April 9, 2008


My heart is torn right now. I put McKay to bed at 8pm and didn't hear a peep from him until about 8:30. He whimpered for about 10 minutes then I thought for sure he was asleep.  At 9 I heard him again  but thought maybe he is just stirring a little to get himself settled. At 9:15 after he was silent for about 5 min I went to check on him. I first noticed the light was on from under the door so I opened the door and he was sitting up in the corner of his bed hugging his tiger and blanket with silent tears coming down his face. I walked over and sat on his bed with him and he came and hugged me and said, in the saddest voice, "Monsters mommy." He was so sweet and I felt so bad. How in the world does he know what monsters are and that they are scary? He has been talking about them for a couple of days now as if they are his friends. We talk about nice monsters and I thought he thought they were great. I'll see how the night goes. Noah is out of town so we can't take turns, darn.  

I hope this doesn't become a nightly thing. 

April 2, 2008

Toddler Training

Kristi - Black... Noah - Blue

We decided to let McKay graduate from his pack 'n play about a month ago! I don't think he has ever slept in a real crib. Well I guess there were two nights when we stayed at my brother's house in AZ and the few nights in London but other than that he has slept like a champ in the pack 'n play. But the poor little guy was starting to sleep with his legs bent because his crib just wouldn't grow with him.

After spending his first year of life sleeping in the bathroom our studio, he upgraded to a closet in Staten Island and then to his sweet 6x8 foot bedroom here in Manhattan(which he will likely be sharing with his little sister soon enough). And now he has graduated from the crib to the toddler bed!!! Crikie this kid is growing up way too fast!#$%$(those symbols are not representative of cuss words but rather just to help put extra emphasis on the exclamation point).

The transition wasn't as rough as it looks. We found him asleep on the floor a few times and we had to move him to his bed but I think I took it harder than he did. We prepared ourselves for some rough nights. We had tried to ease the transition by letting him get used to the bed with the crib still in there but he just thought the "big bed" was something fun to climb on. We finally decided to take the crib out, fearing the worst, and he didn't even flinch. Good thing we have another baby on the way because it makes me sad to think that my baby is growing up.

We are now working on potty training. Not by choice. He loves to take his diaper off. I've tried everything I can think of to help him keep it on but I'm giving up and letting him use the potty chair. I'm dreading this because I dont' know what to do when we are out and about in the city. It's hard enough for a pregnant lady to find a restoom around here. What will I do when he really has to go? What do people do? I've heard of portable toilies that you can bring to the park and let your kids take care of buisness there but...really?