Showing posts with label Youtube. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Youtube. Show all posts



    So I was just spending my time browsing on youtube and saw this video from AzielaFionna. Thank you very much for this wonderful slide show of our 2nd Anniversary Celebration!

☆彡Étoile Sisters★彡
MaiRie Étoile & MiaRi Étoile
Étoile Roya


Étoile Royal Grand Red Carpet

    Hello everyone! Thank you very much for supporting our Alice in Wonderland for our 2nd and last Anniversary in Ameba Pico World! For a week, our Anniversary Video hit more than 2,400 views! And we received lots of feed back and support from our supporters. Through it, we would like to know everyone's favorite so we're helding our first and last RED Carpet in Ameba Pico.

Title Categories:

    Let us know your favorites by answering the poll in one week starting today! The people's choice will be announce on the Étoile Graduation Week, so you better not to miss it! Also, Don't forget to share this event to your friends. The more votes the more challenging! We are targeting to get at least 100 votes per category, so please help us!

 ☆彡Étoile Sisters★彡
MaiRie Étoile & MiaRi Étoile
Étoile Royal


New Project

    Hello everyone! Are you all ready for the special announcement I've been talking about? Well, I hope you guys will like this. For the very first time, Étoiles will unite and the current 29 members are going to appear on our upcoming video under PicoArtistGuild:NayuFilms we are going to present to you Alice in Wonderland!

    We will going to give you updates every week as soon as possible with new posters and the other casts. Now, can you guess who will be the role of other Étoiles? Well, you'll find it out next week!!!

☆★Étoile Sisters
MaiRie Étoile & MiaRi Étoile
Nayumi Étoile
Étoile Royal


Adventure Time on YouTube

    Remember our previous post about Adventure time last September 16, 2012? Well, finally Nayu is done with her latest video and it's your chance to watch it now on YouTube! So who will be Fiona's guy??? Watch this....

    Watching her video really motivated me to finish my Call me Maybe video soon. But I'm really not finding a good time :(. Well, hope you like her new vid!

☆★Étoile Sisters
MaiRie Étoile & MiaRi Étoile


You Belong with Me Anniversary

    Thank you very much for supporting You Belong with Me for a year! We are so happy to see that this video became successful even though we just publish it after a quite long story. Supposedly, You Belong with Me is our first video, but then, Mai thought she lost the files so instead of re-making, we just made a new one which is the Just a Dream. After a quite long time, Mai found the files and so she re-make the video and we shoot some of the other parts that we were lacking, edit and publish just not to waste our hardship when we were shooting the video. And I'm glad to see that lots of people like it where I first appear with my brother YaSuo and our former Champion, Doki!. Thank you very much!

☆★Étoile Sisters
MaiRie Étoile & MiaRi Étoile


Kung Fu Pico


    Just,....awesome! Really awesome! Everythingwere so great and smooth. I really fell to Yama when he asked our daddy white to hand out. It quite sound ghay for me though,... you know.. BL. Hahaha! Well anyways... I was all excited and this video totally gave me goose bumps. I love it! I would even break my reply button! So guys, share share share!!!!

☆★Étoile Sisters
MaiRie Étoile & MiaRi Étoile


New Vid Soon!


    This are some sneak peek of our new video! The target release is on 26th of September.  Aren't you feeling excited?! Well ,the current casts are from our family; Miyuki Étoile, Faith Étoile, YaSuo Étoile, BryWIJ Étoile with the sweet couple of our family Rose Étoile and Eric Étoile! We will be having an event to give a chance to everyone to be part of our upcoming video, so don't miss out the chance and stay updated through liking our Facebook Page.

☆★Étoile Sisters
MaiRie Étoile & MiaRi Étoile


É Productions

     Hello everyone! We had just made a new section in our blog for our video collections that our family members had made. Feel free to check out our own videos per section and we hope that everyone would enjoy our works. The videos are not only 70% added, still working for the others to be in the sections, so for now, here our logos.
      MaiRie and MiaRi videos can be found by clicking this logo. You can see our music videos, ameba pico guide inside! Feel free to check out.
    Ayame Productions section. You can find here the Pico Rock Band's video and more of Ayame's works.

    Check here Nayumi's creative movie trailers! Watch them and get amaze on how amazing they are!

    There are still more Étoile videos around and we are still under con collecting them. We will be giving more updates as soon as we have finish collecting the other videos. For now, how this help you watching our videos easier. See yah!

☆★Étoile Sisters
MaiRie Étoile & MiaRi Étoile


Zombie Music Video

     Hello guys! How are you doing? Well, we are finding for "zombies" and "scary picos" around! Chu Étoile is gonna make her first video and we need more casts!

How to Join:
Like her facebook page:
Join the event page:
Pico ID: Chu Étoile

    So don't miss out the chance! We Étoiles will be there too so, see yah!

