Showing posts with label photograph. Show all posts
Showing posts with label photograph. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Saturday, May 15, 2010

I Have Often Walked . . . . .

I have often walked . . . . . . . . . down this street before!

Sometimes I think that my husband Lee and I take for granted the wonderful mountain scenery around us. After all, we have lived here in the same house, on the same street, in the same city, in the same state, for over 20 years! So I guess it's easy to understand how we may have become overly accustomed to our surroundings.

But every now and then, I'm struck by how truly lucky we are to live in such a scenic area of the country, and at times like these, I do indeed feel humbled and blessed by the natural beauty around us.

I grew up in the Midwest (Kansas, to be exact), but I've long been drawn to the mountains. My first recollection of seeing mountains was during my family's early road trips to Colorado to visit my aunt who lived in Denver.

Later, I went to live in Denver for a time with that same aunt, while attending college there. I've been "hooked" on the mountains from that point on.

I lived in Denver for five years, then moved farther west into the Rocky Mountain state of Utah, and have been here ever since.

The weather here in Salt Lake City has been somewhat unpredictable this Spring, not an unusual occurrence for this part of the Rocky Mountains. The past week has been rainy and chilly. . . but today was quite beautiful.

We started the day with a clear sky, full sun and temperatures in the high sixties. A few scattered clouds found their way into the sky later in the day, but luckily, the high clouds brought no rain.

By late afternoon, when I decided to take a leisurely one-mile walk around our neighborhood, the temperature was still mild, a gentle breeze was blowing, and the light was perfect for a few hand-held scenic mountain photos. (Luckily, I had the foresight to take my camera along!)

Even after all these years, I am amazed that these kinds of views can be achieved while walking around our own little Salt Lake City neighborhood, within less than a mile of where Lee and I live.

Thank you all, once again, for visiting my Blog!

And until we meet again. . .may you each have the opportunity to enjoy unique and special views of your own. . . from the street where you live!


Friday, April 30, 2010

SPRINGTIME in the Rockies!

Harley was raring to go this morning for his first outing, so I didn't make him wait for me to put his coat on. . . after all it's not THAT cold outside today, despite the new fallen snow. And he enjoyed a brief morning sprint outdoors, while I ventured out in my robe and slippers to capture a couple of scenes with my camera.

Even though it's not at all unusual for us to experience wide variations in weather here in northern Utah this time of year, it always seems to take me by surprise. (How quickly we forget!)

And now that the daffodils, crocuses, and grape hyacinths in our yard have been blooming for at least a week and the tulips are beginning to open, it seems even more incongruous that Lee and I would awaken once again to several inches of snow on the ground this morning.

But, I have to reminding myself, this is what SPRINGTIME in the ROCKIES (the Rocky Mountains of Utah) is like. And before we know it, the temperatures will be in the 70s!

Thanks for visiting my little corner of the Blog world, and until we meet again. . . . . .may you all enjoy the pleasures of Spring, wherever you are!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Wordless Wistful Woof Wednesday . . . . . .

(Please click on the photo for an enlarged view.)

Monday, April 19, 2010

There is Nothing Quite Like SPRING!

Some days are busier than others, and today, at least for me, has been one of those BUSY days! It's actually been a "good" kind of busy day, wherein I feel like I got a couple of projects done and some others at least started.

So, a little while ago, I thought I'd reward myself and give myself a break before thinking about the dreaded "C" word. . . . i.e., COOKING. I decided to grab my little camera, and take an early evening stroll around our yard with Harley, our sweet greyhound, to see what new Spring discoveries we might have missed.

Although it's been a bit of a breezy day, the wind has now subsided, making way for a lovely warmish Spring evening. And although I'm no photographer, I was able to take advantage of the early evening calm and some late day shadows to capture a few scenes from our yard.

I do love all the seasons, but truly, there is nothing quite like SPRING, is there?? (Just ask Harley!)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Monday, April 12, 2010

Could it really be. . . . SPRING??

