2013 is finally ending. I'm not gonna say its the BEST year for us, especially for our country Philippines. We've experienced massive earthquakes and y'know, just the STRONGEST TYPHOON EVER. Also, a lot of actors that are dear to my heart has passed away. But we shall not keep on dwelling on the negative side! We will, as always, stand up stronger and taller. That is what I love about defeat, we humble ourselves and start anew. So here's my highlight and life lessons for this year. Its been a roller coaster ride, but I enjoyed every second of it.
Year 2013...
(1) I decided to quit attending university and enrolled myself to a fashion institute. After years of battling between a diploma and my dreams, I decided to chase my dreams. After all, I can always go back to college. I may not have started at a younger age, I know I will get there someday! I may not be certain of my future, I'm sure its better than now.
(2) Realized that I can not control everything. Even after having planned out my life, there will always be something that will block your dreams. Just take it slow, one step at a time. Trust that God has bigger and better plans for you.
(3) Japanese food ain't that bad after all. I basically tried out all the food that I would never have eaten if it were 3 to 4 years ago. Change isn't that bad at all.
(4) I lost a friend dear to me. No, that person didn't die. That person just drifted away, maybe (it) got flooded by gossips and bullshit but I've learned to not give a flying ef. If a person wants to be part of your life, they will find a way. Just so sad to know that when that person was a nobody, we were there. Maybe now we ain't cool enough for that person. Know that in the future, you will meet a lot of people that resembles that person. They will leave when you are no longer of use. And its for the better, so you can finally be free from friendships that are not genuine. Let go of bad friendship, it will ruin you in the long run.
(5) A lot of things will change. There are days when you feel like reminiscing and find yourself wishing "I wish it was the same as back in 2010" but its not gonna happen. No matter how many wishes and 11:11s you waste on turning back time, it cant. Learn to appreciate change. Learn to love the present. Live for the moment and make better memories.
(6) Laugh. Don't take things too seriously. Enjoy your youth and always be thankful.
(7) Lastly, opportunity only knocks at your door once. Grab it! I've learned this from someone close to me. Every single time I'm invited to a great opportunity, I always turn it down because I'm embarrassed. But not anymore. No matter how weird it is for me, I will try to say Yes a lot more often. Here's to opening more doors and experiences. There is no time for doubts.
I have learned such lessons this year. Hard ones, extremely beautifully conducted to somehow teach me the exact lessons I needed to put in my piggy bank of life's lessons. I've lost some people and gained incredible insight into what people truly think when you reach for your own dreams. It's been an amazing year. Thank you to each and every one of you that has supported me and stuck by my side. I'm not stopping- and 2014 is gonna be the year all of these blossoms. The universe has its ways of keeping those not good for you out and the ones that have inner greatness that reflects what you need in. I wouldn't trade my life for anything else. "They wanna see you do good, but never better than them. Remember that." -However, when you do meet those that selflessly want happiness for you, keep them.
You can look at challenges, hard times, and negativity as reasons to stop believing in yourself, your dreams, and the life you want to live.. Or you can look at roadblocks like stepping stones and strength you are gaining. You put up a brick wall in front of me and I bet I'll tear it down. Nothing is stopping me. Next year is going to be the best yet. All of the life lessons the universe has thrown at me, I am truly thankful for because it makes me want to work harder for the future. Believe in yourself... Always.
What I wore: Black top- Forever 21; Hat- Forever 21; Knee high socks- Forever 21; Booties- Steve Madden; Silver necklace- Creative Caprice; Blue tint glasses- IG online shop; Gold watch gifted from Singapore
Totally digging this school girl look! What do you think?! Tartans and gingham are totally back on track! Not like they actually left the fashion world at all. Heh

This old varsity jacket of my sister completed my whole look! What do you think?!
I JUST REALIZED: I ONLY POSTED 23 ENTRIES THIS YEAR 2013! Hahaha talk about lazy blogging! Last year 2012 I posted about 77 posts. Surely, one of my resolution should be "Blog at least 3 post per month!" Hehe. But I'm still thankful for you guys, for sticking around!
Happy birthday, Creative Caprice! <3
And just like that, my blog turned 2! Wow, I cant believe I lasted this long. I'm just so thankful for my readers even if I've been slacking off a lot this year. I admit that I don't get to blog as much unlike the past year and its only because I've been dedicating my time working and studying. I'm really close to achieving my dreams now so I know you guys understand. :') So much has happened this year and I can not thank you enough for all the support I'm getting. I just ended my year getting an interview from Sun Star which released last December 24 and from TV 5 which will be aired January 1, 2014! A great great way to start the year indeed!
