I am thinking… about Liam's story that he wrote at college and gave me to read for Easter. I wrote a story too, I wonder what he thought of mine.
I am thankful for… everything right now! During this Octave I am going to totally indulge in joy and gratitude.
From the kitchen… pancakes and sausages for breakfast. Clare made a great chocolate cake with cooked, fudge frosting. She made it on Friday and Saturday and we ate it yesterday -- I think I will call it a Triduum cake.
In our school room… it's really the world, right now. Studies resume tomorrow.
I am creating… stories, I guess! I had so much fun writing the first one that I want to write another. Wish me luck!
I am going … to a Cranio-Sacral class this afternoon. Aidan's OT is holding it at another mom's house. I know I should go and that I'll be glad I did, but I really would rejoice if she called and said it was postponed. Easter Monday, Sean's last day on break and Liam has to go back to college on Wednesday. I don't want to leave the house for a whole afternoon!
I am wearing… dark blue jeans I found at the thrift store last weeek. Sports socks. A dark turquoise knit top, longsleeved. My sister in law cleaned out her closet and yesterday, when we went to my parents-in-laws' house for Easter brunch, my mother in law had laid out all the clothes and shoes and handbags in her room and put up a sign ("1 Day only -- Kloset Kleaning event") and most of the female relatives took a couple of things home. Thrift stores and giveaways are about the closest I come to fashion events. Not complaining though -- I love bargains, and I dislike the feeling of a brand-new garment -- takes several washings to break one in, so I'm glad when someone saves me the trouble!
I am reading… finished reading "The House that Wouldn't Go Away" by Paul Gallico. I'm still working on "Bringing up Geeks" by Marybeth Hicks.
I am hoping… to declutter in a big way.
I am hearing…hockey on the X-Box, Sean coughing, Aidan talking about the week's schedule ("What's on Thursday?" "Monday's NOTHING") etc.
Around the house… the scattering syndrome. Decluttering always messes up the house. It's freezing! Our firewood ran out and we resist turning on the central heating, so it's about 60 degrees around here.
One of my favorite things… I love the Easter Octave. I love Cadbury chocolate eggs. I love having the whole family at home around me. I love getting to hang out on the blogosphere (I was limiting it during Lent). I love staying at home. I love having some new (used) clothes to wear.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week… work back into a study schedule. See Sean off to school. Liam to the Amtrak. Go to the library. Get the house into a bit more order. Get tickets for trip to Alaska to visit my parents. Pray for Liam as he undergoes his thesis defense on Thursday. Continue the Divine Mercy novena. Enjoy the graces and blessings of this joyous season. He is risen, Alleluia!
Here are a few picture thoughts I am sharing with you…
Liam took this picture of the new chapel at TAC.
Clare and Patrick on Easter family celebration.
One of the cakes Clare made.