Steve Peers
The relationship between intelligence and law enforcement
agencies (and companies like Google and Facebook) and personal data is much
like the relationship between children and sweets at a birthday party. Imagine
you’re a parent bringing out a huge bowl full of sweets (the personal data)
during the birthday party – and then telling the children (the agencies and
companies) that they can’t have any. But
how can you enforce this rule? If you leave the room, even for a moment, the
sweets will be gone within seconds, no matter how fervently you insist that the
children leave them alone while you’re out. If you stay in the room, you will
face incessant and increasingly shrill demands for access to the sweets, based
on every conceivable self-interested and guilt-trippy argument. If you try to
hide the sweets, the children will overturn everything to find them again.
When children find their demands thwarted by a strict parent,
they have a time-honoured circumvention strategy: “When Mummy says No, ask
Daddy”. But in the Safe Harbour case, things have happened the other way
around. Mummy (the Commission) barely even resisted the children’s demands. In
fact, she said Yes hours ago, and retired to the bath with an enormous glass of
wine, occasionally shouting out feeble admonitions for the children to tone
down their sugar-fuelled rampage. Now Daddy (the CJEU) is home, shocked at the
chaos that results from lax parenting. He has immediately stopped the supply of
further sweets. But the house is full of other sugary treats, and all the
children are now crying. What now?
In this post, I’ll examine the reasons why the Court put its
foot down, and invalidated the Commission’s ‘Safe Harbour’ decision which
allows transfers of personal data to the USA, in the recent judgment in Schrems. Then I will examine the
consequences of the Court’s ruling. But I should probably admit for the record that my parenting is more like Mummy's than Daddy's in the above example.
For more on the background to the Schrems case, see here; on the hearing, see Simon McGarr’s summary
here; and on the Advocate-General’s opinion, see here. But I’ll
summarise the basics of the case again briefly.
Max Schrems is an Austrian Facebook user who was disturbed by
Edward Snowden’s revelations about mass surveillance by US intelligence
agencies. Since he believed that transfers of his data to Facebook were subject
to such mass surveillance, he complained to the Irish data protection
authority, which regulates Facebook’s transfers of personal data from the EU to
the USA.
The substantive law governing these transfers of personal
data was the ‘Safe Harbour’ agreement between the EU and the USA, agreed back in
2000. This agreement was put into effect in the EU by a decision of the
Commission, which was adopted pursuant to powers conferred upon the Commission by
the EU’s current data protection Directive. The latter law gives the
Commission the power to decide that transfers of personal data outside the EU
receive an ‘adequate level of protection’ in particular countries.
The ‘Safe Harbour’ agreement was enforced by self-certification
of the companies that have signed up for it (note that not all transfers to the
USA fell within the scope of the Safe Harbour decision, since not all American
companies signed up). Those promises were in turn meant to be enforced by the
US authorities. But it was also possible (not mandatory) for the national data
protection authorities which enforce EU data protection law to suspend
transfers of personal data under the agreement, if the US authorities or
enforcement system found a breach of the rules, or on a list of limited grounds set out in the decision.
The Irish data protection authority refused to consider
Schrems’ complaint, so he challenged that decision before the Irish High Court,
which doubted that this system was compatible with EU law (or indeed the Irish
constitution). So that court asked the CJEU to rule on whether national data
protection authorities (DPAs) should have the power to prevent data transfers
in cases like these.
The judgment
The CJEU first of all answers the question which the Irish
court asks about DPA jurisdiction over data transfers (the procedural point),
and then goes on to rule that the Safe Harbour decision is invalid (the
substantive point).
Following the Advocate-General’s view, the Court ruled that national
data protection authorities have to be able to consider claims that flows of
personal data to third countries are not compatible with EU data protection
laws if there is an inadequate level of data protection in those countries,
even if the Commission has adopted a decision (such as the Safe Harbour
decision) declaring that the level of protection is adequate. Like the Advocate-General,
the Court based this conclusion on the powers and independence of those
authorities, read in light of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, which
expressly refers to DPAs’ role and independence. (On the recent CJEU case law
on DPA independence, see discussion here). In fact, the new EU data
protection law currently under negotiation (the data protection Regulation)
will likely confirm and even enhance the powers and independence of DPAs. (More
on that aspect of the proposed Regulation here).
