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Showing posts with label Hostel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hostel. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Sepanjang 6 tahun experience duduk hostel, dari form 4 until University life ini la kali pertama ILLEGAL item kena rampas. Nak kata sedeh tak jugak, nak kata happy ye kot hikhik :) sebab apa? sebab sepanjang duduk hostel, dengar rumors ada spot check mesti dah prepare everything supaya barang barang terlarang tidak dirampas tapi end up tak kena rampas or tak ada spot check pon. Lucky enuf huh? Tapi malam ni nampaknya lucky not always with me. For the first time, my-not-so ILLEGAL items kena rampas. Walaupon illegal item hanyalah Iron (macam kelakar je bunyikan) tapi kalau di MMU Iron tu la yang paling, sangat, terlalu illegal. Ye aku memang sorok dadah pon dalam iron tu kenapa ada masalah? =___=

This might be the first and the last experience illegal items kena rampas. Next academic year, I'm not goin to stay in hostel anymore. Bubye hostel rules and hello to the New Apartment! :)

P/S: RM30 for redeem back? erm, should I?

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