July 1, 2008

Introducing Lyla Joy Eyre

Born June 30, 2008. 7lbs 8oz. 20 inches long. 7:19AM

Here she is! Absolutely magnificent.
This is my favorite picture of my girls. I am a lucky man!

Look at this shot Josh took!

Can you believe she gave birth about 5 minutes before this was taken!
Look at that newborn chunk!

A family of 4!!

McKay was very sweet with his little sister. Totally soft and very gentle. He was just quietly in awe of her. We'll see how long that lasts!

Lyla's reaction to her older brother:
Tal snapped this shot of McKay counting her toes (he counted them over and over.. pretty cute)


Sherry said...

So exciting you guys! How I wish I was there right now...but I'll be seeing you so soon. I'm glad you finally posted some pictures, she's beautiful and the name is perfect. Sure do love you all....

Evans Fam said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am so excited that our little girls are so close in age! And I love that your water broke too Kristi.I can't wait to see you guys....sure love you!

Evans Fam said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am so excited that our little girls are so close in age! And I love that your water broke too Kristi.I can't wait to see you guys....sure love you!

nerak said...

Congratulations!! You have such a beautiful family!

Stin said...

Oh my goodness. Will you look at that?!

So happy that you are on the other end of this! What beauties those two are.

We are thrilled for your new addition. Baby Lyla has a good friend kicking for escape right now. I can't wait until they are drooling on each other!

A said...

Congrats! How exciting. What a beautiful little girl. I can't believe it! What a gorgeous name. I am so happy for your new addition!

Katherine Young said...

congrats!! these pictures are adorable!

Kirkhams said...

I want to smell her newborn smell! She is such a chunk!! And McKay looks like he'll fit the older brother role just fine! I love the picture with the two kids together! Wish I was there to hold her! Hopefully soon! Love you guys! Good work!

Mindi said...

Congratulations!! Didn't you JUST get back from Utah? Phew! Just in time, it appears!

What tender pictures. And how come, all of a sudden, McKay looks so big?! Like he's grown up a lot in the last couple months... just in time to be the Big Brother!

Glad to hear all is well! Congratulations again.

Linda said...

Oh WOW! This is an adorable little girl! Lyla Joy. Love it! She seems to fit perfectly! I also put the picture Josh sent on the Valuesparenting blog and I already go a message from a woman in England congratulating us! Looks like Flibitygibit turned out just GREAT!
Kristi you look fabulous too! We can't WAIT to get our hands on that little cucumber!
Love ya'll, Mom/Linda

Jen & Johnny said...

HOORAY!!!!! So exciting!!! What angels both of your kids are!! She is beautiful!!! We can't wait to meet her!!! How are you feeling? You look fantastic!!!! We love you guys!!!

Joan said...

Tears. Seriously. Streaming down my cheeks. The birth of a little one is quite literally a glimpse into heaven. Her name is everything she is: joy filled and lovely.

Allie said...

She is so dang cute! I love her chubiness! McKay is precious counting her toes. He will make such a sweet big brother, he is so gentle, and we all know how much Braden loves him, so he is already a natural. Kristi, you are glowing and look so amazing. Wish we could see her right now! Congrats!

Chelsea said...

Congrats you guys!!! She is a doll! Lyla Joy- What a perfect name!!! Enjoy that little newborn :)

Abby said...

Congrats on such happy news--and very close to my heart right now, as we just experienced the same joy (although the mom wasn't nearly as pretty right after :) Happy babying! She is beautiful. p.s. if you had her that early in the morning, were you in labor all night, or did it go super fast? Just curious.

Monson Family said...

AHHHHHHHHH SO SO SO SO CUTE!!!!!! We areso excited for you guys!!!! I can't wait for the chance to hold her! You guys look so happy and Kristi you are so beautiful!!!!!

{autie} said...

OH, guys, I love her! Congratulations....She's beautiful!

di said...

