Sunday, July 17, 2011

Dirt bath, young birds, this and that.....

We lost three trees this year and parts of some other ones.  I wondered what my birds would think about the disappearance of some of their favorite trees. 
This Eastern Wood Pewee (?) apparently decided that the roots and stump of the fallen crab apple tree would do just as well for a place to launch to catch bugs.  I was happy to see that he was willing to adjust.
I looked out the front door and saw my little House Wren sneaking around on the front walk.  Then he found a pile of dirt and started "bathing" in cute!
"Wow....look at all this dirt!"
"I hope no one is watching me"
"That feels so good!"
"Is the best dirt soap you have?"
A young Cardinal showed up at the feeder.  Glad to see at least one pair had a successful nest somewhere nearby.

She seems to like the peanuts!
A young Cowbird maybe?
Some of you may remember that I have had a dead dogwood tree next to the front door for about 3 years.  It was covered with a vine with white flowers and most people didn't even realize it was dead!  We came home from our trip and the tree had fallen over, so we had to cut the vine and remove the whole thing.  We transferred the vine roots to another location.  Will be interesting to see if they grow there.  It looks so bare now next to the fountain!  The little dogwood that was growing next to the dead one that I was planning for a replacement died the same can see the little dead thing next to the flowers.  Sigh.....have to come up with a new plan and a new tree.
Since it is "Squirrel Sunday" shot.  Mike looked out one morning and we have a whole herd of squirrels that have decided they like it at my house!  At least two nests have appeared in the big oak tree in the front yard...they want to be real close to the food! 

Below is a video of the little wren taking its dirt bath on the walk.


Arija said...

A dirt bath is so much better at getting rid of mites than a water bath.

You should start a squirrel ranch!

Ruth Hiebert said...

I have never observed that kind of behaviour in a Wren.It is very cute and he seems to be enjoying it .

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Cute little dirt bath shots... Bet that wren didn't have any idea he was being spied on!!!

Love the picture of the little Cardinal... Such cuties!!!

Sorry about your dogwood trees.. I'm sure you will find a good replacement.

Have a blessed Sunday, Mary.

George said...

I really like the pictures of the wren taking its dirt bath. I hope he didn't mind being photographed. I'm sorry to hear about your young dogwood tree, but I'm sure you'll soon come up with a new plan.

Strawberry Jam Anne said...

I love to see the little birds having a dirt bath - so sweet. Thanks for sharing Mary. A x

DeniseinVA said...

Great video with the little wren having his dirt bath, and enjoyed all the other photos Mary. Sorry about the loss of your trees and dogwood. We planted a dogwood several years ago but it died quickly. I was so disappointed as I love dogwoods in the spring.

Janice K said...

That wren must be a "little boy" to enjoy dirt that much!

Mary said...

Thanks everyone! I'm thinking I need a different type of tree for that spot. Don't know what killed either dogwood, but maybe it is a bad location for that type of tree (wet roots?). Maybe I'll try another crab apple.

Becky said...

I had a comment all ready when my computer shut off, so I'll have a go at it again.
First I love your header.
I'm wondering if your tree was killed by the Beavers. It looks chewed.
So cute the Wren dirt bathing. I have a pair of Wrens nesting in my Bluebird house.

Dorothy said...

Sorry your tree fell. It was a good place for the birds to perch.
Maybe the bird had been watching the horses rolling in the dirt:-) I always enjoy seeing your pictures!

Rose said...

I love that little wren--haven't seen mine this year. So far.