Sunday, February 22, 2009

Owl Spotlight, Tabmade

There are a variety of media that get me excited. Mainly it is clay, but since I've graduated I no longer have a studio to work in or a kiln to fire in, and I live too far from the university to keep working there. So until I can get a kiln of my own (which I am saving for through Etsy alone if ya'd like to help me reach my goals *cough* *cough* haha) I'm delving into one of my other loved mediums, fibers! I've crocheted for several years now, but just a few months ago discovered the awesomeness that is needle felting, and not too long before that, began seeing incredibly inspiring jewelry made from either felt, crochet, or other fiber related techniques. Check out some of these great pieces found on flickr!

1. #391, 2. Midsummer Collar flower close up 1000, 3. Chimerical Flowers ... Freeform Crochet Necklace, 4. Untitled, 5. WIP necklace #2a, 6. Felt Owl Necklace, 7. Psych Sixties - A Fiber Art Pendant 02, 8. wool necklace, 9. felt necklace no. 004

Many of those artists have Etsy shops as well so you may want to check out their Flickr profiles for the link!

I've recently purchased my first batch of roving from Copperpot on Etsy. It's this same batch of merino right here and the picture doesn't do justice for how lovely it is. It feels like heaven, I just want to moosh my face in it all day! I got it to do some felting onto one of my chiffon silk scarves which I will be listing as soon as it's finished. It's coming along slowly but surely. But since 4 oz is far more than enough for my scarf, (and at the best price I could find on Etsy!) I am inspired by all that fantastic fiber art jewelry to make a piece of my own. I've used fibers in my pieces before ( I love mixing media) but not as the main component, and I can't wait to get started. When I am finished I'll be posting about it on my blog, Tabmade, so stayed tuned!

Lori "Tab"

Tab can be found and followed in a variety of places. Other than her main shop, Tabmade, she's also recently opened up TheUnderstory, which features some of her gorgeous photography! She also has a blog (click the link above in her article) and can be found on Twitter @Tabmade


linda said...

oooo... that merino's a gogeous colour! can't wait to see what you come up with :) xx

Anonymous said...

Very cool! I've always wanted to try needle felting! I can't wait to see what you make with that awesome roving :)

Hello! said...

Psych Sixties - A Fiber Art Pendant is so different and pretty!

Holly! said...

whoa those are some excellent finds!!!!!


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