Showing posts with label edmonton. Show all posts
Showing posts with label edmonton. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


After our little stint in Calgary, we were asked to go up to Edmonton to set up and help out at a booth at their Capital EX. The booth ended up looking really cool.

Working with Del Sol is always fun, but this booth was particularly great because we got a lot of press. I did 4 different TV interviews and Isa and I both did a radio interview talking about Del Sol products.

The other nice thing is that Isa and I were able to go to church both Sundays we were in Edmonton. Here's a pic of the student ward we went to:

Other than work and church, we went to the West Edmonton Mall. Isa had never been, so we had to make a trip out there. We walked around for a while and ended up seeing Inception. It was AWESOME.

We also went to Heritage Days, which is a huge festival (bigger than the Capital EX we were at) filled with nothing but international food, dances, and traditional stuff. Very cool.

If you're hungry and you have a ton of time (the lines are really long) you should definitely go!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Although it's just another normal day up here in CANADA!! Yeah, I'm in Edmonton. Well, West Edmonton actually. I opened a new store here in the largest mall in North America. It's actually pretty cool. The store is located right next to the largest indoor waterpark in North America (Dubai beat them on both records - I can't wait to go there).

I never left the mall (I'm leaving to go back home in about 30 minutes). Ok, I left once. To IKEA. Don't you just love IKEA? Mmmm. But as far as adventures go, not here. I finally went exploring yesterday. I went to the amusement park and rode the roller coasters and elevator ride from hell thingy (you know the one that shoots you straight up 150 feet and then you drop down and then back up most of the way and down again).

I didn't really take any pictures because Edmonton is pretty flat. Just plains. Calgary looked pretty cool (we flew through there) and I hope I can go back there some time (update! I did). I took a bunch of video in the mall, and maybe some time I'll put it together and put it up on YouTube, but for now you just have this blog saying, "I was there."



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