Steve Peers
a number of years, the EU has aimed to attract highly-skilled non-EU migrants
to its territory. However, the existing legislation on this issue – the researchers’
Directive, adopted in 2005, and the students’
Directive, adopted in 2004 – have only had a modest impact on
attracting more students and researchers to the EU, according to the Commission’s
reports (see here and here)
on the two Directives, issued in 2011.
the Commission proposed an overhaul of this legislation in 2013. The
European Parliament (EP) and the Council recently agreed on the text of this
proposal (for the text of the provisional version of the future Directive, see here;
the final version will be ‘tidied up’ a little legally). As you would expect, the
EP and the Council compromised between their respective positions (for those
positions, see here and here),
which I discussed in an earlier blog post. [Update: the Directive was officially adopted in May 2016. Member States must apply it by May 2018.]
examine first the background and content of the new Directive, then look at how
effective it is likely to be in its objective on increasing the numbers of
researchers and students coming from third States.
current students’ Directive also applies to the admission of school pupils on
exchange programmes, unpaid trainees and volunteers, although Member States
have an option to apply it to the latter three groups of migrants. The CJEU has
ruled twice on the interpretation of this Directive. In Sommer
it ruled that Member States could not apply a labour-market preference test for
students; in Ben Alaya case (discussed here),
it ruled that Member States must admit students who comply with the rules on
admission in the Directive. The same logically applies to the current
researchers’ Directive. The UK and Denmark opted out of both Directives, while
Ireland opted in to the researchers' Directive. All three countries have opted
out of the new law.
The new law
new Directive merges the students’ and researchers’ Directives, making major
changes to them both. First of all, the Commission proposed that Member States would
be obliged to apply the currently optional rules relating to school pupils,
unpaid trainees and volunteers, as well as rules on two new groups of migrants:
au pairs and paid trainees. The EP agreed with this idea, while the Council
rejected it entirely. Ultimately, the two institutions compromised: the new
Directive will have binding rules on (paid and unpaid) trainees and some
volunteers (those participating in the EU’s European Voluntary Service), although
stricter conditions will apply to the admission of trainees (more on that
below). However, the rules on other volunteers and school pupils will remain optional,
along with the new rules on au pairs.
the Commission proposed to limit Member States’ current power to apply more
favourable rules for students and researchers, confining that power to only a
few provisions relating to the rights of migrants, while fully harmonising the
rules on admission. The final Directive accepts the basic principle that the
power to set more favourable standards should be more limited that at present,
but imposes fewer such constraints than the Commission wanted. Member States will
be allowed to apply more favourable rules for the persons concerned as regards
the time limits on their residence permits. Many of the conditions relating to
admission and withdrawal or non-renewal of the right to stay will be optional,
not mandatory (as the Commission had proposed), and the Council insisted on
many additional options being added. A clause in the preamble sets out the Council’s
wish to provide expressly that Member States can have rules on admission of other categories of students or
the Commission’s wishes, the final Directive provides that the current rules on
delegating decision-making to research institutions or universities will remain.
Furthermore, it adds that Member States can optionally delegate such powers as
regards volunteers or trainees as well.
are defined (more restrictively than the current law) as those who have
recently completed a degree (within the last two years), or who are currently undertaking
one. Their time on the territory is limited to six months, although this can be
longer if the traineeship is longer, and the authorisation can be renewed once.
But Member States retain the power to set more favourable standards as regards
these time limits.
striking feature of the agreed Directive is a new right for students and
researchers to stay after their research or study to look for work or
self-employment. The EU institutions agreed on the principle of this right, but
disagreed on the details. According to the Commission, the right should apply for
a period of 12 months, although after 3 months Member States could check on the
genuineness of this search, and after 6 months they could ask the migrant to
prove that they have real prospects. The EP wanted to extend the period to 18
months, and to make Member States wait longer to check on the genuineness of
the job search or likelihood of employment. On the other hand, the Council wanted
several restrictions: to reduce the stay to 6 months; to allow Member States to
limit students’ possibility to stay to those who have at least a Master’s
degree; to check on the likelihood of employment after 3 months; and to give
Member States an option to limit the job search to the areas of the migrant’s
expertise. The final deal splits the difference on the period of extra stay (it
will be 9 months), and accepts the various optional limits on the right which
the Council wanted.
for students’ right to work, the current Directive allows them to work for at
least for 10 hours a week. The Commission proposed to let them work for 20
hours a week, and to drop the option to ban students from working during their
first year of studies. The EP agreed with this, but the Council wanted to
revert to the current 10-hour a week limit, and introduce a possible
labour-market preference test (overturning Sommer). Again, the
final deal splits the difference: 15 hours’ of work allowed per week, with no
labour market preference test.
