Friday, August 2, 2013

Pleasant Stop Over on the Way to Las Vegas

I snapped this on the way.  Too funny.  I have never seen a motorcycle with a cupholder.

Oh my

It's like platform 9 3/4 except in street form.  

We also drove by our first two houses in town.  The first one doesn't look like it's in great shape.

After a few days in Colorado, we borrowed my parents van and drove back to Utah to pick up Kim and then go down to Vegas to see Brian, Hilary and old friends.  We stayed with Troy and Beccy this time.  It was a quick trip, but Don, Chris and Kelly's older kids kindly came down to see us again.  We spent a couple hours at their neighbor's fun pool.  Then had hang out and play time.

Jessica's ponytails have been getting higher and HIGHER.  I worried that one day I might see her with a spout of hair flowing from her forehead.  

Weddings, weddings and more weddings.  We had to tear them away for dinner and then afterwards they went right back and set up more playmobil romances.

The good-byes were hard all over again.  

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