1935 American comedy drama film directed by David Butler, the first of four cinematic pairings between Shirley Temple and Bill Robinson, and features the duo's famous staircase dance.
Bill Robinson claimed that the idea for his "staircase dance" with Shirley Temple came to him in a dream. He later recalled of the dream, "I was being made a lord by the King of England and he was standing at the head of a flight of stairs. Rather than walk, I danced up."
Performing their "staircase dance" together in this film made the duo the first interracial dancing couple in American movie history.
When Temple and Robinson finished rehearsing the staircase dance, Robinson reportedly knelt, wept, and kissed Temple’s feet. “God, he made her all by herself,” he said, “No series. Just one. Uncle Bill doesn’t tell her feet where to go, her heart tells her.”
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