issue was equal treatment of those who work. Currently, the EU’s single permit Directive provides for equal treatment of most third-country
nationals who are allowed to work, even if (like students) they were not admitted
for employment. However, that Directive excludes au pairs from its scope, and
only applies where the relationship is defined as ‘employment’ under national
law; this will not always be the case for researchers. The new Directive will
extend the equal treatment rules to students and researchers, even if they are
not considered employees, and to au pairs whenever they are considered
employees. Even non-employees will have equal treatment for goods and services
(besides housing and public employment offices). But the new Directive will not
waive any of the various exceptions to equal treatment that the single permit
Directive currently provides for, besides a few minor exceptions for researchers.
the new Directive will replace the weak rules on family reunion in the current
researchers’ Directive with a fully-fledged right to family reunion. The EU’s
family reunion Directive
will apply to Directive will apply to researchers, and many of the restrictions
in that Directive will be waived: the minimum waiting period; the need to show a
reasonable prospect of permanent residence; the need to show integration
requirements for family members before entry (those rules can still be applied after
entry; on the CJEU’s interpretation of those rules, see here). There will
also be a shorter deadline to process applications, and family members will have
a longer period of authorised stay. The EP and Council compromised on the Commission’s
proposal to waive the waiting period before family members could access the
labour market: the Council wanted to delete this proposed rule entirely, but it
agreed to it with a derogation for ‘exceptional circumstances such as
particularly high levels of unemployment’. However, the EP got nowhere with its
suggestion to extend these more favourable rules to the family members of
students as well.
Commission aimed to simplify the current rules on the movement (‘mobility’) of
researchers and students between Member States for the purpose of their studies
and research. It also proposed to extend those rules to paid trainees, while
the EP wanted to extend those rules to cover unpaid trainees and volunteers as
well. However, the Council prevailed on this issue, restricting the scope of
these rules to researchers and students (as at present), and adding very
complicated details to the proposal on this issue.
the Commission proposed to introduce a 60-day deadline to decide on
applications for admission, shortened to 30 days for those benefiting from EU mobility
programmes. (The current laws have no deadlines to decide on applications at
all). The EP supported an even shorter period to decide on
applications (30 days), while the Council wanted to raise the time limit to 90
days. Yet again, these institutions split the difference, with a 90-day general
rule and a 60-day rule where institutions have been delegated the powers to
decide on applicants.
agreed Directive should be appraised in light of the Commission’s impact
assessment report for
the proposed Directive, which made detailed arguments for the amendments which
the Commission proposed. This report provided evidence that students or
researchers are attracted to a job-search period after the end of research or
studies, as well as by further employment rights for students and for
researchers’ family members. Certainly the new Directive addresses all of these
issues to some extent.
would-be migrants are deterred by the great variety of national rules and the
rules on mobility between Member States. On this point, the new
Directive will only reduce the variety of national rules modestly, and will
install mobility rules more complex than those applying at present.
it is also a deterrent for would-be students and researchers who are already
legally present to leave the country to make their applications. To address
this, the EP wanted to oblige Member States to consider in-country applications
for researchers, but ultimately it could not convince the Council (or the
Commission) to change the existing rules, which give Member States only an
option to allow this.
for the additional scope of the Directive, it is striking that the new binding
rules on admission only apply to trainees who are undertaking or who have
completed higher education, and to volunteers in the EU’s own programme. The
latter change in the law is necessary in order to ensure the effectiveness of
that programme, but the former change in the law is another example of the EU
focussing its migration policy upon highly qualified employees. (Remember that according
to the preamble to the new Directive, the admission of trainees who have not entered higher education is left
entirely to national discretion). It’s unfortunate that at least the rules on
equal treatment aren’t binding for all volunteers, school pupils and au pairs,
to ensure that these migrants are not exploited and that domestic labour
standards are not undercut.
of the changes in the Directive intending to attract qualified migrants would
make even more sense if they were part of a ‘joined up’ policy – for instance,
allowing trainees to make an in-country application for studies or research, or
waiving some of the conditions in the EU’s ‘Blue Card’ Directive for
highly-skilled migrants (reducing the income threshold, for instance) for
graduate trainees, researchers, and students looking for work under this new
Directive. Fortunately, there will be a chance to address this issue in the
near future, as the Commission will soon be proposing an amendment to the Blue
Card Directive (on the reform of that Directive, see here).
then, the new Directive has gone some distance towards accomplishing its
intended objectives, but its effect could be further augmented in the near
future by a broader reform of EU law on highly-skilled immigration in general.
& Peers: chapter 26