☆★Étoile Sisters
MaiRie Étoile & MiaRi Étoile


When I Look at You

    After a very long time. Supposedly, this will be release on Nayumi's birthday but I was really busy and end up on moving last Étoile Royale Grand Promenade but sadly, again... I didn't make it so I just announced the video that day and the target video release was yesterday, June 30, 2012. And for the 3rd time, it was delayed because of the trouble I had. So, I just finished the video today. I even thought it'll finish saving within 14 hours and after 10 minutes, when I checked the status, it's only 2 and half hour left! And now, here's the video. Hope you like it :)

Special thanks to Ayame Étoile.

☆★Étoile Sisters
 MaiRie Étoile & MiaRi Étoile


HS Corridor

    I went to the High School corridor to check out some stuffs around the place for the video, When I Look at You. I'm really in hard time and rushing the video since today is the target release of the vid. Sadly, even though I rush, I won't make it on time. So probably tomorrow. And when I came back to see my pico, I was surprised that I'm already in the crowed!

    We took a picture and then back to my work for the video! WAAAHH So yeah, since I can't upload it today, here's the sneak peek.

☆Étoile Sisters
MaiRie Étoile



    Hello everyone! We would like to share a news to you. Our page was reported and disabled today by 0:00/12:00AM. We have received a notice from Facebook that we have done something that is against their rules.

    Obviously, this has something to do of what happened last time from February 29 between us and Ameba Pico Bears. Things were uncontrolled and it made me, MaiRie Étoile got a reason why I uploaded that album. It was all because of circumstances, situation that people are judging us w/o knowing anything. Uploading and making that album was obviously on purpose, not for own but for everyone to know what happened and happening and not to judge only one side.

    Yesterday night, March 5, 2012. Clive apologized sincerely in public in our page and we just let things and drop the situation out and forget. I had talked to him privately, inside Alice in Wonderland clearing that I'm fully fine and everything was enough already. Then today, when I woke up, not just me but also Mia and Bry who were the admins of the page received this notice and obviously our page was reported by someone who's doing it on purpose. Facebook took my action, uploading the proofs to show what happened as an offensive action.

    MxM are not just the page of us were deleted but also the SAC(Stop Ameba Cheat), PAN (Protect Ameba Newbies) and Anti-Hack were deleted as well. Since Bry was an Admin of MXM, his page of Navy Pico 6 were disabled. And just these past few days, I started managing iDomo's Facebook Page and made me an admin and since it's connected to me, the admin of MXM it was disabled too. Basically, 5 of our pages were disabled and probably won't be able to get them back.

    Obviously, someone reported us on purpose about the previous circumstances. Facebook took an action about it and disabled not just MXM but s well of our other pages since they are connected. I feel sad, loosing our memories, pictures. Mad, because that person who reported us only thinking for his/her own selfishness. And I feel pity to that person who made a careless action obviously who's jealous about us and I have a message to that person.

    I feel pity of you. You are such a low type of person, childish doing an careless action. You just only think of yourself. If you are happy now because we got few likes, well, those likes you're really such a low type of person. Remember that it won't change of what and who we are now. Loosing our likes won't change what we have earned. Those are only likes which can be earned again. We still have those supporters who will continuously support and will be there for us. I'm mad at you, making our memories gone with our family, friends and supporters. I know that there will be people will who are mature enough to understand, who will understand why I talk like this now. Yes, I'm mad but I accept what happened today. And I know people will understand how stupid you are acting unprofessional, immature. I know something will happen to you, which is called "Karma".

    So we have created a new page . To all of our readers, blog followers, supporters. Please help us to get back what we have lost. We have been helping, sharing things to people for long so maybe this is the time for us we ask a little help by LIKING and SHARING this on your facebook or blog..Also, please read our Welcome Note.

    Lastly, if we have links connected to our old page on this blog, on our youtube chanel that won't work, please remember that the apge was deleted today. Thank You!

☆★Étoile Sisters
MaiRie Étoile & MiaRi Étoile



     Hello everyone! So you guys enjoying our videos? Well, we would love to share more videos to you and of course! It is made by an Étoile member, so let me introduce her to you...

     Nayumi is one of the new Étoiles who was chosen last Étoile Search 2011 by October-November last year. Nayumi is one of the nominees who got highest votes on the search. By that time, I never knew she make awesome videos and I was a fan of one of her videos, Twilight.



August 2010

September 2011


September 2011

October 2011

     Saw her talents? Well, she's not just talented but also a nice girl! Nayumi is also part of Picozilla Band. So if you want to know more about her, feel free to visit her Blog, Facebook Page and Youtube Channel!


☆Étoile Sisters
MaiRie Étoile



    Hello readers! Finally Skyscraper is out! Skyscraper was delayed for 2 times. First plan release was last January 21, 2012 (Ranzi's Birthday) as a gift. And the second one was last Valentine's Day, February 14, 2012, which is supposed to be a Valentine Special of Étoiles to everyone. But then, there were so many circumstances in real life. Been busy, was sick and more but then, finally it's released and now I'm free.