The Court then elaborates upon the ‘architecture’ of the EU’s
data protection system as regards external transfers. It points out that either
the Commission or Member States can decide that a third country has an
‘adequate’ level of data protection, although it focusses its analysis upon what
happens if (as in this case) there is a Commission decision to this effect. In
that case, national authorities (including DPAs) are bound by the Commission
decision, and cannot issue a contrary ruling.
However, individuals like Max Schrems can still complain to
the DPAs about alleged breaches of their data protection rights, despite the
adoption of the Commission decision. If they do so, the Court implies that the
validity of the Commission’s decision is therefore being called into question. While
all EU acts must be subject to judicial review, the Court reiterates the usual
rule that national courts can’t declare EU acts invalid, since that would
fragment EU law: only the CJEU can do that. This restriction applies equally to
national DPAs.
So how can a Commission decision on the adequacy of third
countries’ data protection law be effectively challenged? The Court explains
that DPAs must consider such claims seriously. If the DPA thinks that the claim
is unfounded, the disgruntled complainant can challenge the DPA’s decision before
the national courts, who must in turn refer the issue of the validity of the
decision to the CJEU if they think it may be well founded. If, on the other
hand, the DPA thinks the complaint is well-founded, there must be rules in
national law allowing the DPA to go before the national courts in order to get
the issue referred to the CJEU.
The Court then moves on to the substantive validity of the
Safe Harbour decision. Although the national court didn’t ask it to examine
this issue, the Court justifies its decision to do this by reference to its
overall analysis of the architecture of EU data protection law, as well as the
national court’s doubts about the Safe Harbour decision. Indeed, the Court is
effectively putting its new architecture into use for the first time, and it’s
quite an understatement to say that the national court had doubts about Safe
Harbour (it had compared surveillance in the USA to that of Communist-era East
So what is an ‘adequate level of protection’ for personal
data in third countries? The Court admits that the Directive is not clear on
this point, so it has to interpret the rules. In the Court’s view, there must
be a ‘high’ level of protection in the third country; this does not have to be
‘identical’ to the EU standard, but must be ‘substantially equivalent’ to it. Otherwise, the objective of ensuring a high
level of protection would not be met, and the EU’s internal standards for
domestic data protection could easily be circumvented. Also, the means used in
the third State to ensure data protection rights must be ‘effective…in
practice’, although they ‘may differ’ from that in the EU. Furthermore, the
assessment of adequacy must be dynamic, with regular automatic reviews and an
obligation for a further review if evidence suggests that there are ‘doubts’ on
this score; and the general changes in circumstances since the decision was
adopted must be taken into account.
The Court then establishes that in light of the importance of
privacy and data protection, and the large number of persons whose rights will
be affected if data is transferred to a third country with an inadequate level
of data protection, the Commission has reduced discretion, and is subject to
‘strict’ standards of judicial review. Applying this test, two provisions of
the ‘Safe Harbour’ decision were invalid.
First of all, the basic decision declaring adequate data
protection in the USA (in the context of Safe Harbour) was invalid. While such
a decision could, in principle, be based on self-certification, this had to be
accompanied by ‘effective detection and supervision mechanisms’ ensuring that
infringements of fundamental rights had to be ‘identified and punished in
practice’. Self-certification under the Safe Harbour rules did not apply to US
public authorities; there was not a sufficient finding that the US law or
commitments met EU standards; and the rules could be overridden by national
security requirements set out in US law.
Data protection rules apply regardless of whether the
information is sensitive, or whether there were adverse consequences for the
persons concerned. The Decision had no finding concerning human rights
protections as regards the national security exceptions under US law (although
the CJEU acknowledged that such rules pursued a legitimate objective), or
effective legal protection in that context. This was confirmed by the
Commission’s review of the Safe Harbour decision, which found (a) that US
authorities could access personal data transferred from the EU, and then
process it for purposes incompatible with the original transfer ‘beyond what
was strictly necessary and proportionate for the purposes of national
security’, and (b) that there was no administrative or judicial means to ensure
access to the data and its rectification or erasure.
