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Showing posts with label review. Show all posts
Showing posts with label review. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Aye Aye Captain!

On July 23rd, me and Erik went to GSC MidValley to watch Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (POTC2). It was 11.25pm, another 35 minutes to Sunday and GSC was buzzing with people on my left and right. Although I was quite concerned that Erik hasn't much sleep the night before, he insisted that we watch the first midnite show, which was around 12.10am. After like infinity waiting in the long queue, it was finally my turn. I was told that there were exactly TWELVE, I mean TWELVE (12) halls were opened for POTC2!! Four halls for the 11.40pm show (Sold Out), four halls for the 12.10am show (Only Separate Seats Left) and four halls for the 12.40am show (Only Seats on the 1st and 2nd Rows Left). We had no choice but to buy the 12.40am show and there was another 1 hour to go. So we lepak-lepak at Cosmic Bowling and later on bergurau mesra with the pets in the glass window of Pet's Wonderland ;D

By the time we were inside Hall 12, I realized that the screen was way TOO BIG and our seats were way TOO CLOSE to the screen. It ended that I have to turn my head from left to right, to read the subtitles. Heheh ;p It is my habit to read subtitles, even if it's in FRENCH :"> The movie was VERY entertaining, I laughed a lot! Johnny Depp is SO talented and he's also handsome beyond words...*sigh* Huehue ;p I won't be wasting my time elaborating and giving descriptions on the movie, I think u guys should just go and watch it. OK? ;)

I can't wait to watch the next sequel of POTC. From a source that I've read, Captain Jack Sparrow will meet his real father in POTC3 and the final movie will be mostly about his life BEFORE becoming the Captain of Black Pearl. Ooooooh, I CAN'T WAIT!! *drooling* ;p~~ Sayangnya, my movie-mate dozed off a few times during
the 3/4 of the movie, which showed some brilliant, unimaginable stunts. Too tired I guess, alahai...*hugs*. Rasa bersalah pun ada for dragging him to watch the midnite show that day...Huhu. Anyway, POTC2 is brilliant. I don't mind to watch it for the 2nd time *which I usually don't do* ;D

Monday, July 17, 2006

The Eerie Side of Re-Cycle

The last time I watched a Chinese movie was in er....wait...er...let me remember...at that time I was in Form 5...so that must be 1991!! Wow! That is wayyyyyyy back; 15 years to be exact! ;D Anyway, on July 12, me and Husnie met at GSC One Utama to watch Re-Cycle. It was jam-packed with moviegoers although it was Wednesday...Maybe most of the people there were students since GSC has special rate for students on Wednesday. We went in at 09.15pm, and at that time, luckily the movie hasn't started yet.

Not like typical Korean or Japanese horror movie, Re-Cycle is UNIQUELY creepy. During the early 3/4 of the movie, it was SOOO scary that I literally squirmed and jumped from my seat! :"> During the show, I felt like taking a leak, but I DIDN'T DARE to go to the loo. U know how it seems unnecessary for a restroom to have so many mirrors? *as if trying to prove a point here* Uhuhuuu~ Re-Cycle is absurdly SCARY and I knew that I'll be dreaming about it when I laid my head on my pillow that night. Nearing the end, the story suddenly turns to a sad tale. But then, the twist at the end of the movie is a spoiler *meaning=literally SPOILED the whole movie, ok?*. I simply DON'T GET IT! I hate to watch something that I don't understand. Am I too STOOPID for this type of movie? Bruhaha~

After the movie, we lepak-ed at Khalifah Bistro *a mapley near my office* and we chatted until 02.30am. FYI, I INTENTIONALLY dragged the hours as to calm my jitteriness from watching that movie.

No more scary movie for me this July, thank u!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

I Saw The Sign...

Another movie review...Ahhh, I love this movie. I've been collecting The Omen (1976) VCDs previously, where the role of ambassador was played by Gregory Peck *this guy was awesome* and Damien was played by Harvey Stephens. Not so much news on this guy you can find on the net, but from what I've read, he had his hair straightened and colored jet-black for the Damien role. And he got the part when he punched the director's BALLS! Ahahaha~~ :D

And now it's The Omen (2006)...The latest Damien looks even more sinister, you can almost smell the evil forces stemming from his presence~ *chewah, i'm being dramatic puler* ;p For me, the story is so-so, but nevertheless very scary~ Some parts of the movie like when Robert Thorn and the photographer were attacked by the dogs at the cemetery, or when the Evil Nanny pounced on Robert Thorn, really made me jumped on my seat and cowered under Erik's armpit. Haha, sori laaa ;">

I'm quite disappointed when Erik had pointed out that some of the clips in the movie trailer is not there! True. After I checked the website and watched the trailer, I realized that there's more to it. Maybe dah kene cut kot? Btw, I stumbled upon another interesting fact...very very interesting...Harvey Stephens a.k.a Damien1976 is one of the tabloid reporter in The Omen (2006)!! Maybe I should watch the movie again and try to catch his glimpse :)

Oh yeah, I also post here both Damiens from The Omen (1976) & (2006). Which one do you think is the best to represent the Son of Satan?