I have A LOT of drafts on my blog I wish I could squeeze it all in before the year ends.
What I Wore: B&W top from WAGW (from years back lol); DIY Jumper dress; So Fab! Creepers; Forever 21 hat
A big THANK YOU to my forever supportive friend, Dawn Dela Torre, for taking my pictures.
New year's almost here!!! Still cant believe 2013 is almost over!
Anyway, I'm selling Lifedance tickets for a lesser price!!!
Contact me for reservation, guys!!!
09223817531 / 09159676750
Separate post on what I wore 2 weeks ago! Last day of Philippine Fashion Week so I went all out and wore a wig. I've always dreamed to be Barbie blonde but since we have very few resources in my city, it always end up looking like gold rust! What a failure. So why not save myself from all the hassle and wear a wig? After all, its fashion week. Nobody can judge you. Haha.
What I Wore: Top from my ever supported aunties in Canda; black tube as skirt; shoes from a store in Manila; Forever 21 hat; Black envelope bag from SM Men's Fashion show the other day hehe!
See my entire Philippine Fashion Week experience on my previous post!
Here's the link! Click me :)
Thank you for visiting! Will post more often now. Its almost my 2nd blogversarry haha.
Follow my on Twitter and IG: @evaaguspina
School's second term is coming up next week. I am pretty much excited about it because I wanna get this done with as soon as I can. I got a two week trimester(ial) break and all I did was catch up with some good flicks and books. Yup, that's my definition of a vacation well spent. And I also experimented on a new editing techniques! I've never been a pro when it comes to photo editing but I find my ways here and there. Since high school, I taught myself different ways of editing through Photoshop WITHOUT the help of tutorials because those shit just make me confuse all the more haha! I technically learned the hard way by experimenting (aka pressing every button possible!) with colors and channels. So I wanted a "matte" look and this is the best I can achieve! Haha what do you guys think? I love how it looks so retro and film-y.
Those shades are literally vintage. I found it in a shop that was having an inventory sale because they're closing down their business for good. I fell inlove with it! When the saleslady took it from the glass container, I found out that the rims are already rusty! It didn't even bother me. I think this piece should be a decade old. Haha sometimes I like to imagine that the things I bought had a past life... Like those glasses, I think some rockstar from the 80's owned them... Don't judge, it could be true.
I almost never smile when taking outfit shots with a grungy feel!
Denim jackets paired with black everything is both retro and grungy, though.
What I wore: Blue denim jacket and black highwait shorts- SM department store; black tube-online shop; vintage glasses; mom's black sling bag- Coach; platforms- Janilyn
Photo by Dawn Dela Torre (Thank youuuuuu!)
Edited by: Yours truly
Thank you guys for visiting! Will update more soon. Have a nice day!
Don't forget to follow! If you want me to follow back just comment ;)
Instagram and Twitter: @evaaguspina

I went out wearing a black vest but then later on I took it off cuz the weather was too hot! Which ones do you like better?
Placed my hair extensions on! I'm also wearing a cropped halter top that I made! Huraay..
Wearing the IT skort of summer 2013! I've always wanted one of these in white and black. But in the city I'm from, Zara store is not available. Also, I'd probably be broke all week if I bought the legit ones. So my prayers were answered when local online stores sold replicas for a very cheap price! I got mine from Alamoda.
Ha, I took my vest off!
A million thanks to Dawn Dela Torre for taking my pictures! Forever grateful. Love you!
I'm just too inlove with this blue tint glasses I got from an Instagram online shop! I forgot the name :c
My very first Fashionary! I bet only a few people know about this, but these sketch pads are the bomb! Every aspiring / already fashion designers must have! I got two of these from Hong Kong. Right now, I'm using the SWASHxLONDON Fashionary (cant be seen) which is smaller than the regular A4 sized pad. I'm saving this black one for my future design portfolio. You can avail this sketch pad online but if you have some relatives in Hong Kong then you can buy it in every Page One bookstore there. Trust me, if you're into fashion illustration or just mere sketching, this ones for you! Worth every penny! Check out their shop online! Click here.
What I Wore: Black cropped halter made by yours truly; hat from Forever 21; skort and glasses from an online shop; shoes was a gift; chain necklace from my dad; hair extensions from Ayala maze
Thank you guys for visiting!!!
Been very busy with school but our first term is finally ending soon- which means more free time for me to blog! But I wont promise much, my holiday is pretty much packed with plans too. :( I'll make a post of all the achievements I've made in my first term as a Fashion Design student. Hopefully I wont get too lazy. Haha! Anyway, I hope you guys have a good time!!!! Until next time.
More updates here:
Instagram and Twitter: @evaaguspina