Monday, May 22, 2017

Greyhound Racing - What Do The Colors of the Coats Mean

Greyhound Racing - What Do The Colors Of The Jackets Mean
Greyhound Race Dog Jacket Colors
Greyhound race dog coat colors are connected to their starting position which makes a difference
in their performance.  A greyhound jacket color illustrates certain racing skills that each dog has.

A greyhound race in the UK consists of six dogs. Each dog is identified by the color of the jacket it wears for the race. The color indicates its starting position which helps you to identify the dogs as they are racing. The colors of the greyhound jackets are standard so it helps to become knowledgeable with them for your experience at greyhounds racing.

The red jacked is always worn by the dog starting from trap one. This is the starting position closest to the inside rail. These greyhounds have a preference for running along the inside of the track and are known as "railers." A railer typically requires a good burst of early speed to hold its position in to the first corner and not get over-taken by the other greyhounds.

A blue jacket is worn by the greyhound starting from trap two. This position is usually favoured by dogs seeking to get over to the rail in front of the greyhound in trap one. A white jacket is worn by the greyhound starting from trap three and the black jacket is worn by the greyhound staring from trip four. These starting positions are favoured by greyhounds who have a natural preference for running along the middle of the track.

Greyhounds racing at the rail
Greyhounds racing at the rail
An orange jacket is worn by the greyhound starting from trap five and the black and white striped jacket in worn by the greyhound starting from trap six. These staring positions are generally favoured by greyhounds who have a natural preference for running towards the wide outside of the track.

Read the entire EZine Article here 

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