Showing posts with label sewing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sewing. Show all posts

Monday, January 26, 2015

Neue Woche - neue Projekte

Heute Montag ist wieder wunderschönes und sonniges Wetter nachdem es das ganze Wochenende geschneit hat und trüb war. Es beginnt auch schon wieder zu tauen. 

Felix wünscht sich eine Tasche, in der er seine wichtigen Sachen herumtragen kann. Aber "ohne rosa und ohne Herzen oder sonst ein Mädchenzeug drauf". Das ist die Stoffauswahl die zur Verfügung steht. Schauen was der Herr gerne hätte.

Am Wochenende habe ich die Socken für den Mann fertig gestrickt und gleich diese hier angefangen. Es ist ja nicht so, daß ich nicht genug angefangene Projekte hätte, aber diese Socken wollte ich schon lange stricken. Das Muster heißt Cadence Socks  und ist ein gratis Muster auf Ravelry. Es war früher auch einmal ein Mystery Kal und deshalb die Clues. Aber das mag ich eh ganz gerne. 

A propos Mystery KAL. Heute war schon der zweite Clue vom Ysolda Shawl in der email, aber ich bin noch nicht dazu gekommen, mich damit zu befassen. Zuerst muß ich die Taschen nähen. 

Ich hoffe, ihr seid alles gesund und wohl auf und wünsche uns allen eine schöne und produktive Woche. Was habt ihr für diese Woche so geplant?

Bis bald - die Nähmaschine ruft!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

einfach nur so

...habe ich angefangen ein paar Reihen Stäbchen zu häkeln. Die graue Colourmart Wolle hat mich grad angelacht und ganz weich war sie auch. Also hab ich einfach ein paar Reihen gehäkelt.

Aber was tun mit dem grauen Häkelding? 

ein bißchen herumfalten, Stoffrestekiste durchwühlen...

und tata... ein Täschchen  ist fertig. 
Meiner Tochter gefällt es prima und sie braucht es damit sie ihre Kosmetika in der Tasche wiederfindet.

❀ Glückliche Tochter und glückliche Mutter! ❀

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Am Wochenende...

...hatte ich endlich Zeit und Muse mit meiner Tinder Jacke anzufangen. Gestrickt mit dicker Tweed Wolle aus Irland in dunkelblau. Ich mache die Jacke groß (als Vorlage habe ich eine Strickjacke meines Mannes genommen) damit ich sie bequem immer einfach schnell drüberziehen kann. Die Wolle ist keine Kuschelwolle, sondern warm und rustikal (ein bißchen kratzig). Aber die Jacke ist ja auch für draußen und kein Bettjäckchen ;)

Außerdem hatten wir am Wochenende gleich zweimal einen 5-Eier-Tag! Die Mädels sind grad in Hochform.

...und außerdem sehr neugierig. Beim Frühstück hat Lotte schon beim Fenster heriengeschaut.

Ich konnte auch etwas Nähzeit am Wochenende einschieben und habe an meine neue Schürze eine Tasche angenäht. ich brauche einfach immer eine Tasche und das ist so eine Kleinigkeit, die leider oft fehlt. Die Tasche ist innen und aus einem Stoffrest schnell gemacht. Nichts dabei aber doch fein wenn freu es dann  hat.

Letztes Jahr habe ich mir ein langes Halterneck Kleid gekauft und es nie getragen. Ich kann die Bänder um meinen Hals einfach nicht leiden. Der Stoff fällt aber gut und das Muster gefällt mir auch sehr, deshalb ist es jetzt zu einem langen Rock (mit Gummizug) geworden und bekommt eine zweite Chance.

Für die Wohnzimmercouch wurden 4 neue Polsterüberzüge fertig. Einfach und schnell gemacht und schaut gleich wieder ganz anders aus. Ein paar sind noch zu nähen, aber am Sonntag war dann so schönes sonniges Wetter, das ich lieber ein bißchen in der Sonne gesessen bin.

Ich hoffe ihr hattet auch ein angenehmes Wochenende und etwas Zeit "zum Spielen".

Thursday, January 12, 2012


Ein bißchen Nähen zwischendurch macht mir immer wieder viel Spaß. Auch wenn ich eine absolute Anfängerin bin. Letztes Jahr um diese Zeit habe ich angefangen zu Nähen und ich finde, dass ich mich schon recht gut verbessert habe.

In einer Ausgabe von Mollie Makes (Issue 5), die ich online über Zinio gekauft habe, habe ich die Anleitung für diese kleinen Täschchen gefunden.

Flirty Fabric Wallet

Aus Stoffresten, einem Haargummi, etwas Vliesline und einem Knopf entstand dann eine Stunde später das:

Am längsten hat das Zuschneiden bei mir gedauert. Die Anleitung ist gut bebildert und beschrieben, sodaß die einzelnen Nähschritte dann ganz einfach waren.

