Despite the
fuss of getting out of the house, I have to admit that ticking items off the
shopping list is therapeutic. But the therapy is short-lived because checking
out of the supermarket requires another heave of energy. Pushing items from the
cart to the counter while making sure they don’t fall off the other end and
keeping an eye of on the items scanned so that they won’t be mistakenly keyed
in twice amid the heap of groceries that I created requires some effort. Then
there is that moment when I have to dump everything into the trolley quickly so
that I don’t keep the cashier and the next person in line waiting in
frustration. After that only can I push the wobbly trolley to my car just to
pass by a couple who decided to do grocery shopping in pairs.
grocery shopping is different now, it is nothing compared to what our
frontliners are doing. I feel grateful that my basic necessities can still be
met while gawking at the people who unabashedly flout the MCO rules.