Showing posts with label Amy Bunger. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Amy Bunger. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

A Week of Retreats!

I went to two needlepoint retreats in one week and now I need a vacation! Needlepoint Nation Austin 2015 overlapped with a trip to Memphis to Rent Amy, so what was I to do?  I managed to do a bit of both.  Wednesday and Thursday was spent in Austin visiting with that great group of gals, who I did not get nearly enough time with.  Here is a couple of shots of the host shop, The Needle Works--  not great pictures but you sure can tell how big and well stocked it is!

Friday through Monday found me in Memphis with the gang from Needlepoint Now, taking a weekend of classes with Amy Bunger.  Amy's shop is fabulous too, both inside and out.
First of all, what could be better than a needlepoint shop with a Sonic next door?

The neon "Amy's" sign is pretty spiffy too, I think.  Amy's is actually a small compound of buildings consisting of the store, classroom and the wholesale business.  Amy's very sweet husband, Bob, has decorated the inner courtyard with his collection of farm antiques and signs:

I think Bob's courtyard may be the best classroom view of any shop, any where!

And yes, Amy's has tons of threads and models too:
As I said, now that I'm back, I'm pooped!  Even so, I've got one more retreat left, this weekend I take off towards north Texas to Glen Rose for the Fancy Stitches retreat.  Stay tuned for those photos next week!