also bought a little doll, a tiny carved wooden box and some homemade fudge and an amethyst crystal to put on my walking stick this year. No pictures of all that though. Oh, and a wee tiny goddess. I will have to get photos I think of her at least.

It was a lovely day... and lots of other good stuff this week, that I will have to share later.
Happy friday!