Das Täschchen ist ganz nett aber eindeutig verbesserungsfähig. Ein Fach für Kleingeld wäre ganz praktisch. Aber so gehts auch, halt nur für Karten und kleine Scheine.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

After seeing the baskets/buckets I´ve already made my sister asked me if I would sew something like the bread basket for Gretas books. My little niece loves to watch books on carrides and so the books wouldn´t have a nice place to store in beside her carseat.

Oh I love it when my sister likes the things I make and wants me to make something :)

I had some cute pink fabric in my stash and everything worked out fine.

Just for the pics I´ve stuffed it with diapers. This would be nice too I think.
And best of all, my sister likes it!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Enjoying the weekend

...and sewing colourful and easy things.

The bucket is after the Nesting Burlap Bucket Pattern by Maya*made. I´ve purchased the pattern last week and already made 4 different buckets. It is a very nice and easy pattern with endless possibilities.

this one is going to be a "project-bag" for knitting and crochet project (currently filled with Drops Alpaca)

and this little bucket (without handles) is a little bread basket now
 The pillow covers are from some IKEA fabric I had leftover from previous bag projects.

And because I needed to calm down a bit after all that sewing I´ve finished the little fairy. The motive is from "Rot" - kleine Stickereien.

Now I´m off to the kitchen to make a nice fire in the oven and prepair some homemade Pizza for tonight.

I wish you all a nice and calm Sunday :)

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

These days of summer

The last days have been "real" summer days here. Sunny and hot.

And these are the last weeks of school here. The kids have lot of fun in school and in the public swimming pool in the afternoons.

Our 13 year old son spends a week in Great britain with school. It the first time he left home alone for 8 day trip in a foreign country. I think I was more nervous than he :) But I´m happy he has the chance to practice english and to see new and interesting places.

There is not very much knitting happpening here the last days as it is just to warm to knit for me. But yesterday I did a bit of sewing and I plan to sew a beach bag for our summer holiday soon.

Do you also have issus with Blogger? My surface for blogging is different as usual. It is the old one and pictures are not shown on posts (while writing the post) as it was before the new stuff came. I think I didn´t change anything.

I´m off trying to get some housework done before it gets really warm here. I wish you all a nice day!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Some weekend projects

These days I´m very unfocused and have a lot of things around on the same time without finishing anything. Sometimes ´m like this. On other days I´m organized and finish up stuff, but not at the moment.

This weekend was a quiet one and we were staying at home relaxing and´(more or less) anyone did what he/she wanted to. So for me it was a bit of gardening, a bit of sewing, a bit of crochet and knitting and the other time just hanging around...

The bag I wanted to sew for my sister didn´t turn out how I wanted it. I think it is a bit to small and because both fabric I´ve use are quite thin ones it has not enough body to look nice. Something learned for future projects. 
 This little clutch turned out surprisingly good. It looks super neat and tidy and I´m  a little proud of myself that I managed to sew it this way the first time. It is the "cute-as-a-button-clutch" from the book Meet me at Mikes by Pip Lincolne.

 And because it needs not much attention to crochet on this ripple afghan, I´ve contuinued a bit while watching tv...

...started a new Lacy Baktus because I wanted to try out the ShiBui sockyarn that I´ve ordered from the U.S.......It is lovely sockyarn and it would be a shame to hide it boots. AND I think that the yarn pools too much on socks. The colour is mulberry (deep winered/purple) and I love it.

And finally I´ve picked up my Soay cardigan again and started with the first sleeve. But it needed to much attention so I´ve put it aside again. maybe an other day....

Thursday, May 26, 2011

And an other one

Because it is really easy and fast and I had some fabric in a matching size ....tataa a skirt and hairband for my daughter.

she is skinny so 1.10m wide fabric and 60cm long is more than enough for a skirt for her...

.....and still some cm leftover for a hairband

She was not in the mood for a photoshooting but beleave me, she looks terrible cute in her new stuff :)

Putting the sewing machine up again

After some time without sewing here, I´ve put the machine up again. My sister would like me to sew a bag for her and so I get back to sewing again. I haven´t started with the bag at all. But I´ve looked through my fabrics and found a nice one for her future bag.

And I found the fabric I´ve bought for a skirt for me. I wanted to try out makíng easy skirts but never really started. You know situations like this? You buy something with a special project in mind but never really happen to start? It happens for me quite often. I have more projects in mind than time and get distracted by new and terrible exiting ideas ;)

So back to the topic. I found the fabric, searched the easy skirt pattern from the Meet Me at Mikes book and about a half hour later I had a skirt! Really supereasy even for an absolut beginner.

Simple and easy to wear. I think next time I´ll use a fabric tht has a nicer drape and is a bit smoother. This is simple thin cotton fabric from IKEA.

And because Pip suggests to listen to some favourite music while sewing......this is what is in my head today....

I used to hear rosenstolz a lot some years ago and nearly forgot about my CDs, but when they came back in my mind and I started to listen again....I still love them!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Zufällig darübergestolpert

...und nicht mehr weggekommen. Beim Bloglesen und Links weiterverfolgen bin ich heute zufällig auf diese Seite gestossen.  Leider weiß ich nicht mehr wo ich "hergekommen" bin. Auf jeden Fall bin ich einige Zeit hängengeblieben. Die Zeitschrift kann man online durchblättern und sogar abonnieren. ich finde sie ziemlich cool, bin aber mit meinen Nähfähigkeiten noch nicht weit genug denke ich.