Hooray! :) Congratulations - we are so so so happy for you! She is gorgeous and MacKay is the perfect big brother...we love you guys!

Shermom said...

Muchisimas gracias por mi linda nieta!!!! Felicidades Hicieron un buen trabajo porque es tan linda como su mama. Besos y abrazos a todos.

Sine family said...

So excited for you guys. Can't wait to meet her in real life and hear all about the delivery. Let us know if there is anything we can do to help.

Jonah and Aja said...

well done kristi and good job on getting her there nobie. "she is just at the best age right now"

Natalie Carver said...

Oh you guys she is beautiful! I love those cheeks! Give the lots of kisses for us! We are so happy for you guys, there is nothing like a baby girl! Love you all!
Tony, Nat and Callie

Caitlin said...

She is so darling and perfect! Can't wait to meet her in person! Looks like McKay is already a great big borther! Rest up and let us know if there is anything you need!

Amber Larsen said...

Congrats you guys!! She is beautiful just like her mommy! I'm sure McKay will be such a sweet big brother. You guys have a beautiful family. Love you; hopefully we will see you soon : )

Julie said...

Congratulations! So exciting. The pictures are adorable. And, I adore the name you chose.

Clint, Marianne, Sage, Charlotte, Emery and Ivy said...

Aw man, you lucky ducks having a baby w/ a full head of hair! ;) Sage will be bald for years.

Seriously though, she is BEAUTIFUL. I love the pictures and can't wait to hold her. I like the name Lyla better than all the other ones you talked about, too. Kuddos. Kristi, you look radiant!

Julia said...

Wow! Congratulations, she is beautiful. I can't wait to meet her.

TnD said...

Yeah! So wonderful! Baby Lyla is as beautiful and serene looking as her mama.

Amy Lynn said...

The world just gets smaller and smaller...I found a link to your blog on my sister Emily's blog who listed your blog as a friend of my brother's who she thinks is really cool! Anyway...so fun to find you in the blogging world and to see your new little girl! She is gorgeous! Congratulations!

Amy Lynn said...

Oh, this is Amy Carr! I always forget to tell people who I am when I comment...not a creepy stranger, just a blog lurker!

Amy Lynn said...

Good grief...and it appears Abby is a Eyre follower as well! You have the whole Oscarson clan watching over your guys! :>)

Kaci Griffin said...

You guys are the perfect little family! I hope you are adjusting to life with a little one again! My youngest is 2 now and I still don't sleep through the night! It's my own sleeping problems, not just the kids that keep me up! Hope you are both doing well.

k. said...

Beautiful! She's beautiful, and you look great K. Let me know if we can do anything to help.

Naylor Family said...

Lyla is absolutetly beautiful! Congratulations! Grandma called me yesterday and told me, but she didn't know her name. McKay is so cute with her, hopefully that continues and the jealousy issues don't step in! Kristi-I hope you're doing better. Grandma said you had some complications with the epideral. Keep us updated! Congrats!

Jill said...

so so happy for you! can't wait to meet her.

Stephanie said...

Congrats Eyre's. It's me Stephanie Dewey (Vrtiska)! You guys are such a cute family. Mckay is a cute little boy. I would have to say perfect. I can't quite tell yet with Lyla:) I am sure she will be just as beautiful as her mommy! Love you guys!

Cami D. said...

beautiful - you are beautiful and your family is beautiful! Congrats!

Jenni said...

Congrats Eyre Family. She's a beauty for sure, just like her mommy!

K+C=M+K said...

Congratulations you guys! Stephanie just found me and then I was looking on her blog and saw you guys! This is Chelsea (Weber) from Hawaii. YOu might remember making a totally awesome campus movie together;) Glad you guys are doing well! Just wanted to pop in and say hi! Here's our blog if you wanna check it out when we are not being busy being a mommy of 2! You go girl!

Anonymous said...

I'm late... but CONGRATS! What a beautiful looking family. Hope that you are doing well!