Monday, June 05, 2006

Let's Unscramble The Code

I remember watching Man Laksa...It was somewhere early May. It's been a month already lah! After my traumatic experience with Man Laksa, I vowed not to watch any Malay movie *at the cinema* ANYMORE! I'm not saying that Malay movie sux ok? I'll surely bought the ori VCD if it's worth the watch *mane la pegi VCD PGL aku ye?*

Anyway, on June the 3rd, me and Erik went to GSC MidValley to watch the long-awaited, The Da Vinci Code...Huhuhu, I am so teruja! Hall 10 was SO packed. Our seat was the 2nd row from the large screen, and it was LARGE I tell you, but I dun mind a bit. I was immensely overjoyed at that time to fuss about petty things ;) Btw, the movie is spectacular. I love strong, heavy movies like Da Vinci, particularly if the story revolves around religion & politic *but NO war movie for me plis, it's just too sad*

What I like about The Da Vinci Code is that, it answers questions..there's a scene at the airport, and these guys are in the airplane, running from the police, and I was like: "hey, how come they get inside the car so fast?" and presto at that moment there's a scene showing that they had jumped out from the moving plane and rushed to hide inside the nice, shining, black antique car *is that Aston Martin or Bentley?..;p~~~*

I love this movie and I dun mind to watch it over and over again. Even kawan kite *Erik* was glued to his chair from start until the end of the movie. Tak keluar hisap rokok tu! Hehe ;D

Monday, May 08, 2006

The 'Laksa' Is NOT Delicious

Ahhh..it's movie outing again~ ;) FYI, I'm so excited and looking forward to each outing. I anticipate to watch something that really STICK and STAY in my mind until the coming of the next movie outing. For this week, after much enjoyment in watching Gubra, and with the purpose to support our local film industry *eceh*, I chose another Malay movie called Man Laksa. It's a film by Mamat Khalid, and since I've watched Rock (also by Mamat Khalid) before, I guess this one will make me laughing hard as well...boy, am I WRONG!!! I'm not laughing, and it's such a shame 'coz the story really has a good plot...One more thing, I seriously can't stand a movie, where the casts say something but their mouths are shaping something else! There's totally NO synchronization, OK? *sigh* I'm MAJORLY disappointed ;(

But u guys know what? My disappointments are always short-lived...At the same time, I got myself a copy of Premelodic first EP, heee :D *laughing with glee*, I bought it at a CD shop called "Rock Corner" in Midvalley, near the GSC. I believe that good food and good music can wash away your sorrows *haha*. So, not satisfied with only getting the EP, I also gobbled some sushis and misu shiru and unagis at the Sushi King...Owh and YES, I was pretty happy after that~ ;)

Monday, April 24, 2006

Gubra Gubri

After sending my 'lil sis *Anna* to Pudu Station for her ride to Teluk Intan, I went straight back home. Earlier, to avoid the CRAZY traffic at Pudu, I parked my car at Titiwangsa LRT station and took the Star to Pudu. It's quite embarrassing for me to admit this, but LRT ride terrifies me!!! I can't sit still and I don't know where to look! It's like, at least someone is watching you directly in the eyes everytime you shift your gaze to another corner or direction~ Haha, I might sound paranoid to you, but it's truelah, OK? <-- tak puas hati :p

Btw, in the evening I went out with Erik for a movie~ Yeay!! :) We planned to watch GUBRA, and sure enough, no doubt, that Gubra is another winner from Kak Yasmin!~ It's funny, it's romantic, it's sweet, it's brutal...well, it's just LIFE. I even cried secretly :"> We waited until the end of the credits 'coz Erik said that the story has a little twist at the end. After seeing that part, I'm becoming more confused and started to derive my own conclusion and logic out of Gubra. Well..I THINK, that from the start of the movie up to the end of it is actually A DREAM. Orked, I believe is actually dreaming the WHOLE movie, until she finally picked up the phone and hugged the bare-chested Jason at her side *who I also believe is actually her husband and did not actually died in SEPET* Haha..Maybe...maybe... ;)