Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Entrepreneurs: New Songs

Myspace // "A Zillion Million Ameros" [Audio]

Since Elle Milano parted ways late last year, former frontman Adam Crisp has only gotten busier. He's been involved with several remixes, has two electronic projects, and a more traditional band, the Premarital Sect. He's been fooling around in one of those electronic projects for a number of years, and it seems as though that 2009 has really seen his vision be fully realized. Electronica is not all about partying, and Crisp understands that this only makes the music better.

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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Premarital Sect

"Snuff Scene" [Audio]

On what felt like the verge of mainstream acceptance, Elle Milano broke up. At the time, it was heart-breaking for one of my favorite bands to split, especially after a handful of brilliant singles and an absolutely amazing debut album, but since there was nothing I could do about it, I tried to think about the positives. I did get to see the band play twice, both at last year's Great Escape. And when considering their output, they pretty much went out on top, with not one blemish to their name. Looking back, it was all perfection, albeit a small sample size.

Who really knew why the band split or where they were headed, although some of those questions would eventually be answered. Adam Crisp's side project, Entrepreneurs, seemed to become his full time gig, while I quickly became enamoured with their friends, fellow spike-poppers Arthur. There was also the on-again, off-again search for the lost Elle Milano track "Catch the Magic," which I am happy to say ended recently because of this fine blog.

Although Enterpreneurs is good and all, it just wasn't the same, but with the recent emergence of the Premarital Sect, it seems that Mr. Crisp is not finished perfecting his Fall-isms and taking down the indie scene from the inside. The fact that he is fed up with almost everything around him isn't important, what is though is that he no longer cares. This new outfit, rounded out by schoolbuddies Philth Black and The Walternator on bass and drums, is all about playing for just themselves, so wherever the sound leads them, that's where they go.

From their Last FM:
First demo tape recorded in March 2009 and uploaded in April. A Myspace? Are you having a laugh? But for now, you can find this demo at http://www.thepremaritalsect.co.uk.

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Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Myspace // "Offensive Coordinator" [Audio]

Although it's been a few months since Brighton trio Elle Milano called it quits, it doesn't mean we've stopped mourning them in the Exitfare office. Their legend has only grown, from us waxing nostalgic about the two gigs we caught from them at the Great Escape last year to Beth commenting to me today about good Psirens were. It's obvious that Adam Crisp, a member of both of those outfits, has something quite special going on in the songwriting department.

Entrepreneurs is his latest project, one that is a complete left turn from what he has done in the past. As far as we know, it's just him and an odd assortment of instruments. It's electronic, but it still retains the same wry cynicism we came to love from the Milanos. He's even tried his hand at some remixing, include an excellent reworking of a Hannah Shark (of Arthur) song.

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Tuesday, December 09, 2008


[Photo Credit: Matthew Williams]

Myspace // "Comatose" [Audio]

I discovered Fleet-based band Arthur in a roundabout way. While nosing around on Elle Milano's message board, I saw that Adam Crisp's new project, Entrepreneurs, had remixed a track from Hannah Shark who also plays in Arthur. The five-piece is about to drop their debut EP, Cinderella Story, which firmly places the band in a quickly-growing crowd of quirky/dark pop bands coming from the south of England. While tunes like "Comatose" may be raw, they signal this band isn't just screwing around -- they have ideas that show excellent potential.

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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Elle Milano (2004-2008)

Myspace // "Chess Tragedy" [Audio] // "Meanwhile in Hollywood..." [Video]

There were plenty of conclusions drawn when Elle Milano cancelled all of their tour dates two months ago, but those of us that saw the writing on the wall, the dire news was confirmed yesterday. From the band's Myspace page:

Hello all,

So you know, Elle Milano has called it a day. There is no simple explanation why, but the writing's been on the wall for quite a while. We somewhat lost the magic we used to have and regretfully the band's just come to a big brick wall against our will.

The recent silence and cancellation of gigs was down to a family tragedy in my life, and was nothing band related, however now it feels as though the time is right to move on and try something new. We are all on good terms. I've been doing stuff by myself as Entrepreneurs recently, so keep and eye on that if you're interested. When future projects by any of us come together I'll put links up here...

Thats about it. We have decided to go out on a song (or 4)... enjoy. (And download, cos the quality on Myspace is terrible...)


I really don't know where to start here. I did write a bit of a speculative article on this a few weeks ago, and I don't really think it's necessary to go into things further or spend paragraphs talking about what these guys meant to me or anything like that.

The band had just released their debut album in April, and it seemed like they had some good momentum going on and an increasingly fervent fanbase. But I guess when you don't feel it anymore, you don't feel it, and there's nothing you can do about it, and although they called it a day early, they did go out on top. Out of the 30 or so songs I have from them, there's not a bad one in the bunch.

I'll leave the long articles discussing the importance of the band to others, but tonight, tomorrow night, or this weekend, let's all have a pint for Elle Milano to thank them for all of the memories. And they've already moved on, with Adam making music under the name Entrepreneurs.

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Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Last FM // "The Trust Network" [Audio]

I am off to CMJ today, so I'll have plenty of show reviews, pics, and goodies to post throughout the week. Before I go I want to leave you with a tune from Psirens, a five-piece that featured future members of Elle Milano and had a sound not that all unlike them. The band formed around Adam and James while they were in college in Yately, Hampshire, but when they went to university in Leicester, they met up with Chloe and Alex, thus forming Elle Milano.

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Monday, June 30, 2008

Stop! Motion

Myspace // "Apples and Pears" [mp3]

I was fooling around on Elle Milano's Myspace page the other day when I stumbled upon Stop! Motion in their top 16 or whatever. While this York/Leeds outfit isn't breaking any new ground, the band has a not too finely polished blend of sharp guitars, precise drumming and anthemic vocals. It's a sound that doesn't sound good with too much studio trickery, and these guys obviously know what they're doing. Not only do Elle Milano know how to write some great tunes, they know how to pick quality bands.

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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Heels Catch Fire

Myspace // "Smile" [mp3]

Heels Catch Fire played two shows last month at the Great Escape, but sadly I missed both of them due to the fact that the Brighton band and their shows weren't listed in the festival booklet. Since I probably won't have an opportunity to see them play any time soon, I'll have to bide myself with recordings of their
slightly off-kilter math-influenced brand of indie rock. The band comes highly recommended by Elle Milano and Dany, so you know they must be good. Make sure to check out their fairly new video for "Smile" (above), as it offers a wonderful look at the dreadful practice of speed dating.

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