Within the EU, interference with privacy and data protection
rights requires ‘clear and precise rules’ which set out minimum safeguards, as
well as strict application of derogations and limitations. Those principles were breached where, ‘on a
generalised basis’, legislation authorises ‘storage of all the personal data of
all the persons whose data has been transferred’ to the US ‘without any
differentiation, limitation or exception being made in light of the objective
pursued’ and without any objective test limiting access of the public
authorities for specific purposes. General access to the content of
communications compromises the ‘essence’ of the right to privacy. On these
points, the Court expressly reiterated the limits on mass surveillance set out
in last year’s Digital Rights
judgment (discussed here) on the validity of the EU’s data retention
Directive. Furthermore, the absence of legal remedies in this regard
compromises the essence of the right to judicial protection set out in the EU
Charter. But the Commission made no findings to this effect.
Secondly, the restriction upon DPAs taking action to prevent
data transfers in the event of an inadequate level of data protection in the
USA (in the context of Safe Harbour) was also invalid. The Commission did not
have the power under the data protection Directive (read in light of the
Charter) to restrict DPA competence in that way. Since these two provisions
were inseparable from the rest of the Safe Harbour decision, the entire
Decision is invalid. The Court did not limit the effect of its ruling.
The Court’s judgment comes to the same conclusion as the
Advocate-General’s opinion, but with subtle differences that I’ll examine as we
go along. On the first issue, the Court’s finding that DPAs must be able to
stop data flows if there is a breach of EU data protection laws in a third
country, despite an adequacy Decision by the Commission, is clearly the correct
result. Otherwise it would be too easy for the standards in the Directive to be
undercut by means of transfers to third countries, which the Commission or
national authorities might be willing to accept as a trade-off for a trade
agreement or some other quid pro quo with
the country concerned.
As for the Court’s discussion of the architecture of the data
protection rules, the idea of the data protection authorities having to go to a
national court if they agree with the complainant that the Commission’s
adequacy decision is legally suspect is rather convoluted, since it’s not clear
who the parties would be: it’s awkward that the Commission itself would
probably not be a party. It’s
unfortunate that the Court did not consider the alternative route of the
national DPA calling on the Commission to amend its decision, and bringing a
‘failure to act’ proceeding directly in the EU courts if it did not do so. In
the medium term, it would be better for the future so-called ‘one-stop shop’
system under the new data protection Regulation (see discussion here) to
address this issue, and provide for a centralised process of challenging the
Commission directly.
It’s interesting that the CJEU finds that there can be a national decision on adequacy of data
flows to third States, since there’s no express reference to this possibility
in the Directive. If such a decision is adopted, or if Member States apply the
various mandatory and optional exceptions from the general external data
protection rules set out in Article 26 of the data protection Directive, much
of the Court’s Schrems ruling would
apply in the same way by analogy. In particular, national DPAs must surely have
the jurisdiction to examine complaints about the validity of such decisions
too. But EU law does not prohibit the DPAs from finding the national decisions
invalid; the interesting question is whether it obliges national law to confer such power upon the DPAs. Arguably
it does, to ensure the effectiveness of the EU rules. Any decisions on these
issues could still be appealed to the national courts, which would have the
option (though not the obligation,
except for final courts) to ask the CJEU to interpret the EU rules.
As for the validity of the Safe Harbour Decision, the Court’s
interpretation of the meaning of ‘adequate’ protection in third States should
probably be sung out loud, to the tune of ‘We are the World’. The global reach
of the EU’s general data protection rules was already strengthened by last
year’s Google Spain judgment
(discussed here); now the Court declares that even the separate regime
for external transfers is very similar to the domestic regime anyway. There
must be almost identical degrees of protection, although the Court does hint
that modest differences are permissible: accepting the idea of self-certification,
and avoiding the issue of whether third States need an independent DPA (the
Advocate-General had argued that they did).
It’s a long way from the judgment in Lindqvist over a decade ago, when the Court anxiously
insisted that the external regime should not be turned into a copy of the
internal rules; now it’s insistent that there should be as little a gap as
possible between them. With respect, the Court’s interpretation is not
convincing, since the word ‘adequate’ suggests something less than ‘essentially equivalent’, and the EU Charter does not bind third States.
