Showing posts with label Cats-tooth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cats-tooth. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Fall Fun!

Sharing more fall and Halloween designs today! Vintage candy pails courtesy of Stitches by the Sea and  a Halloween version of my Cats-tooth pattern!


Wednesday, April 14, 2021

New Stitch Guides Available!

I have not had as much time to stitch since taking over production and distribution of my canvases back in 2015, so it is pretty seldom nowadays that I can announce any new stitch guides by me.  I have had a handful of finishes aver the last year, and finally made some time to write and publish the stitch guides for them.  Since they are older designs, you may already have the canvas and if so, write me an email and I'll be happy to send you the guide.  From this point on, these canvases will include the guide when you see them in a retail shop.

Here are the 5 new stitch guide designs:

H110A Pink Plaid Heart:  This guide I cannot take full credit for, because I discovered this canvas for sale online in mostly-stitched condition.  I simply completed it, the stitches were the choice of an unknown and very talented stitcher.  My contributions were the addition of the sequins, which are included with the stitch guide.  

HW114E Vintage Witch Candy Pail: Although there is already a wonderful stitch guide for this and the other 5 candy pails in this series by Cynthia Thomas, I had already started stitching this one on my own and decided to make a guide for my version.  This canvas will now come with 2 guides!  

C112-13 "Cats-tooth": Although this canvas is stitched entirely in Basketweave and it did not strictly speaking need a stitch guide,  I did make one for this listing the threads, colors and color placement since it is not stitched exactly as it is painted.  

C110 Cats-tooth Keychain: Ditto the above on this one, the guide will provide you the threads used and a short guide to the Basketweave stitch.  

C110A Black Cat Keychain: Trust me on this one that it is more complex than the photo can show (just like with a real black cat, LOL!) The background is a fun woven type stitch with silk & metallic and so are the eyes.  Fun and quick to stitch!  

Thursday, September 12, 2019

New EyeCandy Designs for Fall 2019!

Here's a look at my entire "What's New" collection coming to market this week!  Be sure to attend Local Needlework Shop Day on Sept. 21 if you can, or contact any needlework shop to order.  See my shop listing page on my website for a list of EyeCandy retailers!

Monday, October 15, 2018

Spooky New Design for Halloween!

I have this new color scheme in my Cats-tooth collection, and it is perfect for Halloween!  This one is 4.5" x 7.5" in size, making it just right for a handbag or a small pillow, other sizes are available for order!