Monday, November 22, 2010

Flight Show at Nellis

We went to Nellis Air Base on family day again this year to watch the flight show.  I didn't expect too much.  I mean, we just went last year and once you've seen the Thunderbirds in action, there's not much more, is there?  Wrong.  They were the finale again and were amazing again.  But the mind blowing part was watching the F-22 Raptor.  Wow.  My words will not do it justice and the still shots from the camera don't show it basically stopping in mid-air, turning and flying off in the other direction.  That thing's maneuverability defied my imagination.  Who was it that said truth is stranger than fiction?  We have over a hundred pictures.  Most of them are of Thunderbird formations.  I'm going to dump in some highlights and comment on a few.  Matt took most of the pictures.  His amazing timing paid off; they were fast!

F4, F22, F-86 and one other. . .  Aviation time warp.

It was a gorgeous, warm, fall day.

Their bellies.

Raptor turning on a dime.

Some guys Matt used to work with were out there with a couple Predators.  Under the blue tent (barely seen on the right) they had a screen set up showing a live feed from one flying 2-3 miles above us.  Isaac stood outside the canopy doing jumping jacks and we watched him on the screen.  Wow resolution.  

Jess in the cockpit.

Before take off.

Flew in WWII

I don't remember its name, but I thought the folding wings were crazy.

Makenna and Jess in a navigation chair (I think) This is in the belly of a big cargo plane.  

Once the Thunderbirds started flying this is how Jess looked.  She took more pictures than Matt and I put together.  Filled her memory card.  I need to pull the pictures off and look at them, but have to recharge the battery first. 

Memories for Matt.

Jess was busy taking pictures and had an "I'm lost!!" moment.  When she heard us yelling for her (over the noise of the jets), she ran over, grabbed onto Matt's neck and didn't let go for a long time.  

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