But having said that, the American rules on mass surveillance
would violate even a far more generous interpretation of the meaning of the
word ‘adequate’. It’s striking that (unlike the Advocate-General), the Court
does not engage in a detailed interpretation of the grounds for limiting
Charter rights, but rather states that general mass surveillance of the content
of communications affects the ‘essence’ of the right to privacy. That is enough
to find an unjustifiable violation of the Charter.
So where does the judgment leave us in practice? Since the
Court refers frequently to the primary law rules in the Charter, there’s no
real chance to escape what it says by signing new treaties (even the planned
TTIP or TiSA), by adopting new decisions, or by amending the data protection
Directive. In particular, the Safe Harbour decision is invalid, and the
Commission could only replace it with a decision that meets the standards set
out in this judgment. While the Court refers at some points to the inadequacy
or non-existence of the Commission’s findings in the Decision, it’s hard to
believe that a new Decision which purports to claim that the American system
now meets the Court’s standards would be valid if the Commission were not
telling the truth (or if circumstances subsequently changed).
What standards does the US have to meet? The Court reiterates
even more clearly that mass surveillance is inherently a problem, regardless of the safeguards in place to
limit its abuse. Indeed, as noted already, the Court ruled that mass
surveillance of the content of communications breaches the essence of the right
to privacy and so cannot be justified at all. (Surveillance of content which is
targeted on suspected criminal
activities or security threats is clearly justifiable, however). In addition to a ban on mass surveillance,
there must also be detailed safeguards in place. The US might soon be
reluctantly willing to address the latter, but it will be even more unwilling
to address the former.
Are there other routes which could guarantee that external
transfers to the USA take place, at least until the US law is changed? In
principle, yes, since (as noted above) there are derogations from the general
rule that transfers can only take place to countries with an ‘adequate’ level
of data protection. A first set of derogations is mandatory (though Member
States can have exceptions in ‘domestic law governing particular cases’): where
the data subject gives ‘consent unambiguously’; where the transfer is necessary
to perform a contract with (or in the interest of) the data subject, or for
pre-contractual relations; where it’s ‘necessary or legally required on
important public interest grounds’, or related to legal claims; where it’s ‘necessary
to protect the vital interests of the data subject’; or where it’s made from a
public register. A second derogation is optional: a Member State may authorise
transfers where the controller offers sufficient safeguards, possibly in the
form of contractual clauses. The use of the latter derogation can be controlled
by the Commission.
It’s hard to see how the second derogation can be relevant,
in light of the Court’s concerns about the sufficiency of safeguards under the
current law. US access to the data is not necessary in relation to a contract,
to protect the data subject, or related to legal claims. An imaginative lawyer might argue that a
search engine (though not a social network) is a modern form of public
register; but the record of an individual’s use
of a search engine is not.
This leaves us with consent and public interest grounds.
Undoubtedly (as the CJEU accepted) national security interests are legitimate, but
in the context of defining adequacy, they do not justify mass surveillance or
insufficient safeguards. Would the Court’s ruling in Schrems still apply fully to the derogation regarding inadequate
protection? Or would it apply in a modified way, or not at all?
As for consent, the CJEU ruled last year in a very different
context (credibility assessment in LGBT asylum claims) that the rights to
privacy and dignity could not be waived in certain situations (see discussion here).
Is that also true to some extent in the context of data protection? And what
does unambiguous consent mean exactly? Most people believe they are consenting
only to (selected) people seeing what they post on Facebook, and are dimly
aware that Facebook might do something with their data to earn money. They may
be more aware of mass surveillance since the Snowden revelations; some don’t
care, but some (like Max Schrems) would like to use Facebook without such
surveillance. Would people have to consent separately to mass surveillance? In
that case, would Facebook have to be accessible for those who did not want to
sign that separate form? Or could a ‘spy on me’ clause be added at the end of a
long (and unread) consent form? Consent
is a crucial issue also in the context of the purely domestic EU data
protection rules.
The Court’s ruling has addressed some important points, but
leaves an enormous number of issues open. It’s clear that it will take a long
time to clear up the mess left from this particular poorly supervised party.
Barnard and
Peers: chapter 9