MiaRi Étoile || Ranzi Étoile

MaiRie Étoile as Mia's sis & Dancer#1 || Maron Étoile as Ranzi's Best Friend
Faith Étoile as Dancer#2 || Yasuo Étoile as Doctor
Rose Étoile as Nurse#1 & Dancer#3 || Yumi Étoile as Nurse#2
Crystal Étoile as DJ || Nicky Étoile as Patient#1
StarryMai as Patient#2 || StarryMia as Patient#

Feel free to visit and enjoy

Pico ID: StarryMai
Room 1

Maron's Place
Pico ID: StarryMai
Room 3
Mia's Room

Pico ID: StarryMai
Room 4

Chloe's House
Champs Élyéese
 NYC Downtown

See Skyscraper snapshots!!!

500+ Followers on Blogger
470+ Youtube Subscribers
4,500+ FB Page Likes

☆★Étoile Sisters
MaiRie Étoile & MiaRi Étoile


Étoile Anniversary Videos

    We were checking out YouTube for some updates and checking out everyone's comment regarding our videos and we have found some videos of our family anniversary! So if you missed it, feel free to watch it  here! Btw, these video was taken by someone who was there in room 3.

É Royal Anniversary Part 1: With Mia!

É Royal Anniversary Part 2: New Étoile Nobles ANNOUNCED!

É Royal Anniversary Part 2: NAYUMI!

É Royal Anniversary Part 4: Dancing Étoile Sisters!!

    There is no background song though, but it's okay! This could be the chance to witness what happened that time! Also, thank you to for taking and uploading the videos on YouTube!

☆Étoile Sisters
MaiRie Étoile & MiaRi Étoile


BTW Behind the Scene

    Hello Everyone! Just after 4 days after the release of BTW (Bortn This Way) on Ayame's Birthday, here's the behind the scene album for you! If you love our new video, I'm sure you'll like this one! So feel free to check and share to your friends!

-Étoile Sisters
MiaRi Étoile


New Tricks

    Last time, my twin, Mia posted about the changing the color of message on board, Well, we got something new again!

    Here's my friend who know's a lot of things behind this game! I usually post him here when he got something new.

     You can change the back ground color of the talk bubbles. The color I've seen are: blue, light blue, blue green, violet, pink, yellow and lavender. I know, it's interesting and most of you wanted to try it, right? Well, I didn't ask him how. Also, If you're using windows or vista, mostly, you can't the word characters specially when it's not alphabet.

      Check out more tricks!

1#Changing Color of Talk Bubbles
2#Changing gender w/o using gummies and opening settings
3#Play casino anywhere!
4#Casino Bet
5#Casino Black Jack special seat 6+

    Well, I hope that we brought something interesting again!! Have a great day!

-Étoile Sisters
MaiRie Étoile


Japanese Bon Dance

     I just found an old video together with my pico friends. I followed and Étoile that time and they invited me to dance too! Watch watch watch! ^w^

    Aren't we cute?! If you are curious about the song, it's "Kachusha-AKB48". It's actually known here in Japan right now. I hope I get more and more and more vids with my friends! Next time, I'll be posting the videos made by friends like videos and interviews with me or Mia. Well for now, See you guys :)

-Étoile Sisters
MaiRie Étoile


Made in Heaven

    Our mom called us to visit Japanese Park 1 because there is something incredible happening! So I went there bringing Mai's account and saw the amazing thing! The sky keep on changing infinite!


    It was so amazing to see and yeah, this is a new cheat. You can do this cheat inside your room ( if you have sky wall) or anywhere in the park as long as the sky wall exist. Well, there was a noob account there, seems like a Japanese guy who's doing it and he keeps on saying "Made in Heaven" and then he poofs. Then I met a cat ( she told me not to say that she's a.... so to hide her nationality.. I called her cat) and let's just hide her on the name "cat" since I forgot to asked her if it is fine if I put in public her name. We talked about the sky changing and of course, she told me what she knew about doing this but she didn't tell me exactly how to do it. Well, anyway, not that interested, I don't mind. So yeah, we kept on talking about things until we became friends. ^^

   Check out the video I took while the miracle is happening!!

-Étoile Sisters
MiaRi Étoile



    Hello everyone! Did we made you interested with our upcoming video? Well, as what we said last time, we are announcing it now for also celebrating 300 Blog Followers! Thank You Everyone!!!♥

    I know that everyone knows Lady Gaga and we decided to make this as our song since October is Mia&Mai's birthday month! We are born this month (in real) and we thought that it should be "Born this way".

    Video will be release on October 20,2011 before the formal day of our birthdays! Since our birth dates have different dates, we decided to make it 20,before our birthday since it is Pico Rock Band's Ayame Étoile's birth day! YES! Triple birthday for October!! <3

     The cast will be some Étoiles and mostly VIPico. Though, we are still thinking of some parts on how we are going to shoot it the scenes. For now, we still don't have scenes with others but currently, the video is already in 1 minute and 28 seconds. and still imagining for the other scenes We are already planning for our next shooting but we are still waiting for someone so, we will just announce when we are going to shoot with VIPicos.

    So we hope that you'll going to support us for our Birthday Special Video! And now, here's the trailer.

-Étoile Sisters
MaiRie Étoile X MiaRi Étoile