August 4, 2008


Boy howdy, have I got a lot to catchup on! Story of my life. One of the highlights in the past month was that we got to bless Lyla while we were at Bear Lake for the Eyre reunion. It was so neat to be surrounded by so many family members for the blessing. I couldn't help but think of when we blessed McKay 2 1/2 years ago in Houston at my parent's house. Wow, time really does fly. Noah gave her a beautiful blessing. It was a special experience for me and I feel like I got a better glimpse of the way God sees this little bundle of Joy and what she is going to be like. During the blessing I peeked to see how McKay was behaving and watched him walk right in the middle and stop underneath his little sister with his head raised and stared in awe. He probably understands this better than I know. I can't stand how much I love these two kids we've been given. Being a mom of two is the best thing in the world. I feel so blessed!

July 1, 2008

Introducing Lyla Joy Eyre

Born June 30, 2008. 7lbs 8oz. 20 inches long. 7:19AM

Here she is! Absolutely magnificent.
This is my favorite picture of my girls. I am a lucky man!

Look at this shot Josh took!

Can you believe she gave birth about 5 minutes before this was taken!
Look at that newborn chunk!

A family of 4!!

McKay was very sweet with his little sister. Totally soft and very gentle. He was just quietly in awe of her. We'll see how long that lasts!

Lyla's reaction to her older brother:
Tal snapped this shot of McKay counting her toes (he counted them over and over.. pretty cute)

June 15, 2008

Father's Day

The BEST father McKay could ever hope for.

June 12, 2008

World's Fair

Back in March, The Queens Museum of Art had an exhibit of the last World's Fair that took place in the mid 60s. We've heard some about it from Noah's dad who was there first hand so it was really neat to get a better idea of what it looked like. I'm posting a lot of pictures so Noah's family can get an idea of what we saw too.

There is also a REALLY neat Panorama of the city of New York that is always on display at the museum. It is HUGE, amazingly detailed, and so fun to look at. This picture doesn't do it justice.
Noah may add a little more meat to this post when he sees it tomorrow. Until then...goodnight.

June 11, 2008


Noah here. We have been saving up for an over-the-range microwave for quite a while now and we finally bought one. It was a little sad to see our old little microwave go but it was extremely exciting to welcome Squelch into our home (we’ve named the microwave Squelch for obvious reasons… actually it’s not that obvious but it is because the original Latin translation for the word is “supersonic cook machine that will tell you what time of day it is. also, it can cook things with 1.21 Jigawat speed and has cat-like reflexes.")

We got so excited about welcoming Squelch into our home that we threw a party of sorts. We went to the grocery store on the corner and bought like 10 TV dinners (including 2 Hungry Mans… those of you who are TV dinner enthusiasts know exactly what I am talking about). We got everything from Mexican bowls to the classic TV dinner which is some mashed potatoes in one pocket, corn in the next, and some sort of squishy meat douched in gravy in the entrĂ©e size pocket. We even got some of the classic Mexican dinners that we used to eat at our cabin all the time growing up. Tal, Eli, Julie, Kristi and I had a blast cooking and eating TV dinner after TV dinner. I can’t believe how fun it was. Second only to tinfoil dinners; and a very close second at that.

Needless to say Squelch is a welcome addition to the family and he has really been pulling his weight around here. He cooks food very evenly and he has an oven rack that we’ve never used yet. No wait, we did use it once and it was very cool.


We are back

So I got home from book club later than I had planned tonight and sat and talked with Eli and Julie for a bit then caught up with Noah on his day and now it is past midnight. Thank goodness for commitments because I would be sawing logs in my sleep right now if I wouldn't have promised a post. Actually, I told Noah I had promised "some serious updates" so he is working on a post about our new microwave or something. I can't wait to read that one!

Anyway, I was thinking about starting in December and writing a brief synopsis of what's happened each month but I might hold back and just add what I can think of first and go from there. We'll see what happens.

Noah has been teaching McKay how to make funny faces.
This one seems to comes out most often.
This is McKay's attempt to mimic his father.

Two things about this picture. 1) I can't figure out how to make the lens on my camera auto focus anymore so this is the best I could do that day. 2) Some friends and I started a class for our kids in the winter and took turns teaching each month. This is a day we learned about seasons and those are the snowmen they made (notice McKay's socks).
Ok I stopped to read Noah's microwave post and now that he is done he is begging me to go to bed so that I don't get carried away with this so I commit to keep this going every night until I feel like I am caught up. Enjoy this random post and I'll be back tomorrow!

Is Anyone There?

I have been really bad about blogging for the last 2 MONTHS so I don't blame you if you've given up on "eyre blog" but I won't go to bed tonight without delivering some serious updates. So to anyone out there, stay tuned!