Von den Stoffmarkt Holland habe ich schon öfter irgendwo glesen, aber gedacht, dass es die nur in Holland gibt. Aber die gehen ja auf Tour! Und dieses Wochenende sind sie in München. Da ist die Versuchung natürlich schon sehr groß. Ich habe mir ber vorgenommen standhaft zu bleiben und er zum nächsten Termin (16. Oktober 2011) nach München zum Holland Stoffmarkt zu fahren. Falls jemand von euch schon einmal einen besucht hat oder hinfährt wäre ich sehr interessiert was ihr alles erlebt (und gekauft) habt und ob die Stoffe wirklich so günstig sind.

While reading blogs and following links I´ve found this blog today. I nearly got lost there looking at the cool magazines and reading. The online viewing of the magazines is a really nice thing I think and one can also buy them. I think I´m not skilled enoughin sewing to make any of the garments jet. I need more practise.
And they showed me the Stoffmarkt Holland! I´ve heard/read about that Stoffmarkt before but thought these are only in the Netherlands and didn´t know that they also go "on tour". And they will be in Munich next weekend (which is the nearest largerman town from here). But this time I will stay home but in fall, when they come back, I maybe have more experiance and might be able to sew nice garments....we will see.

Have a nice evening.

Monday, May 2, 2011

The perfect size

Finally the perfect sized slouch bag! I love (nearly) everything about it. I would love the handles to be in one piece without the seam at the top but otherwise this bag is perfect for me. The outer fabric is very soft cotton from Alexander Henry "Farmville blossom in grey" and for a bit of shape I used a heavy  white cotton from IKEA for the inside.

I´ve used the "Lickety Split Bag" pattern again, but cut out the body of the bag a bit wider to get a larger bag.

And finally I´ve managed to finish some socks.

Pattern: Waving Lace Socks by Evelyn Clark from the book "Favourite Socks"
Needles: 2.25mm DPN
Yarn: Garnstudio Drops Fabel in grey

Saturday, April 30, 2011

bags, bags, bags

Today I´ve tried out 2 different pattern for sling bags. One is the Lickety Split Bag pattern and the other one is just made up. First I´ve sewed the yellow bag after the Lickety Split pattern, but it turned out too small and the handles are too short for me. So I´ve cut out (without pattern) an other bag and sewed along. The size of the brown bag is better I think, but the other one looks better with the boxed corners. So I think I´ll have to sew a 3rd one and hopefully this one will have the best of both.

I wish you a nice and relaxed weekend :)

Thursday, April 28, 2011

A bit of sewing

Now the easter holidays are over and the kids back to school. Slowly my crafting mojo is coming back :)

I´ve tried out a new bag design. Once I´ve bought this handles on ebay but until now I´ve never tried to use them on a project. I think it worked out okay, although this is not going to be my new favourite design. Its nice as a knitting/crochet project bag, but the handles are nothing I would like to carry around for longer. Maybe round ones would have been better.

And again a little pillow cover for Felix. Easy, fast and always cute with nice fabric.

he loves that animal fabric as he knows all the names of the animals now

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A new milestone for me

and my sewing adventure. I´ve made the first wearable garment! As I wrote before, I´ve discovered Pip Lincolnes books. After becoming a fan of her blog, I´m now loving her books too. The books are cute and  she has a way to chat about how to make the stuff that doesn´t make me nervous. As an absolut beginner (and NOT native english speaker) I understand her sewing pattern and what to do next. And as an Australien she uses metric measurements. So absolut perfect as I don´t have to convert the measurements first.

So tatataaaa....."Cute kids pants" from the book Sew la tea do (I love that title :)

They fit perfect and have pockets! The little one is not in the mood for modeling but I´ve managed to make at least these modeled shots.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Another birthday

today our daughter had her 15th birthday! Happy Birthday my wonderful girl!

And as she is one of the rare kids that appreciates handmade gifts (oh I´m a lucky mum) she certenly received some.

Opal by Kim Hargreaves knitted on 8mm cable needles and 2 strands of Drops Vivaldi

A reversable tote bag out of  MODA fabric

a totally improvised Owl pillow (she has a thing with owls)

and finally an "unable-to-take-a-nice-pic" pillowcase (also MODA fabric)

We had a nice, warm and sunny afternoon full of cake, coffee and family members from near and far (2 pairs of grand parents, 2 aunts, one uncle, one cousin and one grand-aunt). Thats a lovely "party" for a lovely girl. We all love her.


Sunday, March 20, 2011

Spring is here

some of the first flowers found in the garden

the kids are back jumping and playing in the garden

...and I was online fabric shopping.

SouleMama Sponsor This & That from Japan

and Volksfaden Spring Sale

and I´ve ordered Sew La Tea Do from Pip from Meet me at Mikes