It's hard to believe, after the unseasonably chilly weather and all the snow that we've had here along the Wasatch Front Range of the Rockies over the past couple of weeks. . . . . . but I think that SPRING might actually be showing her cheerful face in north central Utah!

This morning, I awakened to a clear blue sky and a relatively warm (60ish) blustery day. . . It didn't take long for the wind to blow in clouds and eventual rain, but before that happened, I managed to snap a few photos of the sprouting (or more aptly termed "blooming") flora in our yard.

Yes, I think it really could be SPRING!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

April Showers . . . . . .

Here we are. . . .April 1, 2010, and SPRING is (or should be) upon us. APRIL FOOL!

These scenes are from our back yard, just minutes ago. . . . . .

(Click any photo to enlarge.)

Somehow I don't think the old adage,

"April Showers Bring May Flowers,"

was referring to THESE kinds of showers. . . . .

But then again, by the weekend, I'm guessing most of this snow will have melted,

and will have made way for our crocuses and early tulips to add a little color to our yard,

and for the Easter Bunny to make his way through the neighborhood.

Such is Springtime in the Rockies!

Until we meet again. . .

Wishing You a Wonderful Spring,

Wherever You Are!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Mountain Magic. . . . . .

In the 40+ years that I've lived in the Rocky Mountain States (first Colorado and now Utah), I have never grown weary of the magnificent mountain views. . . and I'm sure I never will.

(You may click on photo to enlarge.)

Late this afternoon, I just happened to be sitting by the window in Lee's hospital room, watching the clouds come over the south edge of the city as a fast-moving Spring storm passed through.

In the afternoon light and through the mist of the low clouds and scattered snowflakes falling from the sky, the Wasatch Mountains seemed to take on an almost magical appearance . . . . . .

Monday, March 15, 2010

Room with a View. . . . .

I've been spending a lot of my time over the past ten days at the hospital, since my husband Lee recently had surgery. During Lee's hospital stay, we've been lucky in that he's had a nice room location which affords a lovely view of the Wasatch Mountain Range bordering the east side of Salt Lake City.

This past week, I've had plenty of time to watch and appreciate the changing view from the southeast-facing window of Lee's hospital room. And since I hardly ever go anywhere without my camera, I took a few photos that I thought I'd share here on my Blog. . . . .

Let's face it. . . it's not really any fun to be in the hospital (either as a patient or as a visitor), but if you have to be there, it helps at least a little, to have a Room with a View. . . . .

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Wordless Winter Wednesday . . . . .

(You may click this photo to enlarge.)

Monday, December 21, 2009

Winter Solstice 2009

Wow, where has the time gone? Seems like "forever" since I've posted to my Blog. . when in actuality, it's only been a few weeks.

But I'm determined to do better on keeping up with my Blog posting and my favorite Blog reading, at least for the next little while!

And what better day to get back into blogging than the Winter Solstice. In years gone by, this particular day has often skipped my attention, but today when I awoke a bit earlier than usual and looked outside to see a heavy fog and frost in the early morning light, I was inspired to take a few photos.

(You may click on any of the following photos, for a larger view.)

In some way, the rather eerie yet beautiful scenes in our backyard this morning seemed a fitting image of Winter Solstice, the "shortest" day of the year.

I understand that Winter Solstice also officially heralds the onset of Winter in the Northern Hemisphere. . . although those of us who live in the Rocky Mountain West would say that winter has been well underway here for several weeks now. We've already had several large snowfalls, although admittedly, nothing like our friends in New England and along the East Cost have most recently experienced.

Here along the Wasatch Front, the snow has nearly melted from our yard, and we're ready for some NEW snow to arrive and provide us with a White Christmas!

But in the meantime, Mother Nature has given us some unique and beautiful hoarfrost (pictured here on one of our Oregon grape bushes), to delight and entertain the would-be nature photographer in us all.

For me personally, the greatest significance to Winter Solstice is that from this point on, the daylight hours are increasing once again!

Thanks for stopping by. . .I always enjoy and appreciate having visitors to my blog!

And until we meet again. . . . may your days be filled with sun.