Showing posts with label FYP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FYP. Show all posts

Thursday, December 18, 2008

My FYP Cont'...4th meeting with PROTON


Alhamdulillah...semalam dpt gak g PROTON, Shah Alam...klu x last week de prob ckit so x dpt smlm ktorg ambil peluang utk continue discuss with person in charge dlm projct ktorg...
thank again to Mr Rusly Manager in Group of Procurement coz giv us support...he always help us in everything we need. smlm ktorg smpai kul 1.45...pas solt zohor tggu Mr Rusly... meeting ktorg kul 2.30, so leh la prepare pe yg ptut. Kul 2.15 ktorg cntct Mr Rusly...he told us to find Mr Ismadi 1st (his executive) but we cant reach him. Mr Rusly try to find Mr Ismahdi n when he came he told that Mr Ismadi went to he arrange us to meet with Mr Hafiz...

We discssd with Mr Faizal n Mr Hafiz (from Miyazu - PROTON Production Stamping House)..
I'm so excited when i saw PROTON Production PROTON car was assmbled there...
Our dscsn was fnshed around 4pm... ktorg dpt byk gak input n pasni knalah struggle blik wat project meeting is next week....after Mr Ismadi comeback to M'sia...

Thank Mr Faizal n Mr Hafiz coz giv us full cntrbtion regarding this matter... also thank to Mr Rusly...wlaupun beliau agk bz tp still support us...mse nk blik tu sy smpt col Mr Rusly n he told us take k n told us to do d best in our project...anything else, we'll dscuss later with him... meeting we must bring along safety boot, coz we need to visit PROTON Production House...


Monday, October 20, 2008

Hari ni..


arini klas mcm td pas sbuh trtdo..ish2...x elok dah g klas lwt...
klas petang td..blaja wat kat lab..yang best nye td lectrr ckp sok test cancel..hehe,...leh prepare lg...alhamdulillah....

emm....pagi td br je check email...pastu tgk de email from mr rusly from PROTON about my FYP...he sent me data about steel coil delivery performance...but he ask me to go to PROTON again this wednesday to meet person in charge in this this wednesday is my 4th meeting with PROTON...emm..i'm so xcited to do this project...bcoz i can learn from our national car kejayaan saya ye..hehe...

Jmpe lg....

FYP ku....

@ PROTON Holdings Berhad

The following performance criteria should be initiated to achieve a reduction in cycle time:

  • > Thoroughly train key personnel in all aspects of cycle time reduction and quick response.
  • > Quantify the business impact of cycle time reduction and quick response.
  • > Organize and train multi-functional teams to shorten cycle time for all manufacturing, non-manufacturing and administrative processes.
  • > Map all supply chain processes, clearly identifying value added and non-value added activities, bottleneck, queues, cycle times, etc.
  • > Specifically define the barriers preventing you from achieving reductions in cycle time, and have an action plan to remove these barriers.
  • > Actively work with key vendors to achieve mutually agreed upon goals for cycle time reduction.
  • > Reduce lot sizes, changeover times and queues in all areas.
  • > Heavily weigh primary performance measurements and reward systems toward fast, on-time customer response.
  • > Precisely predict your delivery leadtime for customers and/or replenish inventories.
  • > Ensure that leadtimes are equal to or less than what your customers need and want.